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ragged lady, v2-及5准

弌傍 ragged lady, v2 忖方 耽匈4000忖

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the same time Mrs。 Milray sat down。

;You will find Miss Milray察─she continued察with the same glacial
hauteur察 a very agreeable and cultivated lady。;

Clementina said nothing察and Mrs。 Milray added

;And I hope she may have the happiness of being more useful to you than I

;What do you mean察Mrs。 Milray拭  Clementina asked with unexpected spirit
and courage。

;I mean simply this察that I have not succeeded in putting you on your
guard against your love of admirationespecially the admiration of
gentlemen。  A young girl can't be too careful how she accepts the
attentions of gentlemen察and if she seems to invite them;

;Mrs。 Milray cried Clementina。  ;How can you say such a thing to me拭

;How拭 I shall have to be plain with you察I see。  Perhaps I have not
considered that察after all察you know nothing about life and are not to
blame for things that a person born and bred in the world would
understand from childhood。  If you don't know already察I can tell you
that the way you have behaved with Lord Lioncourt during the last two or
three days察and the way you showed your pleasure the other night in his
ridiculous flatteries of you察was enough to make you the talk of the
whole steamer。  I advise you for your own sake to take my warning in
time。  You are very young察and inexperienced and ignorant察but that will
not save you in the eyes of the world if you keep on。;  Mrs。 Milray rose。
;And now I will leave you to think of what I have said。  Here is the
letter for Miss Milray;

Clementina shook her head。  ;I don't want it。;

;You don't want it拭 But I have written it at Mr。 Milray's request察and I
shall certainly leave it with you 

;If you do察─said Clementina察 I shall not take it 

;And what shall I say to Mr。 Milray拭

;What you have just said to me。;

;What have I said to you拭

;That I'm a bold girl察and that I've tried to make men admi'a me。;

Mrs。 Milray stopped as if suddenly daunted by a fact that had not
occurred to her before。  ;Did I say that拭

;The same as that。;

;I didn't mean thatImerely meant to put you on your guard。  It may be
because you are so innocent yourself察that you can't imagine what others
think察andI did it out of my regard for you。;

Clementina did not answer。

Mrs。 Milray went on察 That was why I was so provoked with you。  I think
that for a young girl to stand up and dance alone before a whole steamer
full of strangers;Clementina looked at her without speaking察and Mrs。
Milray hastened to say察 To be sure I advised you to do it察but I
certainly was surprised that you should give an encore。  But no matter
now。  This letter;

;I can't take it察Mrs。 Milray察─said Clementina察with a swelling heart。

;Now察listen ─ urged Mrs。 Milray。  ;You think I'm just saying it
because察if you don't take it I shall have to tell Mr。 Milray I was so
hateful to you察you couldn't。  Well察I should hate to tell him that察but
that isn't the reason。  There ─ She tore the letter in pieces察and threw
it on the floor。  Clementina did not make any sign of seeing this察and
Mrs。 Milray dropped upon her chair again。  ;Oh察how hard you are  Can't
you say something to me拭

Clementina did not lift her eyes。  ;I don't feel like saying anything
just now。;

Mrs。 Milray was silent a moment。  Then she sighed。  ;Well察you may hate
me察but I shall always be your friend。  What hotel are you going to in

;I don't know察─said Clementina。

;You had better come to the one where we go。  I'm afraid Mrs。 Lander
won't know how to manage very well察and we've been in Liverpool so often。
May I speak to her about it拭

;If you want to察─Clementina coldly assented。

;I see ─ said Mrs。 Milray。  ;You don't want to be under the same roof
with me。  Well察you needn't  But I'll tell you a good hotel此the one
that the trains start out of察and I'll send you that letter for Miss
Milray。;  Clemeutina was silent。  ;Well察I'll send it察anyway。;

Mrs。 Milray went away in sudden tears察but the girl remained dry´eyed。


Mrs。 Lander realized when the ship came to anchor in the stream at
Liverpool that she had not been seasick a moment during the voyage。  In
the brisk cold of the winter morning察as they came ashore in the tug察she
fancied a property of health in the European atmosphere察which she was
sure would bring her right up察if she stayed long enough察and a regret
that she had never tried it with Mr。 Lander mingled with her new hopes
for herself。

