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lavender and old lace-第21节

小说: lavender and old lace 字数: 每页4000字

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〃No; guess again。〃


〃Who'd think you were so stupid;〃 he said; putting two fingers into his waistcoat pocket。

〃Ohh!〃 gasped Ruth; in delight。

〃You funny girl; didn't you expect an engagement ring? Let's see if it fits。〃

He slipped the gleaming diamond on her finger and it fitted exactly。 〃How did you guess?〃 she asked; after a little。

〃It wasn't wholly guess work; dearest。〃 From another pocket; he drew a glove; of grey suede; that belonged to Ruth's left hand。

〃Where did you get that?〃

〃By the log across the path; that first day; when you were so cross to me。〃

〃I wasn't cross!〃

〃Yes you wereyou were a little fiend。〃

〃Will you forgive me?〃 she pleaded; lifting her face to his。

〃Rather!〃 He forgave her half a dozen times before she got away from him。 〃Now let's talk sense;〃 she said。

〃We can'tI never expect to talk sense again。〃

〃Pretty compliment; isn't it?〃 she asked。 〃It's like your telling me I was brilliant and then saying I wasn't at all like myself。〃 〃Won't you forgive me?〃 he inquired significantly。

〃Some other time;〃 she said; flushing; 〃now what are we going to do?〃

〃Well;〃 he began; 〃I saw the oculist; and he says that my eyes are almost well again; but that I mustn't use them for two weeks longer。 Then; I can read or write for two hours every day; increasing gradually as long as they don't hurt。 By the first of October; he thinks I'll be ready for work again。 Carlton wants me to report on the morning of the fifth; and he offers me a better salary than I had on The Herald。〃

〃That's good!〃

〃We'll have to have a flat in the city; or a little house in the country; near enough for me to get to the offce。〃

〃For us to get to the office;〃 supplemented Ruth。

〃What do you think you're going to do; Miss Thorne?〃

〃WhyI'm going to keep right on with the paper;〃 she answered in surprise。

〃No you're not; darling;〃 he said; putting his arm around her。 〃Do you suppose I'm going to have Carlton or any other man giving my wife an assignment? You can't any way; because I've resigned your position for you; and your place is already filled。 Carlton sent his congratulations and said his loss was my gain; or something like that。 He takes all the credit to himself。〃

〃Whywhyyou wretch!〃

〃I'm not a wretchyou said yourself I was nice。 Look here; Ruth;〃 he went on; in a different tone; 〃what do you think I am? Do you think for a minute that I'd marry you if I couldn't take care of you?〃

〃'T isn't that;〃 she replied; freeing herself from his encircling arm; 〃but I like my work and I don't want to give it up。 Besides besidesI thought you'd like to have me near you。〃

〃I do want you near me; sweetheart; that isn't the point。 You have the same right that I have to any work that is your natural expression; but; in spite of the advanced age in which we live; I can't help believing that home is the place for a woman。 I may be old…fashioned; but I don't want my wife working down townI've got too much pride for that。 You have your typewriter; and you can turn out Sunday specials by the yard; if you want to。 Besides; there are all the returned manuscriptsif you have the time and aren't hurried; there's no reason why you shouldn't do work that they can't afford to refuse。〃

Ruth was silent; and he laid his hand upon hers。 〃You understand me; don't you; dear? God knows I'm not asking you to let your soul rust out in idleness; and I wouldn't have you crave expression that was denied you; but I don't want you to have to work when you don't feel like it; nor be at anybody's beck and call。 I know you did good work on the paperCarlton spoke of it; toobut others can do it as well。 I want you to do something that is so thoroughly you that no one else can do it。 It's a hard life; Ruth; you know that as well as I do; and II love you。〃

His last argument was convincing。 〃I won't do anything you don't want me to do; dear;〃 she said; with a new humility。

〃I want you to be happy; dearest;〃 he answered; quickly。 〃Just try my way for a yearthat's all I ask。 I know your independence is sweet to you; but the privilege of working for you with hand and brain; with your love in my heart; with you at home; to be proud of me when I succeed and to give me new courage when I fail; why; it's the sweetest thing I've ever known。〃

〃I'll have to go back to town very soon; though;〃 she said; a little later; 〃I am interrupting the honeymoon。〃

〃We'll have one of our own very soon that you can't interrupt; and; when you go back; I'm going with you。 We'll buy things for the house。〃

〃We need lots of things; don't we?〃 she asked。

〃I expect we do; darling; but I haven't the least idea what they are。 You'll have to tell me。〃

