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a footnote to history-第8节

小说: a footnote to history 字数: 每页4000字

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his own; and loved the employment; the people; and the place。  Yet 

there was a fly in the ointment。  The double error of unnecessary 

stealth and of the immixture of a trading company in political 

affairs; has vitiated; and in the end defeated; much German policy。  

And Brandeis was introduced to the islands as a clerk; and sent 

down to Leulumoenga (where he was soon drilling the troops and 

fortifying the position of the rebel king) as an agent of the 

German firm。  What this mystification cost in the end I shall tell 

in another place; and even in the beginning; it deceived no one。  

Brandeis is a man of notable personal appearance; he looks the part 

allotted him; and the military clerk was soon the centre of 

observation and rumour。  Malietoa wrote and complained of his 

presence to Becker; who had succeeded Dr。 Stuebel in the consulate。  

Becker replied; 〃I have nothing to do with the gentleman Brandeis。  

Be it well known that the gentleman Brandeis has no appointment in 

a military character; but resides peaceably assisting the 

government of Leulumoenga in their work; for Brandeis is a quiet; 

sensible gentleman。〃  And then he promised to send the vice…consul 

to 〃get information of the captain's doings〃:  surely 

supererogation of deceit。

THE HAWAIIAN EMBASSY。  The prime minister of the Hawaiian kingdom 

was; at this period; an adventurer of the name of Gibson。  He 

claimed; on the strength of a romantic story; to be the heir of a 

great English house。  He had played a part in a revolt in Java; had 

languished in Dutch fetters; and had risen to be a trusted agent of 

Brigham Young; the Utah president。  It was in this character of a 

Mormon emissary that he first came to the islands of Hawaii; where 

he collected a large sum of money for the Church of the Latter Day 

Saints。  At a given moment; he dropped his saintship and appeared 

as a Christian and the owner of a part of the island of Lanai。  The 

steps of the transformation are obscure; they seem; at least; to 

have been ill…received at Salt Lake; and there is evidence to the 

effect that he was followed to the islands by Mormon assassins。  

His first attempt on politics was made under the auspices of what 

is called the missionary party; and the canvass conducted largely 

(it is said with tears) on the platform at prayer…meetings。  It 

resulted in defeat。  Without any decency of delay he changed his 

colours; abjured the errors of reform; and; with the support of the 

Catholics; rose to the chief power。  In a very brief interval he 

had thus run through the gamut of religions in the South Seas。  It 

does not appear that he was any more particular in politics; but he 

was careful to consult the character and prejudices of the late 

king; Kalakaua。  That amiable; far from unaccomplished; but too 

convivial sovereign; had a continued use for money:  Gibson was 

observant to keep him well supplied。  Kalakaua (one of the most 

theoretical of men) was filled with visionary schemes for the 

protection and development of the Polynesian race:  Gibson fell in 

step with him; it is even thought he may have shared in his 

illusions。  The king and minister at least conceived between them a 

scheme of island confederation … the most obvious fault of which 

was that it came too late … and armed and fitted out the cruiser 

KAIMILOA; nest…egg of the future navy of Hawaii。  Samoa; the most 

important group still independent; and one immediately threatened 

with aggression; was chosen for the scene of action。  The Hon。 John 

E。 Bush; a half…caste Hawaiian; sailed (December 1887) for Apia as 

minister…plenipotentiary; accompanied by a secretary of legation; 

Henry F。 Poor; and as soon as she was ready for sea; the war…ship 

followed in support。  The expedition was futile in its course; 

almost tragic in result。  The KAIMILOA was from the first a scene 

of disaster and dilapidation:  the stores were sold; the crew 

revolted; for a great part of a night she was in the hands of 

mutineers; and the secretary lay bound upon the deck。  The mission; 