But Clementina looked with home´sick eyes at the strangeness of the alien
scene此the pale察low heaven which seemed not to be clouded and yet was so
dim察the flat shores with the little railroad trains running in and out
over them察the grimy bulks of the city察and the shipping in the river
sparse and sombre after the gay forest of sails and stacks at New York。

She did not see the Milrays after she left the tug察in the rapid
dispersal of the steamer's passengers。  They both took leave of her at
the dock察and Mrs。 Milray whispered with penitence in her voice and eyes
I will write察─but the girl did not answer。

Before Mrs。 Lander's trunks and her own were passed察she saw Lord
Lioncourt going away with his heavily laden man at his heels。  Mr。 Ewins
came up to see if he could help her through the customs察but she believed
that be had come at Mrs。 Milray's bidding察and she thanked him so
prohibitively that he could not insist。  The English clergyman who had
spoken to her the morning after the charity entertainment left his wife
with Mrs。 Lander察and came to her help察and then Mr。 Ewins went his way。

The clergyman察who appeared to feel the friendlessness of the young girl
and the old woman a charge laid upon him察bestowed a sort of fatherly
protection upon them both。  He advised them to stop at a hotel for a few
hours and take the later train for London that he and his wife were going
up by察they drove to the hotel together察where Mrs。 Lander could not be
kept from paying the omnibus察and made them have luncheon with her。  She
allowed the clergyman to get her tickets察and she could not believe that
be had taken second class tickets for himself and his wife。  She said
that she had never heard of anyone travelling second class before察and
she assured him that they never did it in America。  She begged him to let
her pay the difference察and bring his wife into her compartment察which
the guard had reserved for her。  She urged that the money was nothing to
her察compared with the comfort of being with some one you knew察and the
clergyman had to promise that as they should be neighbors察he would look
in upon her察whenever the train stopped long enough。

Before it began to move察Clementina thought she saw Lord Lioncourt
hurrying past their carriage´window。  At Rugby the clergyman appeared
but almost before he could speak察Lord Lioncourt's little red face showed
at his elbow。  He asked Clementina to present him to Mrs。 Lander察who
pressed him to get into her compartment察the clergyman vanished察and Lord
Lioncourt yielded。

Mrs。 Lander found him able to tell her the best way to get to Florence
whose situation he seemed to know perfectly察he confessed that he had
been there rather often。  He made out a little itinerary for going
straight through by sleeping´car as soon as you crossed the Channel察she
had said that she always liked a through train when she could get it察and
the less stops the better。  She bade Clementina take charge of the plan
and not lose it察without it she did not see what they could do。  She
conceived of him as a friend of Clementina's察and she lost in the strange
environment the shyness she had with most people。  She told him how Mr。
Lander had made his money察and from what beginnings he rose to be
ignorant of what he really was worth when he died。  She dwelt upon the
diseases they had suffered察and at the thought of his death察so
unnecessary in view of the good that the air was already doing her in
Europe察she shed tears。

Lord Lioncourt was very polite察but there was no resumption of the ship's
comradery in his manner。  Clementina could not know how quickly this
always drops from people who have been fellow´passengers察and she
wondered if he were guarding himself from her because she had danced at
the charity entertainment。  The poison which Mrs。 Milray had instilled
worked in her thoughts while she could not help seeing how patient he was
with all Mrs。 Lander's questions察he answered them with a simplicity of
his own察or laughed and put them by察when they were quite impossible。
Many of them related to the comparative merits of English and American
railroads察and what he thought himself of these。  Mrs。 Lander noted the
difference of the English stations察but she did not see much in the
landscape to examine him upon。  She required him to tell her why the
rooks they saw were not crows察and she was not satisfied that he should
say the country seat she pointed out was a castle when it was plainly
deficient in battlements。  She based upon his immovable confidence in
respect to it an inquiry into the structure of English society察and she
made him tell her what a lord was察and a commoner察and how the royal
family diffe

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