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a summer in a canyon-第2节

小说: a summer in a canyon 字数: 每页4000字

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breath of fresh air; or want to believe that the spring has come;
just call Bell Winship in; as she walks with her breezy step down the
street。  Her very hair seems instinct with life; with its flying
tendrils of bronze brightness and the riotous little curls on her
brow and temples。  Then; too; she has a particularly jaunty way of
putting on her jacket; or wearing a flower or a ribbon; and as for
her ringing peal of laughter; it is like a chime of silver bells。

Elsie Howard; the invalid friend of the girls; was as dear to them as
they were to each other。  She kept the secrets of the 'firm'; mourned
over their griefs and smiled over their joys; was proud of their
talents and tenderly blind to their faults。  The little wicker
rocking…chair by the bedside was often made a sort of confessional;
at which she presided; the tenderest and most sympathetic little
priestess in the universe; and every afternoon the piazza; with its
lattice of green vines; served as a mimic throne…room; where she was
wont to hold high court; surrounded by her devoted subjects。  Here
Geoffrey Strong used often to read to the assembled company David
Copperfield; Alice in Wonderland; or snatches from the magazines;
while Jack Howard lazily stretched himself under the orange…trees and
braided lariats; a favourite occupation with California boys。  About
four o'clock Philip Noble would ride up from his father's fruit
ranch; some three miles out on the San Marcos road; and; hitching his
little sorrel mare Chispa at the gate; stay an hour before going to
the post…office。

This particular afternoon; however; was not one of Elsie's bright
ones; and there was no sign of court or invalid queen on the piazza。
The voices of the girls floated out from Elsie's bedroom; while the
boys; too; seemed to be somewhere in the vicinity; for there was a
constant stirring about as of lively preparation; together with noise
of hammering and sawing。

'If you were only going; Elsie; our cup of happiness would be full;'
sighed Bell。

'Not only would it be full; Bell; but it would be running over; and
we should positively stand in the slop;' said Polly。  'No; you
needn't frown at me; miss; that expression is borrowed from no less a
person than Sydney Smith。'

'Don't think any more about me;' smiled Elsie。  'Perhaps I can come
down in the course of the summer。  I know it will be the happiest
time in the world; but I don't envy you a bit; in fact; I'm very glad
you're going; because you'll have such a lovely budget of adventures
to tell me when you come back。'

'When we come back; indeed!' exclaimed Bell。  'Why; we shall write
long round…robin letters every few days; and send them by the team。
Papa says Pancho will have to go over to the stage station at least
once a week for letters and any provisions we may need。'

'Oh; won't that be delightful;almost as good as being there myself!
And; Margery dear; you must make them tell me every least little
thing that happens。  You know they are such fly…aways that they'll
only write me when they learn to swim; or shoot a wildcat; or get
lost in the woods。  I want to know all the stupid bits:  what you
have for dinner; how and where you sleep; how your camp looks; what
you do from morning till night; and how Dicky behaves。'

'I can tell you that beforehand;' said Bell; dolefully。  'Jack will
shoot him by mistake on Thursday; he will be kicked by the horses
Friday; and bitten by tarantulas and rattlesnakes Saturday; he will
eat poison oak on Sunday; get lost in the canyon Monday; be eaten by
a bear Tuesday; and drowned in the pool Wednesday。  These incidents
will complete his first week; and if they produce no effect on his
naturally strong constitution; he will treat us to another week;
containing just as many mishaps; but no duplicates。'

By the time this dismal prophecy was ended the other girls were in a
breathless fit of laughter; though all acknowledged it was likely to
be fulfilled。

'I went over the camping…ground last summer;' said Margery。  'You
know it is quite near papa's sheep ranch; and it is certainly the
most beautiful place in California。  The tents will be pitched at the
mouth of the canyon; where there is a view of the ocean; and just at
the back will be a lovely grove of wild oaks and sycamore…trees。'

'Oh; won't it be delicious!' sighed Elsie。  'I feel as if I could
sniff the air this minute。  But there!  I won't pretend that I'm
dying for fresh air; with the breath of the sea coming in at my south
window; and a whiff of jasmine and honeysuckle from the piazza。  That
would be nonsense。  Are your trunks packed?'