installing itself at first with extravagance in Matautu; was helped 

at last out of the island by the advances of a private citizen。  

And they returned from dreams of Polynesian independence to find 

their own city in the hands of a clique of white shopkeepers; and 

the great Gibson once again in gaol。  Yet the farce had not been 

quite without effect。  It had encouraged the natives for the 

moment; and it seems to have ruffled permanently the temper of the 

Germans。  So might a fly irritate Caesar。

The arrival of a mission from Hawaii would scarce affect the 

composure of the courts of Europe。  But in the eyes of Polynesians 

the little kingdom occupies a place apart。  It is there alone that 

men of their race enjoy most of the advantages and all the pomp of 

independence; news of Hawaii and descriptions of Honolulu are 

grateful topics in all parts of the South Seas; and there is no 

better introduction than a photograph in which the bearer shall be 

represented in company with Kalakaua。  Laupepa was; besides; sunk 

to the point at which an unfortunate begins to clutch at straws; 

and he received the mission with delight。  Letters were exchanged 

between him and Kalakaua; a deed of confederation was signed; 17th 

February 1887; and the signature celebrated in the new house of the 

Hawaiian embassy with some original ceremonies。  Malietoa Laupepa 

came; attended by his ministry; several hundred chiefs; two guards; 

and six policemen。  Always decent; he withdrew at an early hour; by 

those that remained; all decency appears to have been forgotten; 

high chiefs were seen to dance; and day found the house carpeted 

with slumbering grandees; who must be roused; doctored with coffee; 

and sent home。  As a first chapter in the history of Polynesian 

Confederation; it was hardly cheering; and Laupepa remarked to one 

of the embassy; with equal dignity and sense: 〃If you have come 

here to teach my people to drink; I wish you had stayed away。〃

The Germans looked on from the first with natural irritation that a 

power of the powerlessness of Hawaii should thus profit by its 

undeniable footing in the family of nations; and send embassies; 

and make believe to have a navy; and bark and snap at the heels of 

the great German Empire。  But Becker could not prevent the hunted 

Laupepa from taking refuge in any hole that offered; and he could 

afford to smile at the fantastic orgie in the embassy。  It was 

another matter when the Hawaiians approached the intractable 

Mataafa; sitting still in his Atua government like Achilles in his 

tent; helping neither side; and (as the Germans suspected) keeping 

the eggs warm for himself。  When the KAIMILOA steamed out of Apia 

on this visit; the German war…ship ADLER followed at her heels; and 

Mataafa was no sooner set down with the embassy than he was 

summoned and ordered on board by two German officers。  The step is 

one of those triumphs of temper which can only be admired。  Mataafa 

is entertaining the plenipotentiary of a sovereign power in treaty 

with his own king; and the captain of a German corvette orders him 

to quit his guests。

But there was worse to come。  I gather that Tamasese was at the 

time in the sulks。  He had doubtless been promised prompt aid and a 

prompt success; he had seen himself surreptitiously helped; 

privately ordered about; and publicly disowned; and he was still 

the king of nothing more than his own province; and already the 

second in command of Captain Brandeis。  With the adhesion of some 

part of his native cabinet; and behind the back of his white 

minister; he found means to communicate with the Hawaiians。  A 

passage on the KAIMILOA; a pension; and a home in Honolulu were the 

bribes proposed; and he seems to have been tempted。  A day was set 

for a secret interview。  Poor; the Hawaiian secretary; and J。 D。 

Strong; an American painter attached to the embassy in the 

surprising quality of 〃Government Artist;〃 landed with a Samoan 

boat's…crew in Aana; and while the secretary hid himself; according 

to agreement; in the outlying home of an English settler; the 

artist (ostensibly bent on photography) entered the headquarters of 

the rebel king。  It was a great day in Leulumoenga; three hundred 

recruits had come in; a feast was cooking; and the photographer; in 

view of the native love of being photographed; was made entirely 

welcome。  But beneath the friendly surface all were on the alert。  

The secret had leaked out:  Weber beheld his plans threatened in 

the root; Brandeis trembled for the possession of his slave and 

sovereign; and the German vice…consul; Mr。 Sonnenschein; had been 

sent or summoned to the scene of danger。

It was after dark; prayers had been said and the hymns sung through 

all the village; and Strong and the German sat together on the mats 


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