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records of a family of engineers-第28节

小说: records of a family of engineers 字数: 每页4000字

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ing the irons to and from the smiths on the beacon; where they were sharped。  At eight o'clock the sea broke in upon us and overflowed the foundation…pit; when the boats returned to the tender。

'Thursday; 7th July'

The landing…master's bell rung this morning about four o'clock; and at half…past five; the foundation being cleared; the work commenced on the site of the building。  But from the moment of landing; the squad of joiners and millwrights was at work upon the higher parts of the rock in laying the railways; while the anvils of the smith resounded on the beacon; and such columns of smoke ascended from the forges that they were often mistaken by strangers at a distance for a ship on fire。 After continuing three hours at work the foundation of the building was again overflowed; and the boats returned to the ship at half…past eight o'clock。 the masons and pickmen had; at this period; a pretty long day on board of the tender; but the smiths and joiners were kept constantly at work upon the beacon; the stability and great conveniency of which had now been so fully shown that no doubt remained as to the propriety of fitting it up as a barrack。  The workmen were accordingly employed; during the period of high…water; in making preparations for this purpose。

The foundation…pit now assumed the appearance of a great platform; and the late tides had been so favourable that it became apparent that the first course; consisting of a few irregular and detached stones for making up certain inequalities in the interior parts of the site of the

building; might be laid in the course of the present spring… tides。  Having been enabled to…day to get the dimensions of the foundation; or first stone; accurately taken; a mould was made of its figure; when the writer left the rock; after the tide's work of this morning; in a fast rowing…boat for Arbroath; and; upon landing; two men were immediately set to work upon one of the blocks from Mylnefield quarry; which was prepared in the course of the following day; as the stone… cutters relieved each other; and worked both night and day; so that it was sent off in one of the stone…lighters without delay。

'Saturday; 9th July'

The site of the foundation…stone was very difficult to work; from its depth in the rock; but being now nearly prepared; it formed a very agreeable kind of pastime at high… water for all hands to land the stone itself upon the rock。 The landing…master's crew and artificers accordingly entered with great spirit into this operation。  The stone was placed upon the deck of the HEDDERWICK praam…boat; which had just been brought from Leith; and was decorated with colours for the occasion。  Flags were also displayed from the shipping in the offing; and upon the beacon。  Here the writer took his station with the greater part of the artificers; who supported themselves in every possible position while the boats towed the praam from her moorings and brought her immediately over the site of the building; where her grappling anchors were let go。  The stone was then lifted off the deck by a tackle hooked into a Lewis bat inserted into it; when it was gently lowered into the water and grounded on the site of the building; amidst the cheering acclamations of about sixty persons。

'Sunday; 10th July'

At eleven o'clock the foundation…stone was laid to hand。 It was of a square form; containing about twenty cubic feet; and had the figures; or date; of 1808 simply cut upon it with a chisel。  A derrick; or spar of timber; having been erected at the edge of the hole and guyed with ropes; the stone was then hooked to the tackle and lowered into its place; when the writer; attended by his assistants … Mr。  Peter Logan; Mr。 Francis Watt; and Mr。 James Wilson; … applied the square; the level; and the mallet; and pronounced the following benediction: ‘May the great Architect of the Universe complete and bless this building;' on which three hearty cheers were given; and success to the future operations was drunk with the greatest enthusiasm。

'Tuesday; 26th July'

The wind being at S。E。 this evening; we had a pretty heavy swell of sea upon the rock; and some difficulty attended our getting off in safety; as the boats got aground in the creek and were in danger of being upset。  Upon extinguishing the torchlights; about twelve in number; the darkness of the night seemed quite horrible; the water being also much charged with the phosphorescent appearance which is familiar to every one on shipboard; the waves; as they dashed upon the rock; were in some degree like so much liquid flame。  The scene; upon the whole; was truly awful!

'Wednesday; 27th July'

In leaving the rock this evening everything; after the torches were extinguished; had the same dismal appearance as last night; but so perfectly acquainted were the landing… master and his crew with the position of things at the rock; that comparatively little inconveniency was experienced on these occasions when the weather was moderate; such is the effect of habit; even in the most unpleasant situations。  If; for example; it had been proposed to a person accustomed to a city life; at once to take up his quarters off a sunken reef and land upon it in boats at all hours of the night; the proposition must have appeared quite impracticable and extravagant; but this practice coming progressively upon the artificers; it was ultimately undertaken with the greatest alacrity。  Notwithstanding this; however; it must be acknowledged that it was not till after much labour and peril; and many an anxious hour; that the writer is enabled to state that the site of the Bell Rock Lighthouse is fully prepared for the first entire course of the building。

'Friday; 12th Aug。'

The artificers landed this morning at half…past ten; and after an hour and a half's work eight stones were laid; which completed the first entire course of the building; consisting of 123 blocks; the last of which was laid with three hearty cheers。

'Saturday; 10th Sept。'

Landed at nine a。m。; and by a quarter…past twelve noon twenty…three stones had been laid。  The works being now somewhat elevated by the lower courses; we got quit of the very serious inconvenience of pumping water to clear the foundation…pit。  This gave much facility to the operations; and was noticed with expressions of as much happiness by the artificers as the seamen had shown when relieved of the continual trouble of carrying the smith's bellows off the rock prior to the erection of the beacon。

'Wednesday; 21st Sept。'

Mr。 Thomas Macurich; mate of the SMEATON; and James Scott; one of the crew; a young man about eighteen years of age; immediately went into their boat to make fast a hawser to the ring in the top of the floating buoy of the moorings; and were forthwith to proceed to land their cargo; so much wanted; at the rock。  The tides at this period were very strong; and the mooring…chain; when sweeping the ground; had caught hold of a rock or piece of wreck by which the chain was so shortened that when the tide flowed the buoy got almost under water; and little more than the ring appeared at the surface。 When Macurich and Scott were in the act of making the hawser fast to the ring; the chain got suddenly disentangled at the bottom; and this large buoy; measuring about seven feet in height and three feet in diameter at the middle; tapering to both ends; being what seamen term a NUN…BUOY; vaulted or sprung up with such force that it upset the boat; which instantly filled with water。  Mr。 Macurich; with much exertion; succeeded in getting hold of the boat's gunwale; still above the surface of the water; and by this means was saved; but the young man Scott was unfortunately drowned。  He had in all probability been struck about the head by the ring of the buoy; for although surrounded with the oars and the thwarts of the boat which floated near him; yet he seemed entirely to want the power of availing himself of such assistance; and appeared to be quite insensible; while Pool; the master of the SMEATON; called loudly to him; and before assistance could be got from the tender; he was carried away by the strength of the current and disappeared。

The young man Scott was a great favourite in the service; having had something uncommonly mild and complaisant in his manner; and his loss was therefore universally regretted。  The circumstances of his case were also peculiarly distressing to his mother; as her husband; who was a seaman; had for three years past been confined to a French prison; and the deceased was the chief support of the family。  In order in some measure to make up the loss to the poor woman for the monthly aliment regularly allowed her by her late son; it was suggested that a younger boy; a brother of the deceased; might be taken into the service。  This appeared to be rather a delicate proposition; but it was left to the landing…master to arrange according to circumstances; such was the resignation; and at the same time the spirit; of the poor woman; that she readily accepted the proposal; and in a few days the younger Scott was actually afloat in the place of his brother。  On representing this distressing case to the Board; the Commissioners were pleased to grant an annuity of 5 pounds to Scott'

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