'Trunks!' exclaimed Polly。  'Would you believe it; our clothes are
packed in gunny…sacks!  We start in our camping…dresses; with ulsters
for the steamer and dusters for the long drive。  Then we each have
let me see what we have:  a short; tough riding…skirt with a jersey;
a bathing…dress; and some gingham morning…gowns to wear about the
camp at breakfast…time。'

'And flannel gowns for the night; and two pairs of boots; and a
riding…cap and one hat apiece;' added Margery。

'But oh; Elsie; my dear; you should see Dicky in his camping…suits;'
laughed Bell。  'They are a triumph of invention on mamma's part。
Just imagine! one is of some enamelled cloth that was left over from
the new carriage cushions; it is very shiny and elegant; and the
other; truly; is of soft tanned leather; and just as pretty as it can
be。  Then he has hob…nailed; copper…toed boots; and a hat that ties
under his chin。  Poor little man; he has lost his curls; too; and
looks rather like a convict。'

Mrs。 Howard came in the door while Bell was speaking; and laughed
heartily at the description of Dicky's curious outfit。  'What time do
you start?' she asked; as she laid a bunch of mignonette on Elsie's

'At eleven to…morrow morning;' Bell answered。  'Everything is packed。
We are to start in the steamer; and when we come to our old landing;
about forty miles down the coast; we are to get off and take a three…
seated thorough…brace wagon; and drive over to Las Flores Canyon。
Pancho has hired a funny little pack mule; he says we shall need one
in going up the mountain; and that the boys can take him when they go
out shooting;to carry the deer home; you know。'

'If I can bring Elsie down; as I hope; we must come by land;' said
Mrs。 Howard。  'I thought we could take two days for the journey;
sleeping at the Burtons' ranch on the way。  The doctor says that if
she can get strength enough to bear the ride; the open…air life will
do her good; even if she does nothing but lie in the hammock。'

'And be waited upon by six willing slaves;' added Polly。

'And be fed on canned corned beef and tomato stew;' laughed Bell。

'Not a bit of it;' said Margery。  'Hop Yet is a splendid cook; if he
has anything to cook; and we'll feed her on broiled titbits of baby
venison; goat's milk; wild bees' honey; and cunning little mourning
doves; roasted on a spit。'

'Good gracious;' cried Bell; 'what angels' food! only I would as soon
devour a pet canary as a mourning dove。  But to think that I've been
trying to diet for a week in order to get intimate with suffering and
privation!  Polly came to stay with me one night; and we slept on the
floor; with only a blanket under us; and no pillow; it was perfectly
horrid。  Polly dreamed that her grandfather ate up her grandmother;
and I that Dicky stabbed the Jersey calf with a pickle…fork。'

'Horrors!' ejaculated Margery; 'that's a pleasant prospect for your
future bedfellows。  I hope the gophers won't make you nervous;
gnawing and scratching in the straw; I got used to them last summer。
But we really must go; darling;' and she stooped to kiss Elsie good…

'Well; I suppose you ought;' she answered。  'But remember you are to
start from this gate; Aunt Truth has promised me the fun of seeing
you out of sight。'

The girls went out at a side door; and joined the boys; who were
busily at work cleaning their guns on the broad western porch。

'How are you coming on?' questioned Polly。

'Oh; finely;' answered Jack; who always constituted himself chief
spokesman; unless driven from the rostrum by some one possessed of a
nimbler tongue。  'I only hope your feminine togs are in half as good

'We take no baggage to speak of;' said Bell; loftily。  'Papa has cut
us down to the very last notch; and says the law allows very few
pounds on this trip。'

'The less the better;' quoth Geoff; cheerily; 'then you'll have to
polish up your mental jewels。'

'Which you consider imitation; I suppose;' sniffed Polly。

'Perish the thought!' cried Jack。  'But; speaking of mental jewels;
you should see the arrangements Geoff has made for polishing his。  He
has actually stuck in six large volumes; any one of which would be a
remedy for sleeplessness。  What are you going to study; Miss Pol…y…
on…o…mous Oliver?'

'Now; Jack; let us decide at once whether you intend to be respectful
or not。  I don't propose to expose myself to your nonsense for two
months unless you make me good promises。'

'Why; that wasn't disrespectful。  It is my newest word; and it simply
means having many titles。  I'm sure

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