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a footnote to history-第33节

小说: a footnote to history 字数: 每页4000字

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injured screw disabled her from steaming vigorously up; and a 

little before day she had struck the front of the coral; come off; 

struck again; and gone down stern foremost; oversetting as she 

went; into the gaping hollow of the reef。  Of her whole complement 

of nearly eighty; four souls were cast alive on the beach; and the 

bodies of the remainder were; by the voluminous outpouring of the 

flooded streams; scoured at last from the harbour; and strewed 

naked on the seaboard of the island。

Five ships were immediately menaced with the same destruction。  The 

EBER vanished … the four poor survivors on shore … read a dreadful 

commentary on their danger; which was swelled out of all proportion 

by the violence of their own movements as they leaped and fell 

among the billows。  By seven the NIPSIC was so fortunate as to 

avoid the reef and beach upon a space of sand; where she was 

immediately deserted by her crew; with the assistance of Samoans; 

not without loss of life。  By about eight it was the turn of the 

ADLER。  She was close down upon the reef; doomed herself; it might 

yet be possible to save a portion of her crew; and for this end 

Captain Fritze placed his reliance on the very hugeness of the seas 

that threatened him。  The moment was watched for with the anxiety 

of despair; but the coolness of disciplined courage。  As she rose 

on the fatal wave; her moorings were simultaneously slipped; she 

broached to in rising; and the sea heaved her bodily upward and 

cast her down with a concussion on the summit of the reef; where 

she lay on her beam…ends; her back broken; buried in breaching 

seas; but safe。  Conceive a table:  the EBER in the darkness had 

been smashed against the rim and flung below; the ADLER; cast free 

in the nick of opportunity; had been thrown upon the top。  Many 

were injured in the concussion; many tossed into the water; twenty 

perished。  The survivors crept again on board their ship; as it now 

lay; and as it still remains; keel to the waves; a monument of the 

sea's potency。  In still weather; under a cloudless sky; in those 

seasons when that ill…named ocean; the Pacific; suffers its vexed 

shores to rest; she lies high and dry; the spray scarce touching 

her … the hugest structure of man's hands within a circuit of a 

thousand miles … tossed up there like a schoolboy's cap upon a 

shelf; broken like an egg; a thing to dream of。

The unfriendly consuls of Germany and Britain were both that 

morning in Matautu; and both displayed their nobler qualities。  De 

Coetlogon; the grim old soldier; collected his family and kneeled 

with them in an agony of prayer for those exposed。  Knappe; more 

fortunate in that he was called to a more active service; must; 

upon the striking of the ADLER; pass to his own consulate。  From 

this he was divided by the Vaisingano; now a raging torrent; 

impetuously charioting the trunks of trees。  A kelpie might have 

dreaded to attempt the passage; we may conceive this brave but 

unfortunate and now ruined man to have found a natural joy in the 

exposure of his life; and twice that day; coming and going; he 

braved the fury of the river。  It was possible; in spite of the 

darkness of the hurricane and the continual breaching of the seas; 

to remark human movements on the ADLER; and by the help of Samoans; 

always nobly forward in the work; whether for friend or enemy; 

Knappe sought long to get a line conveyed from shore; and was for 

long defeated。  The shore guard of fifty men stood to their arms 

the while upon the beach; useless themselves; and a great deterrent 

of Samoan usefulness。  It was perhaps impossible that this mistake 

should be avoided。  What more natural; to the mind of a European; 

than that the Mataafas should fall upon the Germans in this hour of 

their disadvantage?  But they had no other thought than to assist; 

and those who now rallied beside Knappe braved (as they supposed) 

in doing so a double danger; from the fury of the sea and the 

weapons of their enemies。  About nine; a quarter…master swam 

ashore; and reported all the officers and some sixty men alive but 

in pitiable case; some with broken limbs; others insensible from 

the drenching of the breakers。  Later in the forenoon; certain 

valorous Samoans succeeded in reaching the wreck and returning with 

a line; but it was speedily broken; and all subsequent attempts 

proved unavailing; the strongest adventurers being cast back again 

by the bursting seas。  Thenceforth; all through that day and night; 

