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10,000 dreams interpreted-第27节

小说: 10,000 dreams interpreted 字数: 每页4000字

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To lose your coat; you will have to rebuild your fortune lost

through being over…confident in speculations。

'40' See Apparel and Clothes。


To dream of seeing your coat…of…arms; is a dream of ill luck。

You will never possess a title。


To dream of cocoa; denotes you will cultivate distasteful friends

for your own advancement and pleasure。


Cocoanuts in dreams; warns you of fatalities in your expectations;

as sly enemies are encroaching upon your rights in the guise of

ardent friends。  Dead cocoanut trees are a sign of loss and sorrow。

The death of some one near you may follow。


To dream of hearing a cock crowing in the morning; is significant of good。

If you be single; it denotes an early marriage and a luxurious home。

To hear one at night is despair; and cause for tears you will have。

To dream of seeing cocks fight; you will leave your family

because of quarrels and infidelity。  This dream usually

announces some unexpected and sorrowful events。  The cock

warned the Apostle Peter when he was about to perjure himself。

It may also warn you in a dream when the meshes of the world

are swaying you from ‘‘the straight line'' of spiritual wisdom。


This dream denotes that foes will bring disastrous suits against you。

Beware of titles。


To drink a cocktail while dreaming; denotes that you will deceive your

friends as to your inclinations and enjoy the companionship of fast

men and women while posing as a serious student and staid home lover。

For a woman; this dream portends fast living and an ignoring of moral

and set rules。


For a woman to dream that she is drinking coca…cola signifies

that she will lose health and a chance for marrying a wealthy

man by her abandonment to material delights。


This dream is unlucky。  You will; if you are a farmer; see your

crops blasted and your cattle lean and unhealthy。  To business men

it means debts whose accumulation they are powerless to avoid。

To the young it denotes unhappy unions and death of loved ones。

To see your own coffin in a dream; business defeat and domestic

sorrow may be expected。

To dream of a coffin moving of itself; denotes sickness and

marriage in close conjunction。  Sorrow and pleasure intermingled。

Death may follow this dream; but there will also be good。

To see your corpse in a coffin; signifies brave efforts will be crushed

in defeat and ignominy;

To dream that you find yourself sitting on a coffin in a moving hearse;

denotes desperate if not fatal illness for you or some person closely

allied to you。

Quarrels with the opposite sex is also indicated。

You will remorsefully consider your conduct toward a friend。


To dream of drinking coffee; denotes the disapproval of friends toward

your marriage intentions。  If married; disagreements and frequent

quarrels are implied。

To dream of dealing in coffee; portends business failures。

If selling; sure loss。  Buying it; you may with ease

retain your credit。

For a young woman to see or handle coffee she will be made a by…word if she

is not discreet in her actions。

To dream of roasting coffee; for a young woman it denotes escape

from evil by luckily marrying a stranger。

To see ground coffee; foretells successful struggles with adversity。

Parched coffee; warns you of the evil attentions of strangers。

Green coffee; denotes you have bold enemies who will show you no quarter;

but will fight for your overthrow。

_Coffee Mill_。

To see a coffee mill in your dreams; denotes you are approaching

a critical danger; and all your energy and alertness will have

to stand up with obduracy to avert its disastrous consequences。

To hear it grinding; signifies you will hardly overthrow some evil

pitted against your interest。

_Coffee House_。

To see or visit a coffee house in your dreams; foretells that you will

unwisely entertain friendly relations with persons known to be your enemies。

Designing women may intrigue against your morality and possessions。


To dream of gold; denotes great prosperity and much pleasure

derived from sight…seeing and ocean voyages。

Silver coin is unlucky to dream about。  Dissensions will arise

in the most orderly families。

For a maiden to dream that her lover gives her a silver coin;

signifies she will be jilted by him。

Copper coins; denotes despair and physical burdens。  Nickel coins;

imply that work of the lowest nature will devolve upon you。

If silver coins are your ideal of money; and they are bright and clean;

or seen distinctly in your possession; the dream will be a propitious one。


To dream of coke; denotes affliction and discord will enter

your near future。

_Coke Oven_。

To see coke ovens burning; foretells some unexpected good fortune

will result from failure in some enterprise。


To dream of suffering from cold; you are warned to look well to your affairs。

There are enemies at work to destroy you。  Your health is also menaced。


To dream of seeing or being commanded by a colonel; denotes you will fail

to reach any prominence in social or business circles。

If you are a colonel; it denotes you will contrive to hold position

above those of friends or acquaintances。


To dream of wearing a collar; you will have high honors thrust upon you

that you will hardly be worthy of。  For a woman to dream of collars;

she will have many admirers; but no sincere ones; She will be likely

to remain single for a long while。


To dream of a college; denotes you are soon to advance to a position

long sought after。  To dream that you are back in college; foretells you

will receive distinction through some well favored work。

_Colliery or Coal…Mine_。

To dream of being in a coal…mine or colliery and seeing miners;

denotes that some evil will assert its power for your downfall;

but if you dream of holding a share in a coal…mine; it denotes

your safe investment in some deal。

For a young woman to dream of mining coal; foreshows she will become

the wife of a real…estate dealer or dentist。


To dream of a collision; you will meet with an accident of a serious type

and disappointments in business。

For a young woman to see a collision; denotes she will be unable

to decide between lovers; and will be the cause of wrangles。


To dream of engaging in combat; you will find yourself

seeking to ingratiate your affections into the life and love

of some one whom you know to be another's; and you will run

great risks of losing your good reputation in business。

It denotes struggles to keep on firm ground。

For a young woman to dream of seeing combatants; signifies that she

will have choice between lovers; both of whom love her and would face

death for her。


To dream of combing one's hair; denotes the illness or death of a friend

or relative。  Decay of friendship and loss of property is also indicated

by this dream{。}

'41' See Hair。


To dream of being at a light play; denotes that foolish and short…lived

pleasures will be indulged in by the dreamer。

To dream of seeing a comedy; is significant of light pleasures

and pleasant tasks。


To dream of this heavenly awe…inspiring object sailing through

the skies; you will have trials of an unexpected nature to beset you;

but by bravely combating these foes you will rise above the mediocre

in life to heights of fame。

For a young person; this dream portends bereavement and sorrow。

_Comic Songs_。

To hear comic songs in dreams; foretells you will disregard opportunity

to advance your affairs and enjoy the companionship of the pleasure loving。

To sing one; proves you will enjoy much pleasure for a time; but difficulties

will overtake you。


To dream of being commanded; denotes that you will be humbled in some way

by your associates for scorn shown your superiors。

To dream of giving a command; you will have some honor conferred upon you。

If this is done in a tyrannical or boastful way disappointments will follow。


To dream of receiving commands; foretells you will be unwisely

influenced by persons of stronger will than your own。

To read or hear the Ten Commandments read; denotes you

will fall into errors from which you will hardly escape;

even with the counsels of friends of wise and unerring judgment。


To dream that you are engaged in commerce; denotes you

will handle your opportunities wisely and advantageously。

To dream of failures and gloomy outlooks in commercial circles;

denotes trouble an

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