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roads of destiny-第34节

小说: roads of destiny 字数: 每页4000字

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〃'Yes;' says me and Maxy together; 'we knew it。 We were talking about it when you came in。 And you can bet your bottom concession that there'll be fuss and feathers in the air to…morrow。 We are few in numbers; but the welkin may as well reach out to push the button; for it's got to ring。'

〃'I; too; shall assist;' says the General; thumping his collar…bone。 'I; too; am on the side of Liberty。 Noble Americans; we will make the day one to be never forgotten。'

〃'For us American whisky;' says Jones'none of your Scotch smoke or anisada or Three Star Hennessey to…morrow。 We'll borrow the consul's flag; old man Billfinger shall make orations; and we'll have a barbecue on the plaza。'

〃'Fireworks;' says I; 'will be scarce; but we'll have all the cartridges in the shops for our guns。 I've got two navy sixes I brought from Denver。'

〃'There is one cannon;' said the General; 'one big cannon that will go 〃BOOM!〃 And three hundred men with rifles to shoot。'

〃'Oh; say!' says Jones; 'Generalissimo; you're the real silk elastic。 We'll make it a joint international celebration。 Please; General; get a white horse and a blue sash and be grand marshal。'

〃'With my sword;' says the General; rolling his eyes。 'I shall ride at the head of the brave men who gather in the name of Liberty。'

〃'And you might;' we suggest 'see the commandante and advise him that we are going to prize things up a bit。 We Americans; you know; are accustomed to using municipal regulations for gun wadding when we line up to help the eagle scream。 He might suspend the rules for one day。 We don't want to get in the calaboose for spanking his soldiers if they get in our way; do you see?'

〃'Hist!' says General Mary。 'The commandant is with us; heart and soul。 He will aid us。 He is one of us。'

〃We made all the arrangements that afternoon。 There was a buck coon from Georgia in Salvador who had drifted down there from a busted…up coloured colony that had been started on some possumless land in Mexico。 As soon as he heard us say 'barbecue' he wept for joy and groveled on the ground。 He dug his trench on the plaza; and got half a beef on the coals for an all…night roast。 Me and Maxy went to see the rest of the Americans in the town and they all sizzled like a seidlitz with joy at the idea of solemnizing an old…time Fourth。

〃There were six of us all togetherMartin Dillard; a coffee planter; Henry Barnes; a railroad man; old man Billfinger; an educated tintype taker; me and Jonesy; and Jerry; the boss of the barbecue。 There was also an Englishman in town named Sterrett; who was there to write a book on Domestic Architecture of the Insect World。 We felt some bashfulness about inviting a Britisher to help crow over his own country; but we decided to risk it; out of our personal regard for him。

〃We found Sterrett in pajamas working at his manuscript with a bottle of brandy for a paper weight。

〃'Englishman;' says Jones; 'let us interrupt your disquisition on bug houses for a moment。 To…morrow is the Fourth of July。 We don't want to hurt your feelings; but we're going to commemorate the day when we licked you by a little refined debauchery and nonsensesomething that can be heard above five miles off。 If you are broad…gauged enough to taste whisky at your own wake; we'd be pleased to have you join us。'

〃'Do you know;' says Sterrett; setting his glasses on his nose; 'I like your cheek in asking me if I'll join you; blast me if I don't。 You might have known I would; without asking。 Not as a traitor to my own country; but for the intrinsic joy of a blooming row。'

〃On the morning of the Fourth I woke up in that old shanty of an ice factory feeling sore。 I looked around at the wreck of all I possessed; and my heart was full of bile。 From where I lay on my cot I could look through the window and see the consul's old ragged Stars and Stripes hanging over his shack。 'You're all kinds of a fool; Billy Casparis;' I said to myself; 'and of all your crimes against sense it does look like this idea of celebrating the Fourth should receive the award of demerit。 Your business is busted up; your thousand dollars is gone into the kitty of this corrupt country on that last bluff you made; you've got just fifteen Chili dollars left; worth forty…six cents each at bedtime last night and steadily going down。 To…day you'll blow in your last cent hurrahing for that flag; and to…morrow you'll be living on bananas from the stalk and screwing your drinks out of your friends。 What's the flag done for you? While you were under it you worked for what you got。 You wore your finger nails down skinning suckers; and salting mines; and driving bears and alligators off your town lot additions。 How much does patriotism count for on deposit with the little man with the green eye…shade in the savings…bank adds up your book? Suppose you were to get pinched over here in this irreligious country for some little crime or other; and appealed to your country for protectionwhat would it do for you? Turn your appeal over to a committee of one railroad man; an army officer; a member of each labour union; and a coloured man to investigate whether any of your ancestors were ever related to a cousin of Mark Hanna; and then file the papers in the Smithsonian Institution until after the next election。 That's the kind of a sidetrack the Stars and Stripes would switch you onto。'