the deafened survivors must continue to endure their martyrdom; and 

one officer died; it was supposed from agony of mind; in his 

inverted cabin。

Three ships still hung on the next margin of destruction; steaming 

desperately to their moorings; dashed helplessly together。  The 

CALLIOPE was the nearest in; she had the VANDALIA close on her port 

side and a little ahead; the OLGA close a…starboard; the reef under 

her heel; and steaming and veering on her cables; the unhappy ship 

fenced with her three dangers。  About a quarter to nine she carried 

away the VANDALIA'S quarter gallery with her jib…boom; a moment 

later; the OLGA had near rammed her from the other side。  By nine 

the VANDALIA dropped down on her too fast to be avoided; and 

clapped her stern under the bowsprit of the English ship; the 

fastenings of which were burst asunder as she rose。  To avoid 

cutting her down; it was necessary for the CALLIOPE to stop and 

even to reverse her engines; and her rudder was at the moment … or 

it seemed so to the eyes of those on board … within ten feet of the 

reef。  〃Between the VANDALIA and the reef〃 (writes Kane; in his 

excellent report) 〃it was destruction。〃  To repeat Fritze's 

manoeuvre with the ADLER was impossible; the CALLIOPE was too 

heavy。  The one possibility of escape was to go out。  If the 

engines should stand; if they should have power to drive the ship 

against wind and sea; if she should answer the helm; if the wheel; 

rudder; and gear should hold out; and if they were favoured with a 

clear blink of weather in which to see and avoid the outer reef … 

there; and there only; were safety。  Upon this catalogue of 〃ifs〃 

Kane staked his all。  He signalled to the engineer for every pound 

of steam … and at that moment (I am told) much of the machinery was 

already red…hot。  The ship was sheered well to starboard of the 

VANDALIA; the last remaining cable slipped。  For a time … and there 

was no onlooker so cold…blooded as to offer a guess at its duration 

… the CALLIOPE lay stationary; then gradually drew ahead。  The 

highest speed claimed for her that day is of one sea…mile an hour。  

The question of times and seasons; throughout all this roaring 

business; is obscured by a dozen contradictions; I have but chosen 

what appeared to be the most consistent; but if I am to pay any 

attention to the time named by Admiral Kimberley; the CALLIOPE; in 

this first stage of her escape; must have taken more than two hours 

to cover less than four cables。  As she thus crept seaward; she 

buried bow and stem alternately under the billows。

In the fairway of the entrance the flagship TRENTON still held on。  

Her rudder was broken; her wheel carried away; within she was 

flooded with water from the peccant hawse…pipes; she had just made 

the signal 〃fires extinguished;〃 and lay helpless; awaiting the 

inevitable end。  Between this melancholy hulk and the external reef 

Kane must find a path。  Steering within fifty yards of the reef 

(for which she was actually headed) and her foreyard passing on the 

other hand over the TRENTON'S quarter as she rolled; the CALLIOPE 

sheered between the rival dangers; came to the wind triumphantly; 

and was once more pointed for the sea and safety。  Not often in 

naval history was there a moment of more sickening peril; and it 

was dignified by one of those incidents that reconcile the 

chronicler with his otherwise abhorrent task。  From the doomed 

flagship the Americans hailed the success of the English with a 

cheer。  It was led by the old admiral in person; rang out over the 

storm with holiday vigour; and was answered by the Calliopes with 

an emotion easily conceived。  This ship of their kinsfolk was 

almost the last external object seen from the CALLIOPE for hours; 

immediately after; the mists closed about her till the morrow。  She 

was safe at sea again … UNA DE MULTIS … with a damaged foreyard; 

and a loss of all the ornamental work about her bow and stern; 

three anchors; one kedge…anchor; fourteen lengths of chain; four 

boats; the jib…boom; bobstay; and bands and fastenings of the 


Shortly after Kane had slipped his cable; Captain Schoonmaker; 

despairing of the VANDALIA; succeeded in passing astern of the 

OLGA; in the hope to beach his ship beside the NIPSIC。  At a 

quarter to eleven her stern took the reef; her hand swung t

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