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 first came here as one acquainted with the captain。  He had noted察I felt sure察the lack of intimacy between the captain and myself察once the former arrived from India。  He would no doubt testify that I had been most anxious to obtain lodgings in the same house with Fraser´Freer。  Then there was the matter of my letter from Archie。  I must keep that secret察I felt sure。  Lastly察there was not a living soul to back me up in my story of the quarrel that preceded the captain's death察of the man who escaped by way of the garden。

Alas察thought I察even the most stupid policeman can not fail to look upon me with the eye of suspicion

In about twenty minutes three men arrived from Scotland Yard。  By that time I had worked myself up into a state of absurd nervousness。 I heard Walters let them in察heard them climb the stairs and walk about in the room overhead。  In a short time Walters knocked at my door and told me that Chief Inspector Bray desired to speak to me。 As I preceded the servant up the stairs I felt toward him as an accused murderer must feel toward the witness who has it in his power to swear his life away。

He was a big active man ´ Bray察blond as are so many Englishmen。 His every move spoke efficiency。  Trying to act as unconcerned as an innocent man should ´ but failing miserably察I fear ´ I related to him my story of the voices察the struggle察and the heavy man who had got by me in the hall and later climbed our gate。  He listened without comment。  At the end he said

;You were acquainted with the captain拭

;Slightly察─I told him。  Archie's letter kept popping into my mind察frightening me。  I had just met him ´ that is all察through a friend of his ´ Archibald Enwright was the name。;

;Is Enwright in London to vouch for you拭

;I'm afraid not。  I last heard of him in Interlaken。;

;Yes拭 How did you happen to take rooms in this house拭

;The first time I called to see the captain he had not yet arrived from India。  I was looking for lodgings and I took a great fancy to the garden here。;

It sounded silly察put like that。  I wasn't surprised that the inspector eyed me with scorn。  But I rather wished he hadn't。

Bray began to walk about the room察ignoring me。

;White asters察scarab pin察Homburg hat察─he detailed察pausing before the table where those strange exhibits lay。

A constable came forward carrying newspapers in his hand。

;What is it拭─Bray asked。

;The Daily Mail察sir察─said the constable。  ;The issues of July twenty´seventh察twenty´eighth察twenty´ninth and thirtieth。;

Bray took the papers in his hand察glanced at them and tossed them contemptuously into a waste´basket。  He turned to Walters。

;Sorry察sir察─said Walters察 but I was so taken aback  Nothing like this has ever happened to me before。  I'll go at once ´ ;

;No察─replied Bray sharply。  ;Never mind。  I'll attend to it ´ ;

There was a knock at the door。  Bray called ;Come ─and a slender boy察frail but with a military bearing察entered。

;Hello察Walters ─he said察smiling。  ;What's up拭 I´; 

He stopped suddenly as his eyes fell upon the divan where Fraser´Freer lay。  In an instant he was at the dead man's side。

;Stephen ─he cried in anguish。

;Who are you拭─demanded the inspector ´ rather rudely察I thought。

;It's the captain's brother察sir察─put in Walters。  ;Lieutenant Norman Fraser´Freer察of the Royal Fusiliers。;

There fell a silence。

;A great calamity察sir ´ ; began Walters to the boy。

I have rarely seen any one so overcome as young Fraser´Freer。 Watching him察it seemed to me that the affection existing between him and the man on the divan must have been a beautiful thing。  He turned away from his brother at last察and Walters sought to give him some idea of what had happened。

;You will pardon me察gentlemen察─said the lieutenant。  ;This has been a terrible shock  I didn't dream察of course ´ I just dropped in for a word with ´ with him。  And now ´ ;

We said nothing。  We let him apologize察as a true Englishman must察for his public display of emotion。

;I'm sorry察─Bray remarked in a moment察his eyes still shifting about the room ´ ; especially as England may soon have great need of men like the captain。  Now察gentlemen察I want to say this此I am the Chief of the Special Branch at the Yard。  This is no ordinary murder。  For reasons I can not disclose ´ and察I may add察for the best interests of the empire ´ news of the captain's tragic death must be kept for the present out of the newspapers。  I mean察of course察the manner of his going。  A mere death notice察you understand ´ the inference being that it was a natural taking off。;

