ragged lady, v2-及15准
梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何
will let me。;
;Oh察thank you ─she cried after him察gratefully察as if his forbearance
were the greatest favor。
When he was gone she tried to release herself from the kind of abeyance
in which she seemed to have gone back and been as subject to him as in
the first days when he had awed her and charmed her with his superiority
at Middlemount察and he again older and freer as she had grown since。
He came back late in the afternoon察looking jaded and distraught。
Hinkle察who looked neither察was with him。 ;Well察─he began察 this is the
greatest thing in my experience。 Belsky's not only alive and well察but
Mr。 Gregory and I are both at large。 I did think察one time察that the
police would take us into custody on account of our morbid interest in
the thing察and I don't believe we should have got off察if the Consul
hadn't gone bail for us察so to speak。 I thought we had better take the
Consul in察on our way察and it was lucky we did。;
Clementina did not understand all the implications察but she was willing
to take Mr。 Hinkle's fun on trust。 ;I don't believe you'll convince Mrs。
Landa that Mr。 Belsky's alive and well察till you bring him back to say
;Is that so ─said Hinkle。 ;Well察we must have him brought back by the
authorities察then。 Perhaps they'll bring him察anyway。 They can't try
him for suicide察but as I understand the police察here察a man can't lose
his hat over a bridge in Florence with impunity察especially in a time of
high water。 Anyway察they're identifying Belsky by due process of law in
Rome察now察and I guess Mr。 Gregory;he nodded toward Gregory察who sat
silent and absent ;will be kept under surveillance till the whole mystery
is cleared up。;
Clementina responded gayly still察but with less and less sincerity察and
she let Hinkle go at last with the feeling that he knew she wished him to
go。 He made a brave show of not seeing this察and when he was gone察she
remembered that she had not thanked him for the trouble he had taken on
her account察and her heart ached after him with a sense of his sweetness
and goodness察which she had felt from the first through his quaint
drolling。 It was as if the door which closed upon him shut her out of
the life she had been living of late察and into the life of the past where
she was subject again to the spell of Gregory's mood察it was hardly his
He began at once此 I wished to make you say something this morning that I
have no right to hear you say察yet察and I have been trying ever since to
think how I could ask you whether you could share my life with me察and
yet not ask you to do it。 But I can't do anything without knowing
You may not care for what my life is to be察at all
Clementina's head drooped a little察but she answered distinctly察 I do
ca'e察Mr。 Gregory。;
;Thank you for that much察I don't count upon more than you have said。
Clementina察I am going to be a missionary。 I think I shall ask to be
sent to China察I've not decided yet。 My life will be hard察it will be
full of danger and privation察it will be exile。 You will have to think
of sharing such a life if you think;
He stopped察the time had come for her to speak察and she said察 I knew you
wanted to be a missionary;
;Andandyou would go with me拭 You would; He started toward her察and
she did not shrink from him察now察but he checked himself。 ;But you
mustn't察you know察for my sake。;
;I don't believe I quite undastand察─she faltered。
;You must not do it for me察but for what makes me do it。 Without that
our life察our work察could have no consecration。;
She gazed at him in patient察faintly smiling bewilderment察as if it were
something he would unriddle for her when he chose。
;We mustn't err in this察it would be worse than error察it would be sin。;
He took a turn about the room察and then stopped before her。 ;Will you
will you join me in a prayer for guidance察Clementina拭
;II don't know察─she hesitated。 ;I will察butdo you think I had
He began察 Why察surely;After a moment he asked gravely察 You believe
that our actions will be guided aright察if we seek help拭
;And that if we do not察we shall stumble in our ignorance拭
;I don't know。 I never thought of that。;
;Never thought of it;
;We never did it in our family。 Father always said that if we really
wanted to do right we could find the way。; Gregory looked daunted察and
then he frowned darkly。 ;Are you provoked with me拭 Do you think what
I have said is wrong拭
;No察no You must say what you believe。 It would be double hypocrisy in
me if I prevented you。;
;But I would do it察if you wanted me to察─she said。
;Oh察for me察for ME ─he protested。 ;I will try to tell you what I mean
and why you must not察for that very reason。; But he had to speak of
himself察of the miracle of finding her again by the means which should
have lost her to him forever察and of the significance of this。 Then it
appeared to him that he could not reject such a leading without error
without sin。 ;Such a thing could not have merely happened。;
It seemed so to Clementina察too察she eagerly consented that this was
something they must think of察as well。 But the light waned察the dark
thickened in the room before he left her to do so。 Then he said
fervently察 We must not doubt that everything will come right察─and his
words seemed an effect of inspiration to them both。
After Gregory was gone a misgiving began in Clementina's mind察which grew
more distinct察through all the difficulties of accounting to Mrs。 Lander
for his long stay察The girl could see that it was with an obscure
jealousy that she pushed her questions察and said at last察 That Mr。
Hinkle is about the best of the lot。 He's the only one that's eva had
the mannas to ask after me察except that lo'd。 He did。;
Clementina could not pretend that Gregory had asked察but she could not
blame him for a forgetfulness of Mrs。 Lander which she had shared with
him。 This helped somehow to deepen the misgiving which followed her from
Mrs。 Lander's bed to her own察and haunted her far into the night。 She
could escape from it only by promising herself to deal with it the first
thing in the morning。 She did this in terms much briefer than she
thought she could have commanded。 She supposed she would have to write a
very long letter察but she came to the end of all she need say察in a very
few lines。
;I have been thinking about what you said yesterday察and I have to
tell you something。 Then you can do what is right for both of us
you will know better than I can。 But I want you to understand that
if I go with you in your missionary life察I shall do it for you察and
not for anything else。 I would go anywhere and live anyhow for you
but it would be for you察I do not believe that I am religious察and I
know that I should not do it for religion。
;That is all察but I could not get any peace till I let you know just
how I felt。
The letter went early in the morning察though not so early but it was put
in Gregory's hand as he was leaving his hotel to go to Mrs。 Lander's。 He
tore it open察and read it on the way察and for the first moment it seemed
as if it were Providence leading him that he might lighten Clementina's
heart of its doubts with the least delay。 He had reasoned that if she
would share for his sake the life that he should live for righteousness'
sake they would be equally blest in it察and it would be equally
consecrated in both。 But this luminous conclusion faded in his thought
as he hurried on察and he found himself in her presence with something
like a hope that she would be inspired to help him。
His soul lifted at the sound of the gay voice in which she asked察 Did
you get my letta拭─and it seemed for the instant as if there could be no
trouble that their love could not overcome。
;Yes察─he said察and he put his arms around her察but with a provisionality
in his embrace which she subtly perceived。
;And what did you think of it拭─she asked。 ;Did you think I was silly拭
He was aware that she had trusted him to do away her misgiving。 ;No
no察─he answered察guiltily。 ;Wiser than I am察always。 II want to talk
with you about it察Clementina。 I want you to advise me。;
He felt her shrink from him察and with a pang he opened his arms to free
her。 But it was right察he must。 She had been expecting him to say that
there was nothing in her misgiving察and he could not say it。
;Clementina察─he entreated察 why do you think you are not religious拭
;Why察I have never belonged to chu'ch察─she answered simply。 He looked
so daunted察that she tried to soften the blow after she had dealt it。
;Of course察I always went to chu'ch察though father and motha didn't。
I went to the Episcopalto Mr。 Richling's。 But I neva was confirmed。;
;But´you believe in God拭
;And in the Bible拭
;Why察of cou'se
;And that it is our duty to bear the truth to those who have never heard
of it拭
;I know that is the way you feel about it察but I am not certain that I
should feel so myself