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10,000 dreams interpreted-第38节

小说: 10,000 dreams interpreted 字数: 每页4000字

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To dream of being out of work; denotes that you will have no fear;

as you are always sought out for your conscientious fulfilment of contracts;

which make you a desired help。

Giving employment to others; indicates loss for yourself。

All dreams of this nature may be interpreted as the above。


To dream of an empress; denotes that you will be exalted to high honors;

but you will let pride make you very unpopular。

To dream of an empress and an emperor is not particularly bad;

but brings one no substantial good。


To dream of being under the spell of enchantment; denotes that if you

are not careful you will be exposed to some evil in the form of pleasure。

The young should heed the benevolent advice of their elders。

To resist enchantment; foretells that you will be much sought

after for your wise counsels and your liberality。

To dream of trying to enchant others; portends that you will fall into evil。


To dream of seeing or searching through encyclopedias; portends that you

will secure literary ability to the losing of prosperity and comfort。


To dream that you overcome enemies; denotes that you will surmount

all difficulties in business; and enjoy the greatest prosperity。

If you are defamed by your enemies; it denotes that you will be threatened

with failures in your work。  You will be wise to use the utmost caution

in proceeding in affairs of any moment。

To overcome your enemies in any form; signifies your gain。

For them to get the better of you is ominous of adverse fortunes。

This dream may be literal。


To dream of a business engagement; denotes dulness and worries in trade。

For young people to dream that they are engaged; denotes that they

will not be much admired。

To dream of breaking an engagement; denotes a hasty; and an unwise action

in some important matter or disappointments may follow。


To dream of an engine; denotes you will encounter grave difficulties

and journeys; but you will have substantial friends to uphold you。

Disabled engines stand for misfortune and loss of relatives。


To see an engineer; forebodes weary journeys but joyful reunions。


To dream; if you are a foreigner; of meeting English people;

denotes that you will have to suffer through the selfish

designs of others。


To dream of an entertainment where there is music and dancing; you will

have pleasant tidings of the absent; and enjoy health and prosperity。

To the young; this is a dream of many and varied pleasures and the high

regard of friends。


To dream of the human entrails; denotes horrible misery and despair;

shutting out all hope of happiness。

To dream of the entrails of a wild beast; signifies the overthrow

of your mortal enemy。

To tear the entrails of another; signifies cruel persecutions

to further your own interests。

To dream of your own entrails; the deepest despair will overwhelm you。

To dream of the entrails of your own child; denotes that the child's;

or your own; dissolution is at hand。

'63' See Intestines。


Envelopes seen in a dream; omens news of a sorrowful cast。


To dream that you entertain envy for others; denotes that you will make

warm friends by your unselfish deference to the wishes of others。

If you dream of being envied by others; it denotes that you will suffer

some inconvenience from friends overanxious to please you。


For a man to dream of wearing epaulets; if he is a soldier;

denotes his disfavor for a time; but he will finally wear honors。

For a woman to dream that she is introduced to a person

wearing epaulets; denotes that she will form unwise attachments;

very likely to result in scandal。


To dream of sitting at the table with an epicure; denotes that you

will enjoy some fine distinction; but you will be surrounded by people

of selfish principles。

To dream that you an epicure yourself; you will cultivate your mind;

body and taste to the highest polish。

For a woman to dream of trying to satisfy an epicure; signifies that she

will have a distinguished husband; but to her he will be a tyrant。


To dream of an epidemic; signifies prostration of mental faculties and worry

from distasteful tasks。  Contagion among relatives or friends is foretold

by dreams of this nature。


To dream that you wear this beautiful and costly raiment; denotes exaltation;

lofty character and wealth forming a barrier to want and misery。

To see others thus clothed; you will be associated with wealthy people;

polished in literature and art。

For a lover to see his sweetheart clothed in ermine;

is an omen of purity and faithfulness。  If the ermine is soiled;

the reverse is indicated。


To go on errands in your dreams; means congenial associations

and mutual agreement in the home circle。  For a young woman

to send some person on an errand; denotes she will lose her lover

by her indifference to meet his wishes。


To dream of escape from injury or accidents; is usually favorable。

If you escape from some place of confinement; it signifies your rise

in the world from close application to business。

To escape from any contagion; denotes your good health and prosperity。

If you try to escape and fail; you will suffer from the design of enemies;

who will slander and defraud you。


To dream that you come into the ownership of a vast estate;

denotes that you will receive a legacy at some distant day; but quite

different to your expectations。  For a young woman; this dream

portends that her inheritance will be of a disappointing nature。

She will have to live quite frugally; as her inheritance will be

a poor man and a house full of children。


To dream of traveling in Europe; foretells that you will soon

go on a long journey; which will avail you in the knowledge

you gain of the manners and customs of foreign people。

You will also be enabled to forward your financial standing。

For a young woman to feel that she is disappointed with the sights

of Europe; omens her inability to appreciate chances for her elevation。

She will be likely to disappoint her friends or lover。


To dream of this ancient character; denotes your hesitancy to accept this

ancient story as authentic; and you may encounter opposition in business

and social circles because of this doubt。

For a young woman to dream that she impersonates Eve; warns her

to be careful。  She may be wiser than her ancient relative;

but the Evil One still has powerful agents in the disguise

of a handsome man。  Keep your eye on innocent Eve; young man。

That apple tree still bears fruit; and you may be persuaded;

unwittingly; to share the wealth of its products。


To dream that evening is about you; denotes unrealized hopes;

and you will make unfortunate ventures。

To see stars shining out clear; denotes present distress;

but brighter fortune is behind your trouble。

For lovers to walk in the evening; denotes separation by the death of one。


This dream denotes boundless resources of wealth; happiness and learning。

It is a free presentiment of prosperity to all classes。


Exchange; denotes profitable dealings in all classes of business。

For a young woman to dream that she is exchanging sweethearts with

her friend; indicates that she will do well to heed this as advice;

as she would be happier with another。


To dream of seeing an execution; signifies that you will suffer

some misfortune from the carelessness of others。

To dream that you are about to be executed; and some miraculous

intervention occurs; denotes that you will overthrow enemies

and succeed in gaining wealth。


For a woman to dream that she is exiled; denotes that she will have to make

a journey which will interfere with some engagement or pleasure。

'64' See Banishment。


To dream of explosions; portends that disapproving actions

of those connected with you will cause you transient displeasure

and loss; and that business will also displease you。

To think your face; or the face of others; is blackened or mutilated;

signifies you will be accused of indiscretion which will be unjust;

though circumstances may convict you。

To see the air filled with smoke and de'bris; denotes unusual dissatisfaction

in business circles and much social antagonism。

To think you are enveloped in the flames; or are up in the air

where you have been blown by an explosion; foretells that unworthy

friends will

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