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10,000 dreams interpreted-第33节

小说: 10,000 dreams interpreted 字数: 每页4000字

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foretells that you will be worthy; but that few will recognize your ability。


To dream of seeing or signing deeds; portends a law suit;

to gain which you should be careful in selecting your counsel;

as you are likely to be the loser。  To dream of signing any kind

of a paper; is a bad omen for the dreamer。

'55' See Mortgage。


This is a favorable dream; denoting pure and deep friendships

for the young and a quiet and even life for the married。

To kill a deer; denotes that you will be hounded by enemies。

For farmers; or business people; to dream of hunting deer;

denotes failure in their respective pursuits。


To be delayed in a dream; warns you of the scheming of enemies

to prevent your progress。


To dream of experiencing delight over any event; signifies a favorable turn

in affairs。  For lovers to be delighted with the conduct of their sweethearts;

denotes pleasant greetings。

To feel delight when looking on beautiful landscapes; prognosticates to

the dreamer very great success and congenial associations。


To dream that a demand for charity comes in upon you;

denotes that you will be placed in embarrassing situations;

but by your persistency you will fully restore your good standing。

If the demand is unjust; you will become a leader in your profession。

For a lover to command you adversely; implies his; or her; leniency。


To dream of a dentist working on your teeth; denotes that you

will have occasion to doubt the sincerity and honor of some person

with whom you have dealings。

To see him at work on a young woman's teeth; denotes that you

will soon be shocked by a scandal in circles near you。


Derricks seen in a dream; indicate strife and obstruction in your

way to success。


To dream of wandering through a gloomy and barren desert; denotes famine

and uprisal of races and great loss of life and property。

For a young woman to find herself alone in a desert; her health

and reputation is being jeopardized by her indiscretion。

She should be more cautious。


To be using a desk in a dream; denotes unforeseen ill luck

will rise before you。  To see money on your desk; brings you

unexpected extrication from private difficulties。


To be in despair in dreams; denotes that you will have many and cruel

vexations in the working world。

To see others in despair; foretells the distress and unhappy position

of some relative or friend。


To dream of a detective keeping in your wake when you are innocent

of charges preferred; denotes that fortune and honor are drawing nearer

to you each day; but if you feel yourself guilty; you are likely

to find your reputation at stake; and friends will turn from you。

For a young woman; this is not a fortunate dream。


For a farmer to dream of showing his devotion to God; or to

his family; denotes plenteous crops and peaceful neighbors。

To business people; this is a warning that nothing is to be

gained by deceit。

For a young woman to dream of being devout; implies her chastity

and an adoring husband。


For farmers to dream of the devil; denotes blasted crops and death

among stock; also family sickness。  Sporting people should heed

this dream as a warning to be careful of their affairs; as they are

likely to venture beyond the laws of their State。  For a preacher;

this dream is undeniable proof that he is over…zealous; and should

forebear worshiping God by tongue…lashing his neighbor。

To dream of the devil as being a large; imposingly dressed person;

wearing many sparkling jewels on his body and hands; trying to

persuade you to enter his abode; warns you that unscrupulous

persons are seeking your ruin by the most ingenious flattery。

Young and innocent women; should seek the stronghold of friends after

this dream; and avoid strange attentions; especially from married men。

Women of low character; are likely to be robbed of jewels and money

by seeming strangers。

Beware of associating with the devil; even in dreams。  He is always

the forerunner of despair。  If you dream of being pursued by his majesty;

you will fall into snares set for you by enemies in the guise of friends。

To a lover; this denotes that he will be won away from his allegiance

by a wanton。


To feel the dew falling on you in your dreams; portends that

you will be attacked by fever or some malignant disease;

but to see the dew sparkling through the grass in the sunlight;

great honors and wealth are about to be heaped upon you。

If you are single; a wealthy marriage will soon be your portion。


To dream of a diadem; denotes that some honor will be tendered

you for acceptance。


To dream of owning diamonds is a very propitious dream;

signifying great honor and recognition from high places。

For a young woman to dream of her lover presenting her with diamonds;

foreshows that she will make a great and honorable marriage; which will fill

her people with honest pride; but to lose diamonds; and not find them again;

is the most unlucky of dreams; foretelling disgrace; want and death。

For a sporting woman to dream of diamonds; foretells for

her many prosperous days and magnificent presents。

For a speculator; it denotes prosperous transactions。

To dream of owning diamonds; portends the same for sporting

men or women。

Diamonds are omens of good luck; unless stolen from the bodies

of dead persons; when they foretell that your own unfaithfulness

will be discovered by your friends。


To dream of dice; is indicative of unfortunate speculations; and consequent

misery and despair。  It also foretells contagious sickness。

For a girl to dream that she sees her lover throwing dice;

indicates his unworthiness。


To dream that you are referring to a dictionary; signifies you

will depend too much upon the opinion and suggestions of others

for the clear management of your own affairs; which could be done

with proper dispatch if your own will was given play。


This dream signifies temporary embarrassment for business men of all classes;

including soldiers and writers。  But to extricate yourself from difficulties;

foretells your prosperity。

For a woman to dream of being in difficulties; denotes that she is threatened

with ill health or enemies。  For lovers; this is a dream of contrariety;

denoting pleasant courtship。


To dream of digging; denotes that you will never be in want;

but life will be an uphill affair。

To dig a hole and find any glittering substance; denotes a favorable turn

in fortune; but to dig and open up a vast area of hollow mist; you will be

harrassed with real misfortunes and be filled with gloomy forebodings。

Water filling the hole that you dig; denotes that in spite of your most

strenuous efforts things will not bend to your will。


To dream that you eat your dinner alone; denotes that you will often

have cause to think seriously of the necessaries of life。

For a young woman to dream of taking dinner with her lover;

is indicative of a lovers' quarrel or a rupture; unless the affair

is one of harmonious pleasure; when the reverse may be expected。

To be one of many invited guests at a dinner; denotes that you

will enjoy the hospitalities of those who are able to extend

to you many pleasant courtesies。


To dream of seeing freshly stirred dirt around flowers or trees;

denotes thrift and healthful conditions abound for the dreamer。

To see your clothes soiled with unclean dirt; you will be forced

to save yourself from contagious diseases by leaving your home

or submitting to the strictures of the law。

To dream that some one throws dirt upon you; denotes that enemies

will try to injure your character。


To dream of being in any disaster from public conveyance;

you are in danger of losing property or of being maimed from

some malarious disease。

For a young woman to dream of a disaster in which she is a participant;

foretells that she will mourn the loss of her lover by death or desertion。

To dream of a disaster at sea; denotes unhappiness to sailors

and loss of their gains。  To others; it signifies loss by death;

but if you dream that you are rescued; you will be placed

in trying situations; but will come out unscathed。

To dream of a railway wreck in which you are not a participant;

you will eventually be interested in some accident because of

some relative or friend being hurt; or you will have trouble

of a business character。


To dream that you are diseased; denotes a slight attack of illness;

or of 

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