〃Oriental rugs; for one thing;〃 she said; 〃and a mahogany piano; and an instrument to play it with; because I haven't any parlour tricks; and some good pictures; and a waffle iron and a porcelain rolling pin。〃

〃What do you know about rolling pins and waffle irons?〃 he asked fondly。

〃My dear boy;〃 she replied; patronisingly;  〃you forget that in the days when I was a free and independent woman; I was on a newspaper。 I know lots of things that are utterly strange to you; because; in all probability; you never ran a woman's department。 If you want soup; you must boil meat slowly; and if you want meat; you must boil it rapidly; and if dough sticks to a broom straw when you jab it into a cake; it isn't done。〃

He laughed joyously。 〃How about the porcelain rolling pin?〃

〃It's germ proof;〃 she rejoined; soberly。

〃Are we going to keep house on the antiseptic plan?〃

〃We areit's better than the installment plan; isn't it? Oh; Carl!〃 she exclaimed; 〃I've had the brightest idea!〃

〃Spring it!〃 he demanded。

〃Why; Aunt Jane's attic is full of old furniture; and I believe she'll give it to us!〃

His face fell。 〃How charming;〃 he said; without emotion。

〃Oh; you stupid;〃 she laughed; 〃it's colonial mahogany; every stick of it! It only needs to be done over!〃

〃Ruth; you're a genius。〃

〃Wait till I get it; before you praise me。 Just stay here a minute and I'll run up to see what frame of mind she's in。〃

When she entered the kitchen; the bride was busily engaged in getting supper。 Uncle James; with a blue gingham apron tied under his arms; was awkwardly peeling potatoes。 〃Oh; how good that smells!〃 exclaimed Ruth; as a spicy sheet of gingerbread was taken out of the oven。

Aunt Jane looked at her kindly; with gratified pride beaming from every feature。 〃I wish you'd teach me to cook; Aunty;〃 she continued; following up her advantage; 〃you know I'm going to marry Mr。 Winfield。〃

〃Why; yes; I'll teach youwhere is he?〃

〃He's outsideI just came in to speak to you a minute。〃

〃You can ask him to supper if you want to。〃

〃Thank you; Aunty; that's lovely of you。 I know he'll like to stay。〃

〃James;〃 said Mrs。 Ball; 〃you're peelin' them pertaters with thick peelins'and you'll land in the poorhouse。 I've never knowed it to fail。〃

〃I wanted to ask you something; Aunty;〃 Ruth went on quickly; though feeling that the moment was not auspicious; 〃you know all that old furniture up in the attic?〃

〃Well; what of it?〃

〃Whywhyyou aren't using it; you know; and I thought perhaps you'd be willing to give it to us; so that we can go to housekeeping as soon as we're married。〃

〃It was your grandmother's;〃 Aunt Jane replied after long thought; 〃and; as you say; I ain't usin' it。 I don't know but what you might as well have it as anybody else。 I lay out to buy me a new haircloth parlour suit with that two hundred dollars of James'she give the minister the hull four dollars over and above thatandyes; you can have it;〃 she concluded。

Ruth kissed her;with real feeling。 〃Thank you so much; Aunty。 It will be lovely to have something tlhat was my grandmother's。〃

When she went back to Winfield; he was absorbed in a calculation he was making on the back of an envelope。

〃You're not to use your eyes;〃 she said warningly; 〃and; oh Carl! It was my grandmother's and she's given us every bit of it; and you're to stay to supper!〃

〃Must be in a fine humour;〃 he observed。 〃I'm ever so glad。 Come here; darling; you don't know how I've missed you。〃

〃I've been earning furniture;〃 she said; settling down beside him。 〃People earn what they get from AuntyI won't say that; though; because it's mean。〃

〃Tell me about this remarkable furniture。 What is it; and how much of it is destined to glorify our humble cottage?〃

〃It's all ours;〃 she returned serenely; 〃but I don't know just how much there is。 I didn't look at it closely; you know; because I never expected to have any of it。 Let's seethere's a heavy dresser; and a large; round table; with claw feetthat's our dining…table; and there's a bed; just like those in the windows in town; when it's done over; and there's a big old…fashioned sofa; and a spinning…wheel〃

〃Are you going to spin?〃

〃Hush; don't interrupt。 There are five chairsdining…room chairs; and two small tables; and a card table with a leaf that you can stand up against the wall; and two lovely rockers; and I don't know what else。〃

〃That's a fairly complete inventory; considering that you 'didn't look at it closely。' What a little humbug you ar

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