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ragged lady, v2-及8准

弌傍 ragged lady, v2 忖方 耽匈4000忖

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gross lonely luxury of Mrs。 Lander's life or the unconscious poverty of
her own home察she did not show it in the presence of the world that now
opened its arms to her。  She remained so tranquil in the midst of all the
novel differences察that it made her friend feel rather vulgar in her
anxieties for her察and it was not always enough to find that she had not
gone wrong simply because she had hold still察and had the gift of waiting
for things to happen。  Sometimes when Miss Milray had almost decided that
her passivity was the calm of a savage察she betrayed so sweet and
grateful a sense of all that was done for her察that her benefactress
decided that察she was not rustic察but was sylvan in a way of her own
and not so much ignorant as innocent。  She discovered that she was not
ignorant even of books察but with no literary effect from them she had
transmitted her reading into the substance of her native gentleness察and
had both ideas and convictions。  When Clementina most affected her as an
untried wilderness in the conventional things she most felt her equality
to any social fortune that might befall her察and then she would have
liked to see her married to a title察and taking the glory of this world
with an unconsciousness that experience would never wholly penetrate。
But then again she felt that this would be somehow a profanation察and she
wanted to pack her up and get her back to Middlemount before anything of
the kind should happen。  She gave Milray these impressions of Clementina
in the letter she wrote to thank him for her察and to scold him for
sending the girl to her。  She accused him of wishing to get off on her a
riddle which he could not read himself察but she owned that the charm of
Clementina's mystery was worth a thousand times the fatigue of trying to
guess her out and that she was more and more infatuated with her every

In the meantime察Miss Milray's little dance grew upon her till it became
a very large one that filled her villa to overflowing when the time came
for it。  She lived on one of the fine avenues of the Oltrarno region
laid out in the brief period of prosperity which Florence enjoyed as the
capital of Italy。  The villa was built at that time察and it was much
newer than the house on Seventeenth street in New York察where she spent
the girlhood that had since prolonged itself beyond middle life with her。
She had first lived abroad in the Paris of the Second Empire察and she had
been one winter in Rome察but she had settled definitely in Florence
before London became an American colony察so that her friends were chiefly
Americans察though she had a wide international acquaintance。  Perhaps her
habit of taking her brother's part察when he was a black sheep察inclined
her to mercy with people who had not been so blameless in their morals as
they were in their minds and manners。  She exacted that they should be
interesting and agreeable察and not too threadbare察but if they had
something that decently buttoned over the frayed places察she did not
frown upon their poverty。  Bohemians of all kinds liked her察Philistines
liked her too察and in such a place as Florence察where the Philistines
themselves are a little Bohemian察she might be said to be very popular。
You met persons whom you did not quite wish to meet at her house察but if
these did not meet you there察it was your loss。

On the night of the dance the line of private carriages察remises and
cabs察lined the Viale Ariosto for a mile up and down before her gates
where young artists of both sexes arrived on foot。  By this time her
passion for Clementina was at its height。  She had Maddalena bring her
out early in the evening察and made her dress under her own eye and her
French maid's察while Maddalena went back to comfort Mrs。 Lander。

;I hated to leave her察─said Clementina。  ;I don't believe she's very

;Isn't she always ill拭─demanded Miss Milray。  She embraced the girl
again察as if once were not enough。  ;Clementina察if Mrs。 Lander won't
give you to me察I'm going to steal you。  Do you know what I want you to
do tonight拭 I want you to stand up with me察and receive察till the
dancing begins察as if it were your coming´out。  I mean to introduce
everybody to you。  You'll be easily the prettiest girl察there察and you'll
have the nicest gown察and I don't mean that any of your charms shall be
thrown away。  You won't be frightened拭

;No察I don't believe I shall察─said Clementina。  ;You can tell me what to

The dress she wore was of pale green察like the light seen in thin woods
out of it shone her white shoulders察and her young face察as if rising
through the verdurous light。  The artists察to a man and woman察wished to
paint her察and severally told her so察during the evening which lasted
till morning。  She was not surprised when Lord Lioncourt appeared察toward
midnight察and astonished Miss Milray by claiming acquaintance with
Clementina。  He asked about Mrs。 Lander察and whether she had got to
Florence without losing the way察he laughed but he seemed really to care。
He took Clementina out to supper察when the time came察and she would have
topped him by half a head as she leaned on his arm察if she had not
considerately drooped and trailed a little after him。

She could not know what a triumph he was making for her察and it was
merely part of the magic of the time that Mr。 Ewins should come in
presently with one of the ladies。  He had arrived in Florence that day
and had to be brought unasked。  He put on the effect of an old friend
with her察but Clementina's curiosity was chiefly taken with a tall
American察whom she thought very handsome。  His light yellow hair was
brushed smooth across his forehead like a well´behaving boy's察he was
dressed like the other men察but he seemed not quite happy in his evening
coat察and his gloves which he smote together uneasily from time to time。
He appeared to think that somehow the radiant Clementina would know how
he felt察he did not dance察and he professed to have found himself at the
party by a species of accident。  He told her that he was out in Europe
looking after a patent right that he had just taken hold of察and was
having only a middling good time。  He pretended surprise to hear her say
that she was having a first´rate time察and he tried to reason her out of
it。  He confessed that from the moment he came into the room he had made
up his mind to take her to supper察and had never been so disgusted in his
life as when he saw that little lord toddling off with her察and trying to
look as large as life。  He asked her what a lord was like察anyway察and he
made her laugh all the time。

He told her his name察G。 W。 Hinkle察and asked whether she would be likely
to remember it if they ever met again。

Another man who interested her very much was a young Russian察with
curling hair and neat察small features who spoke better English than she
did察and said he was going to be a writer察but had not yet decided
whether to write in Russian or French察she supposed he had wanted her
advice察but he did not wait for it察or seem to expect it。  He was very
much in earnest察while he fanned her察and his earnestness amused her as
much as the American's irony。  He asked which city of America she came
from察and when she said none察he asked which part of America。  She
answered New England察and he said察 Oh察yes察that is where they have the
conscience。;  She did not know what he meant察and he put before her the
ideal of New England girlhood which he had evolved from reading American
novels。  ;Are you like that拭─he demanded。

She laughed察and said察 Not a bit察─and asked him if he had ever met such
an American girl察and he said察frankly察No察the American girls were all
mercenary察and cared for nothing but money察or marrying titles。  He added
that he had a title察but he would not wear it。

Clementina said she did not believe she cared for titles察and then he
said察 But you care for money。;  She denied it察but as if she had
confessed it察he went on此 The only American that I have seen with that
conscience was a man。  I will tell you of him察if you wish。;

He did not wait for her answer。  ;It was in Naplesat Pompeii。  I saw at
the first glance that he was different from other Americans察and I
resolved to know him。  He was there in company with a stupid boy察whose
tutor he was察and he told me that he was studying to be a minister of the
Protestant church。  Next year he will go home to be consecrated。  He
promised to pass through Florence in the spring察and he will keep his
word。  Every act察every word察every thought of his is regulated by
conscience。  It is terrible察but it is beautiful。;  All the time察the
Russian was fanning Clementina察with every outward appearance of
flirtation。  ;Will you dance again拭 No拭 I should like to draw such a
character as his in a romance。;


It was six o'clock in the morning before Miss Milray sent Clementina home
in her carriage。  She would have kept her to breakfast察but Clementina
said she ought to go on Mrs。 Lander's account察and she wished to go on
her own。

She thought she would steal to bed without waking her察but she was
stopped by the sound of groans when she entered the

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