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stories by modern american authors-第30节

小说: stories by modern american authors 字数: 每页4000字

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gold; in the last rays of the setting sun; some of which still

faintly illumined the eminence upon which we stood。  The scarabaeus

hung quite clear of any branches; and; if allowed to fall; would

have fallen at our feet。  Legrand immediately took the scythe; and

cleared with it a circular space; three or four yards in diameter;

just beneath the insect; and; having accomplished this; ordered

Jupiter to let go the string and come down from the tree。

Driving a peg; with great nicety; into the ground; at the precise

spot where the beetle fell; my friend now produced from his pocket

a tape measure。  Fastening one end of this at that point of the

trunk of the tree which was nearest the peg; he unrolled it till it

reached the peg and thence further unrolled it; in the direction

already established by the two points of the tree and the peg; for

the distance of fifty feetJupiter clearing away the brambles with

the scythe。  At the spot thus attained a second peg was driven; and

about this; as a center; a rude circle; about four feet in

diameter; described。  Taking now a spade himself; and giving one to

Jupiter and one to me; Legrand begged us to set about digging as

quickly as possible。

To speak the truth; I had no especial relish for such amusement at

any time; and; at that particular moment; would willingly have

declined it; for the night was coming on; and I felt much fatigued

with the exercise already taken; but I saw no mode of escape; and

was fearful of disturbing my poor friend's equanimity by a refusal。

Could I have depended; indeed; upon Jupiter's aid; I would have had

no hesitation in attempting to get the lunatic home by force; but I

was too well assured of the old negro's disposition; to hope that

he would assist me; under any circumstances; in a personal contest

with his master。  I made no doubt that the latter had been infected

with some of the innumerable Southern superstitions about money

buried; and that his fantasy had received confirmation by the

finding of the scarabaeus; or; perhaps; by Jupiter's obstinacy in

maintaining it to be 〃a bug of real gold。〃  A mind disposed to

lunacy would readily be led away by such suggestionsespecially if

chiming in with favorite preconceived ideasand then I called to

mind the poor fellow's speech about the beetle's being 〃the index

of his fortune。〃  Upon the whole; I was sadly vexed and puzzled;

but; at length; I concluded to make a virtue of necessityto dig

with a good will; and thus the sooner to convince the visionary; by

ocular demonstration; of the fallacy of the opinion he entertained。

The lanterns having been lit; we all fell to work with a zeal

worthy a more rational cause; and; as the glare fell upon our

persons and implements; I could not help thinking how picturesque a

group we composed; and how strange and suspicious our labors must

have appeared to any interloper who; by chance; might have stumbled

upon our whereabouts。

We dug very steadily for two hours。  Little was said; and our chief

embarrassment lay in the yelpings of the dog; who took exceeding

interest in our proceedings。  He; at length; became so obstreperous

that we grew fearful of his giving the alarm to some stragglers in

the vicinity;or; rather; this was the apprehension of Legrand;