;I understand察─said the lieutenant察as one who knows more than he tells。

;Thank you察─said Bray。  ;I shall leave you to attend to the matter察as far as your family is concerned。  You will take charge of the body。  As for the rest of you察I forbid you to mention this matter outside。;

And now Bray stood looking察with a puzzled air察at me。

;You are an American拭─he said察and I judged he did not care for Americans。

;I am察─I told him。

;Know any one at your consulate拭─he demanded。

Thank heaven察I did  There is an under´secretary there named Watson ´ I went to college with him。  I mentioned him to Bray。

;Very good察─said the inspector。  ;You are free to go。  But you must understand that you are an important witness in this case察and if you attempt to leave London you will be locked up。;

So I came back to my rooms察horribly entangled in a mystery that is little to my liking。  I have been sitting here in my study for some time察going over it again and again。  There have been many footsteps on the stairs察many voices in the hall。

Waiting here for the dawn察I have come to be very sorry for the cold handsome captain。  After all察he was a man察his very tread on the floor above察which it shall never hear again察told me that。

What does it all mean拭 Who was the man in the hall察the man who had argued so loudly察who had struck so surely with that queer Indian knife拭 Where is the knife now

And察above all察what do the white asters signify拭 And the scarab scarf´pin拭 And that absurd Homburg hat

Lady of the Canton察you wanted mystery。  When I wrote that first letter to you察little did I dream that I should soon have it to give you in overwhelming measure。

And ´ believe me when I say it ´ through all this your face has been constantly before me ´ your face as I saw it that bright morning in the hotel breakfast room。  You have forgiven me察I know察for the manner in which I addressed you。  I had seen your eyes and the temptation was great ´ very great。

It is dawn in the garden now and London is beginning to stir。  So this time it is ´ good morning察my lady。

                                              THE STRAWBERRY MAN。


It is hardly necessary to intimate that this letter came as something of a shock to the young woman who received it。   For the rest of that day the many sights of London held little interest for her ´ so little察indeed察that her perspiring father began to see visions of his beloved Texas察and once hopefully suggested an early return home。  The coolness with which this idea was received plainly showed him that he was on the wrong track察so he sighed and sought solace at the bar。

That night the two from Texas attended His Majesty's Theater察where Bernard Shaw's latest play was being performed察and the witty Irishman would have been annoyed to see the scant attention one lovely young American in the audience gave his lines。  The American in question retired at midnight察with eager thoughts turned toward the morning。

And she was not disappointed。  When her maid察a stolid Englishwoman察appeared at her bedside early Saturday she carried a letter察which she handed over察with the turned´up nose of one who aids but does not approve。  Quickly the girl tore it open。

DEAR Texas LADY此I am writing this late in the afternoon。  The sun is casting long black shadows on the garden lawn察and the whole world is so bright and matter´of´fact I have to argue with myself to be convinced that the events of that tragic night through which I passed really happened。

The newspapers this morning helped to make it all seem a dream察not a line ´ not a word察that I can find。  When I think of America察and how by this time the reporters would be swarming through our house if this thing had happened over there察I am the more astonished。 But then察I know these English papers。  The great Joe Chamberlain died the other night at ten察and it was noon the next day when the first paper to carry the story appeared ´ screaming loudly that it had scored a beat。  It had。  Other lands察other methods。

It was probably not difficult for Bray to keep journalists such as these in the dark。  So their great ungainly sheets come out in total ignorance of a remarkable story in Adelphi Terrace。  Famished for real news察they begin to hint at a huge war cloud on the horizon。 Because tottering Austria has declared war on tiny Serbia察because the Kaiser is to´day hurrying察with his best dramatic effect察home to Berlin察they see all Europe shortly bathed in blood。  A nightmare born of torrid days and tossing nights

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