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lavender and old lace-第2节

小说: lavender and old lace 字数: 每页4000字

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e contents clinking softly as she drew it toward her。

Holding it under her arm; she ascended the narrow; spiral stairs which led to the attic。 At one end; under the eaves; stood an old mahogany dresser。 The casters were gone and she moved it with difficulty; but the slanting sunbeams of late afternoon revealed the key; which hung; as her aunt had written; on a nail driven into the back of it。

She knew; without trying; that it would fit the box; but idly turned the lock。 As she opened it; a bit of paper fluttered out; and; picking it up; she read in her aunt's cramped; But distinct hand: 〃Hepsey gets a dollar and a half every week。 Don't you pay her no more。〃

As the house was set some distance back; the east window in the attic was the only one which commanded a view of the sea。 A small table; with its legs sawed off; came exactly to the sill; and here stood a lamp; which was a lamp simply; without adornment; and held about a pint of oil。

She read the letter again and; having mastered its contents; tore it into small pieces; with that urban caution which does not come amiss in the rural districts。 She understood that every night of her stay she was to light this lamp with her own hands; but why? The varnish on the table; which had once been glaring; was scratched with innumerable rings; where the rough glass had left its mark。 Ruth wondered if she were face to face with a mystery。

The seaward side of the hill was a rocky cliff; and between the vegetable garden at the back of the house and the edge of the precipice were a few stumps; well…nigh covered with moss。 From her vantage point; she could see the woods which began at the base of the hill; on the north side; and seemed to end at the sea。 On the south; there were a few trees near the cliff; but others near them had been cut down。

Still farther south and below the hill was a grassy plain; through which a glistening river wound slowly to the ocean。 Willows grew along its margin; tipped with silvery green; and with masses of purple twilight tangled in the bare branches below。

Ruth opened the window and drew a long breath。 Her senses had been dulled by the years in the city; but childhood; hidden though not forgotten; came back as if by magic; with that first scent of sea and Spring。

As yet; she had not fully realised how grateful she was for this little time away from her desk and typewriter。 The managing editor had promised her the same position; whenever she chose to go back; and there was a little hoard in the savings…bank; which she would not need to touch; owing to the kindness of this eccentric aunt; whom she had never seen。

The large room was a typical attic; with its spinning…wheel and discarded furniturecolonial mahogany that would make many a city matron envious; and for which its owner cared little or nothing。 There were chests of drawers; two or three battered trunks; a cedar chest; and countless boxes; of various sizes。 Bunches of sweet herbs hung from the rafters; but there were no cobwebs; because of Miss Hathaway's perfect housekeeping。

Ruth regretted the cobwebs and decided not to interfere; should the tiny spinners take advantage of Aunt Jane's absence。 She found an old chair which was unsteady on its rockers but not yet depraved enough to betray one's confidence。 Moving it to the window; she sat down and looked out at the sea; where the slow boom of the surf came softly from the shore; mingled with the liquid melody of returning breakers。

The first grey of twilight had come upon the world before she thought of going downstairs。 A match…safe hung upon the window casing; newly filled; and; mindful of her trust; she lighted the lamp and closed the window。 Then a sudden scream from the floor below startled her。

〃Miss Thorne! Miss Thorne!〃 cried a shrill voice。 〃Come here! Quick!〃

White as a sheet; Ruth flew downstairs and met Hepsey in the hall。 〃What on earth is the matter!〃 she gasped。

〃Joe's come with your trunk;〃 responded that volcanic young woman; amiably; 〃where'd you want it put?〃

〃In the south front room;〃 she answered; still frightened; but glad nothing more serious had happened。 〃You mustn't scream like that。〃

〃Supper's ready;〃 resumed Hepsey; nonchalantly; and Ruth followed her down to the little dining…room。

As she ate; she plied the maid with questions。 〃Does Miss Hathaway light that lamp in the attic every night?〃

〃Yes'm。 She cleans it and fills it herself; and she puts it out every morning。 She don't never let me touch it。〃

〃Why does she keep it there?〃

〃D' know。 She d' know; neither。〃

〃Why; Hepsey; what do you mean? Why does she do it if she doesn't know why she does it?〃

〃D'know。'Cause she wants to; I reckon。〃

〃She's been gone a week; hasn't she?〃

〃No'm。 Only six days。 It'll be a week to…morrer。〃

Hepsey's remarks were short and jerky; as a rule; and had a certain explosive force。