〃You can see that I was feeling like an indigo plant; but after I washed my face in some cool water; and got out my navys and ammunition; and started up to the Saloon of the Immaculate Saints where we were to meet; I felt better。 And when I saw those other American boys come swaggering into the trysting placecool; easy; conspicuous fellows; ready to risk any kind of a one…card draw; or to fight grizzlies; fire; or extradition; I began to feel glad I was one of 'em。 So; I says to myself again: 'Billy; you've got fifteen dollars and a country left this morningblow in the dollars and blow up the town as an American gentleman should on Independence Day。'

〃It is my recollection that we began the day along conventional lines。 The six of usfor Sterrett was alongmade progress among the cantinas; divesting the bars as we went of all strong drink bearing American labels。 We kept informing the atmosphere as to the glory and preeminence of the United States and its ability to subdue; outjump; and eradicate the other nations of the earth。 And; as the findings of American labels grew more plentiful; we became more contaminated with patriotism。 Maximilian Jones hopes that our late foe; Mr。 Sterrett; will not take offense at our enthusiasm。 He sets down his bottle and shakes Sterrett's hand。 'As white man to white man;' says he; 'denude our uproar of the slightest taint of personality。 Excuse us for Bunker Hill; Patrick Henry; and Waldorf Astor; and such grievances as might lie between us as nations。'

〃'Fellow hoodlums;' says Sterrett; 'on behalf of the Queen I ask you to cheese it。 It is an honour to be a guest at disturbing the peace under the American flag。 Let us chant the passionate strains of 〃Yankee Doodle〃 while the senor behind the bar mitigates the occasion with another round of cochineal and aqua fortis。'

〃Old Man Billfinger; being charged with a kind of rhetoric; makes speeches every time we stop。 We explained to such citizens as we happened to step on that we were celebrating the dawn of our own private brand of liberty; and to please enter such inhumanities as we might commit on the list of unavoidable casualties。

〃About eleven o'clock our bulletins read: 'A considerable rise in temperature; accompanied by thirst and other alarming symptoms。' We hooked arms and stretched our line across the narrow streets; all of us armed with Winchesters and navys for purposes of noise and without malice。 We stopped on a street corner and fired a dozen or so rounds; and began a serial assortment of United States whoops and yells; probably the first ever heard in that town。

〃When we made that noise things began to liven up。 We heard a pattering up a side street; and here came General Mary Esperanza Dingo on a white horse with a couple of hundred brown boys following him in red undershirts and bare feet; dragging guns ten feet long。 Jones and me had forgot all about General Mary and his promise to help us celebrate。 We fired another salute and gave another yell; while the General shook hands with us and waved his sword。

〃'Oh; General;' shouts Jones; 'this is great。 This will be a real pleasure to the eagle。 Get down and have a drink。'

〃'Drink?' says the general。 'No。 There is no time to drink。 /Vive la Libertad/!'

〃'Don't forget /E Pluribus Unum/!' says Henry Barnes。

〃'/Viva/ it good and strong;' says I。 'Likewise; /viva/ George Washington。 God save the Union; and;' I says; bowing to Sterrett; 'don't discard the Queen。'

〃'Thanks;' says Sterrett。 'The next round's mine。 All in to the bar。 Army; too。'

〃But we were deprived of Sterrett's treat by a lot of gunshots several square sway; which General Dingo seemed to think he ought to look after。 He spurred his old white plug up that way; and the soldiers scuttled along after him。

〃'Mary is a real tropical bird;' says Jones。 'He's turned out the infantry to help us to honour to the

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