for myself; I should have rejoiced at any interruption which might

have enabled me to get the wanderer home。  The noise was; at

length; very effectually silenced by Jupiter; who; getting out of

the hole with a dogged air of deliberation; tied the brute's mouth

up with one of his suspenders; and then returned; with a grave

chuckle; to his task。

When the time mentioned had expired; we had reached a depth of five

feet; and yet no signs of any treasure became manifest。  A general

pause ensued; and I began to hope that the farce was at an end。

Legrand; however; although evidently much disconcerted; wiped his

brow thoughtfully and recommenced。  We had excavated the entire

circle of four feet diameter; and now we slightly enlarged the

limit; and went to the farther depth of two feet。  Still nothing

appeared。  The gold…seeker; whom I sincerely pitied; at length

clambered from the pit; with the bitterest disappointment imprinted

upon every feature; and proceeded; slowly and reluctantly; to put

on his coat; which he had thrown off at the beginning of his labor。

In the meantime I made no remark。  Jupiter; at a signal from his

master; began to gather up his tools。  This done; and the dog

having been unmuzzled; we turned in profound silence toward home。

We had taken; perhaps; a dozen steps in this direction; when; with

a loud oath; Legrand strode up to Jupiter; and seized him by the

collar。  The astonished negro opened his eyes and mouth to the

fullest extent; let fall the spades; and fell upon his knees。

〃You scoundrel!〃 said Legrand; hissing out the syllables from

between his clenched teeth〃you infernal black villain!speak; I

tell you!answer me this instant; without prevarication!which

which is your left eye?〃

〃Oh; my golly; Massa Will! aint dis here my lef eye for sartain?〃

roared the terrified Jupiter; placing his hand upon his RIGHT organ

of vision; and holding it there with a desperate pertinacity; as if

in immediate; dread of his master's attempt at a gouge。

〃I thought so!I knew it! hurrah!〃 vociferated Legrand; letting

the negro go and executing a series of curvets and caracols; much

to the astonishment of his valet; who; arising from his knees;

looked; mutely; from his master to myself; and then from myself to

his master。

〃Come! we must go back;〃 said the latter; 〃the game's not up yet;〃

and he again led the way to the tulip tree。

〃Jupiter;〃 said he; when we reached its foot; 〃come here! was the

skull nailed to the limb with the face outward; or with the face to

the limb?〃

〃De face was out; massa; so dat de crows could get at de eyes good;

widout any trouble。〃

〃Well; then; was it this eye or that through which you dropped the

beetle?〃 here Legrand touched each of Jupiter's eyes。

〃'Twas dis eye; massade lef eyejis as you tell me;〃 and here it

was his right eye that the negro indicated。

〃That will dowe must try it again。〃

Here my friend; about whose madness I now saw; or fancied that I

saw; certain indications of method; removed the peg which marked

the spot where the beetle fell; to a spot about three inches to the

westward of its former position。  Taking; now; the tape measure

from the nearest point of the trunk to the peg; as before; and

continuing the extension in a straight line to the distance of

fifty feet; a spot was indicated; removed; by several yards; from

the point at which we had been digging。

Around the new position a circle; somewhat larger than in the

former instance; was now described; and we again set to work with

the spade。  I was dreadfully weary; but; scarcely understanding

what had occasioned the change in my thoughts; I felt no longer any

great aversion from the labor imposed。  I had become most

unaccountably interestednay; even excited。  Perhaps there was

something; amid all the extravagant demeanor of Legrandsome air

of forethought; or of deliberation; which impressed me。  I dug

eagerly; and now and then caught myself actually looking; with

something that very much resembled expectation; for the fancied

treasure; the vision of which had demented my unfortunate

companion。  At a period when such vagaries of thought most fully

possessed me; and when we had been at work perhaps an hour and a

half; we were again interrupted by the violent howlings of the dog。

His uneasiness; in the first instance; had been; evidently; but the

result of playfulness or caprice; but he now assumed a bitter and

serious tone。  Upon Jupiter's again attempting to muzzle him; he

made furious resistance; and; leaping into the hole; tore up the

mold frantically with his claws。  In a few seconds he had uncovered

a mass of human bones; forming two complete skeletons; intermingled

with several buttons of metal; and what appeared to be the dust of

decayed woolen。  One or two strokes of a spade upturned the blade

of a large Spanish knife; and; as we dug farther; three or four

loose pieces of gold and silver coin came to light。

At sight of these the joy of Jupiter could scarcely be restrained;

but the countenance of his master wore an air of extreme

disappointment。  He urged us; however; to continue our exertions;

and the words were hardly uttered when I stumbled and fell forward;

having caught the toe of my boot in a large ring of iron that lay

half buried in the loose earth。

We now worked in earnest; and never did I pass ten minutes of more

intense excitement。  During this interval we had fairly unearthed

an oblong chest of wood; which; from its perfect preservation and

wonderful hardness; had plainly been subjected to some mineralizing

processperhaps that of the 

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