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the american claimant-第38节

小说: the american claimant 字数: 每页4000字

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Sally's eyes burned and her breath came quick and fast; but she kept a
fairly good grip on her anger and did not let it get the advantage of her
tongue。  The statesman sat still and waited for developments。  He was
content with his work。  It was as handsome a piece of diplomatic art as
he had ever turned out; he thought; and now; let the girl make her own
choice。  He judged she would let her spectre go; he hadn't a doubt of it
in fact; but anyway; let the choice be made; and he was ready to ratify
it and offer no further hindrance。

Meantime Sally had thought her case out and made up her mind。  To the
major's disappointment the verdict was against him。  Sally said:

〃He has no friend but me; and I will not desert him now。  I will not
marry him if his moral character is bad; but if he can prove that it
isn't; I willand he shall have the chance。  To me he seems utterly good
and dear; I've never seen anything about him that looked otherwise…
except; of course; his calling himself an earl's son。  Maybe that is only
vanity; and no real harm; when you get to the bottom of it。  I do not
believe he is any such person as you have painted him。  I want to see
him。  I want you to find him and send him to me。  I will implore him to
be honest with me; and tell me the whole truth; and not be afraid。〃

〃Very well; if that is your decision I will do it。  But Sally; you know;
he's poor; and〃

〃Oh; I don't care anything about that。  That's neither here nor there。
Will you bring him to me?〃

〃I'll do it。  When?〃

〃Oh; dear; it's getting toward dark; now; and so you'll have to put it
off till morning。  But you will find him in the morning; won't you?

〃I'll have him here by daylight。〃

〃Oh; now you're your own old self againand lovelier than ever!〃

〃I couldn't ask fairer than that。  Good…bye; dear。〃

Sally mused a moment alone; then said earnestly; 〃I love him in spite of
his name!〃 and went about her affairs with a light heart。


Hawkins went straight to the telegraph office and disburdened his
conscience。  He said to himself; 〃She's not going to give this galvanized
cadaver up; that's plain。  Wild horses can't pull her away from him。
I've done my share; it's for Sellers to take an innings; now。〃  So he
sent this message to New York:

〃Come back。  Hire special train。  She's going to marry the materializee。〃

Meantime a note came to Rossmore Towers to say that the Earl of Rossmore
had just arrived from England; and would do himself the pleasure of
calling in the evening。  Sally said to herself; 〃It is a pity he didn't
stop in New York; but it's no matter; he can go up to…morrow and see my
father。  He has come over here to tomahawk papa; very likelyor buy out
his claim。  This thing would have excited me; a while back; but it has
only one interest for me now; and only one value。  I can say toto
Spine; Spiny; SpinalI don't like any form of that name!I can say to
him to…morrow; 'Don't try to keep it up any more; or I shall have to tell
you whom I have been talking with last night; and then you will be

Tracy couldn't know he was to be invited for the morrow; or he might have
waited。  As it was; he was too miserable to wait any longer; for his last
hopea letterhad failed him。  It was fully due to…day; it had not
come。  Had his father really flung him away?  It looked so。  It was not
like his father; but it surely looked so。  His father was a rather tough
nut; in truth; but had never been so with his sonstill; this implacable
silence had a calamitous look。  Anyway; Tracy would go to the Towers and
then what?  He didn't know; his head was tired out with thinking
he wouldn't think about what he must do or saylet it all take care of
itself。  So that he saw Sally once more; he would be satisfied; happen
what might; he wouldn't care。

He hardly knew how he got to the Towers; or when。  He knew and cared for
only one thinghe was alone with Sally。  She was kind; she was gentle;
there was moisture in her eyes; and a yearning something in her face and
manner which she could not wholly hidebut she kept her distance。  They
talked。  Bye and bye she saidwatching his downcast countenance out of
the corner of her eye

〃It's so lonesomewith papa and mamma gone。  I try to read; but I can't
seem to get interested in any book。  I try the newspapers; but they do
put such rubbish in them。  You take up a paper and start to read
something you thinks interesting; and it goes on and on and on about how
somebodywell; Dr。 Snodgrass; for instance〃

Not a movement from Tracy; not the quiver of a muscle。  Sally was amazed
what command of himself he must have!  Being disconcerted; she paused
so long that Tracy presently looked up wearily and said:


〃Oh; I thought you were not listening。  Yes; it goes on and on about this
Doctor Snodgrass; till you are so tired; and then about his younger son
the favorite sonZylobalsamum Snodgrass〃

Not a sign from Tracy; whose head was drooping again。  What supernatural
self…possession!  Sally fixed her eye on him and began again; resolved to
blast him out of his serenity this time if she knew how to apply the
dynamite that is concealed in certain forms of words when those words are
properly loaded with unexpected meanings。

〃And next it goes on and on and on about the eldest sonnot the
favorite; this oneand how lie is neglected in his poor barren boyhood;
and allowed to grow up unschooled; ignorant; coarse; vulgar; the comrade
of the community's scum; and become in his completed manhood a rude;
profane; dissipated ruffian〃

That head still drooped!  Sally rose; moved softly and solemnly a step or
two; and stood before Tracyhis head came slowly up; his meek eyes met
her intense onesthen she finished with deep impressiveness

〃named Spinal Meningitis Snodgrass!〃

Tracy merely exhibited signs of increased fatigue。  The girl was outraged
by this iron indifference and callousness; and cried out

〃What are you made of?〃

〃I?  Why?〃

〃Haven't you any sensitiveness?  Don't these things touch any poor
remnant of delicate feeling in you?〃

〃Nno;〃 he said wonderingly; 〃they don't seem to。  Why should they?〃

〃O; dear me; how can you look so innocent; and foolish; and good; and
empty; and gentle; and all that; right in the hearing of such things as
those!  Look me in the eye…straight in the eye。  There; now then; answer
me without a flinch。  Isn't Doctor Snodgrass your father; and isn't
Zylobalsamum your brother;〃 'here Hawkins was about to enter the room;
but changed his mind upon hearing these words; and elected for a walk
down town; and so glided swiftly away'; 〃and isn't your name Spinal
Meningitis; and isn't your father a doctor and an idiot; like all the
family for generations; and doesn't he name all his children after
poisons and pestilences and; abnormal anatomical eccentricities of the
human body?  Answer me; some way or somehowand quick。  Why do you sit
there looking like an envelope without any address on it and see me going
mad before your face with suspense!〃

〃Oh; I wish I could dodoI wish I could do something; anything that
would give you peace again and make you happy; but I know of nothing
I know of no way。  I have never heard of these awful people before。〃

〃What?  Say it again!〃

〃I have never…never in my life till now。〃

〃Oh; you do look so honest when you say that!  It must be truesurely
you couldn't look that way; you wouldn't look that way if it were not
truewould you?〃

〃I couldn't and wouldn't。  It is true。  Oh; let us end this suffering
take me back into your heart and confidence〃

〃Waitone more thing。  Tell me you told that falsehood out of mere
vanity and are sorry for it; that you're not expecting to ever wear the
coronet of an earl〃

〃Truly I am curedcured this very dayI am not expecting it!〃

〃O; now you are mine!  I've got you back in the beauty and glory of your
unsmirched poverty and your honorable obscurity; and nobody shall ever
take you from me again but the grave!  And if〃

〃De earl of Rossmore; fum Englan'!〃

〃My father!〃  The; young man released the girl and hung his head。

The old gentleman stood surveying the couplethe one with a strongly
complimentary right eye; the other with a mixed expression done with the
left。  This is difficult; and not often resorted to。  Presently his face
relaxed into a kind of constructive gentleness; and he said to his son:

〃Don't you think you could embrace me; too?〃

The young man did it with alacrity。  〃Then you are the son of an earl;
after all;〃 said Sally; reproachfully。

〃Yes; I〃

〃Then I won't have you!〃

〃O; but you know〃

〃No; I will not。  You've told me another fib。〃

〃She's right。  Go away and leave us。  I want to talk with her。〃

Berkeley was obliged to go。  But he did not go far。  He remained on the
premises。  At midnight the conference between the old gentleman and the
young girl was still going blithely on; but it presently drew to a close;
and the former said:

〃I came all the way over here to inspect you; my dear; with the general
idea of breaking off this match if there were two fools of you; but as
there's only one; you can have hi

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