〃Hasn't the lamp been lighted since she went away?〃

〃Yes'm。 I was to do it till you come; and after you got here I was to ask you every night if you'd forgot it。〃

Ruth smiled because Aunt Jane's old…fashioned exactness lingered in her wake。 〃Now see here; Hepsey;〃 she began kindly; 〃I don't know and you don't know; but I'd like to have you tell me what you think about it。〃

〃I d' know; as you say; mum; but I think〃 here she lowered her voice〃 I think it has something to do with Miss Ainslie。〃

〃Who is Miss Ainslie?〃

〃She's a peculiar woman; Miss Ainslie is;〃 the girl explained; smoothing her apron; 〃and she lives down the road a piece; in the valley as; you may say。 She don't never go nowheres; Miss Ainslie don't; but folks goes to see her。 She's got a funny houseI've been inside of it sometimes when I've been down on errands for Miss Hathaway。 She ain't got no figgered wall paper; nor no lace curtains; and she ain't got no rag carpets neither。 Her floors is all kinder funny; and she's got heathen things spread down onto'em。 Her house is full of heathen things; and sometimes she wears'em。〃

〃Wears what; Hepsey? The'heathen things' in the house?〃

〃No'm。 Other heathen things she's got put away somewheres。 She's got money; I guess; but she's got furniture in her parlour that's just like what Miss Hathaway's got set away in the attic。 We wouldn't use them kind of things; nohow;〃 she added complacently。

〃Does she live all alone?〃

〃Yes'm。 Joe; he does her errands and other folks stops in sometimes; but Miss Ainslie ain't left her front yard for I d' know how long。 Some says she's cracked; but she's the best housekeeper round here; and if she hears of anybody that's sick or in trouble; she allers sends'em things。 She ain't never been up here; but Miss Hathaway; she goes down there sometimes; and she'n Miss Ainslie swaps cookin' quite regler。 I have to go down there with a plate of somethin' Miss Hathaway's made; and Miss Ainslie allers says: 'Wait just a moment; please; Hepsey; I would like to send Miss Hathaway a jar of my preserves。'〃

She relapsed unconsciously into imitation of Miss Ainslie's speech。 In the few words; softened; and betraying a quaint stateliness; Ruth caught a glimpse of an old…fashioned gentlewoman; reserved and yet gracious。

She folded her napkin; saying: 〃You make the best biscuits I ever tasted; Hepsey。〃 The girl smiled; but made no reply。

〃What makes you think Miss Ainslie has anything to do with the light?〃 she inquired after a little。

〃'Cause there wasn't no light in that winder when I first comeleastways; not as I know ofand after I'd been here a week or so; Miss Hathaway; she come back from there one day looking kinder strange。 She didn't say much; but the next mornin' she goes down to town and buys that lamp; and she saws off them table legs herself。 Every night since; that light's been a…goin'; and she puts it out herself every mornin' before she comes downstairs。〃

〃Perhaps she and Miss Ainslie had been talking of shipwreck; and she thought she would have a little lighthouse of her own;〃 Miss Thorne suggested; when the silence became oppressive。

〃P'raps so;〃 rejoined Hepsey。 She had become stolid again。

Ruth pushed her chair back and stood at the dining…room window a moment; looking out into the yard。 The valley was in shadow; but the last light still lingered on the hill。 〃What's that; Hepsey?〃 she asked。

〃What's what?〃

〃Thatwhere the evergreen is coming up out of the ground; in the shape of a square。〃

〃That's the cat's grave; mum。 She died jest afore Miss Hathaway went away; and she planted the evergreen。〃

〃I thought something was lacking;〃 said Ruth; half to herself。

〃Do you want a kitten; Miss Thorne?〃 inquired Hepsey; eagerly。 〃I reckon I can get you oneMaltese or white; just as you like。〃

〃No; thank you; Hepsey; I don't believe I'll import any pets。〃

〃Jest as you say; mum。 It's sorter lonesome; though; with no cat; and Miss Hathaway said she didn't want no more。〃

Speculating upon the departed cat's superior charms; that made substitution seem like sacrilege to Miss Hathaway; Ruth sat down for a time in the old…fashioned parlour; where the shabby haircloth furniture was ornamented with 〃tidies〃 to the last degree。 There was a marble…topped centre table in the room; and a basket of wax flowers under a glass c

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