the wars of the jews-第59节
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(26) Of this Sohemus we have mention made by Tacitus。 We also learn from Dio that his father was king of the Arabians of Iturea; 'which Iturea is mentioned by St。 Luke; ch。 3:1。' both whose testimonies are quoted here by Dr。 Hudson。 See Noldius; No。 371。
(27) Spanheim notes on the place; that this later Antiochus; who was called Epiphaues; is mentioned by Dio; LIX。 p。 645; and that he is mentioned by Josephus elsewhere twice also; B。V。 ch。 11。 sect。 3; and Antiq。 B。 XIX。 ch。 8。 sect。 I。
(28) Here we have an eminent example of that Jewish language; which Dr。 Wail truly observes; we several times find used in the sacred writings; I mean; where the words 〃all〃 or〃 whole multitude;〃etc。 are used for much the greatest part only; but not so as to include every person; without exception; for when Josephus had said that 〃the whole multitude〃 'all the males' of Lydda were gone to the feast of tabernacles; he immediately adds; that; however; no fewer than fifty of them appeared; and were slain by the Romans。 Other examples somewhat like this I have observed elsewhere in Josephus; but; as I think; none so remarkable as this。 See Wall's Critical Observations on the Old Testament; p。 49; 50。
(29) We have also; in this and the next section; two eminent facts to be observed; viz。 the first example; that I remember; in Josephus; of the onset of the Jews' enemies upon their country when their males were gone up to Jerusalem to one of their three sacred festivals; which; during the theocracy; God had promised to preserve them from; Exodus 34:24。 The second fact is this; the breach of the sabbath by the seditions Jews in an offensive fight; contrary to the universal doctrine and practice of their nation in these ages; and even contrary to what they themselves afterward practiced in the rest of this war。 See the note on Antiq。 B。 XVI。 ch。 2。 sect。 4。
(30) There may another very important; and very providential; reason be here assigned for this strange and foolish retreat of Cestius; which; if Josephus had been now a Christian; he might probably have taken notice of also; and that is; the affording the Jewish Christians in the city an opportunity of calling to mind the prediction and caution given them by Christ about thirty…three years and a half before; that 〃when they should see the abomination of desolation〃 'the idolatrous Roman armies; with the images of their idols in their ensigns; ready to lay Jerusalem desolate' 〃stand where it ought not;〃 or; 〃in the holy place;〃 or; 〃when they should see Jerusalem any one instance of a more unpolitic; but more providential; compassed with armies;〃 they should then 〃flee to the mound conduct than this retreat of Cestius visible during this whole rains。〃 By complying with which those Jewish Christians fled I siege of Jerusalem; which yet was providentially such a 〃great to the mountains of Perea; and escaped this destruction。 See tribulation; as had not been from the beginning of the world to that time; no; Lit。 Accompl。 of Proph。 p。 69; 70。 Nor was there; perhaps; nor ever should be。〃Ibid。 p。 70; 71。
(31) From this name of Joseph the son of Gorion; or Gorion the son of Joseph; as B。 IV。 ch。 3。 sect。 9; one of the governors of Jerusalem; who was slain at the beginning of the tumults by the zealots; B。 IV。 ch。 6。 sect。 1; the much later Jewish author of a history of that nation takes his title; and yet personates our true Josephus; the son of Matthias; but the cheat is too gross to be put upon the learned world。
(32) We may observe here; that the Idumeans; as having been proselytes of justice since the days of John Hyrcanus; during about one hundred and ninety…five years; were now esteemed as part of the Jewish nation; and these provided of a Jewish commander accordingly。 See the note upon Antiq。 B。 XIII。。 ch。 9。 sect。 1。
(33) We see here; and in Josephus's account of his own life; sect。 14; how exactly he imitated his legislator Moses; or perhaps only obeyed what he took to be his perpetual law; in appointing seven lesser judges; for smaller causes; in particular cities; and perhaps for the first hearing of greater causes; with the liberty of an appeal to seventy…one supreme judges; especially in those causes where life and death were concerned; as Antiq。 B。 IV。 ch。 8。 sect。 14; and of his Life; sect。 14。 See also Of the War; B。 IV。 ch。 5。 sect。 4。 Moreover; we find; sect。 7; that he imitated Moses; as well as the Romans; in the number and distribution of the subaltern officers of his army; as Exodus 18:25; Deuteronomy 1:15; and in his charge against the offenses common among soldiers; as Denteronomy 13:9; in all which he showed his great wisdom and piety; and skillful conduct in martial affairs。 Yet may we discern in his very high character of Artanus the high priest; B。 IV。 ch。 5。 sect。 2; who seems to have been the same who condemned St。 James; bishop of Jerusalem; to be stoned; under Albinus the procurator; that when he wrote these books of the War; he was not so much as an Ebionite Christian; otherwise he would not have failed; according to his usual custom; to have reckoned this his barbarous murder as a just punishment upon him for that his cruelty to the chief; or rather only Christian bishop of the circumcision。 Nor; had he been then a Christian; could he immediately have spoken so movingly of the causes of the destruction of Jerusalem; without one word of either the condemnation of James; or crucifixion of Christ; as he did when he was become a Christian afterward。
(34) I should think that an army of sixty thousand footmen should require many more than two hundred and fifty horsemen; and we find Josephus had more horsemen under his command than two hundred and fifty in his future history。 I suppose the number of the thousands is dropped in our present copies。
(35) I cannot but think this stratagem of Josephus; which is related both here and in his Life; sect。 32; 33; to be one of the finest that ever was invented and executed by any warrior whatsoever。
Containing The Interval Of About One Year。
From Vespasian's Coming To Subdue The Jews To The Taking Of Gamala。
Vespasian Is Sent Into Syria By Nero In Order To Make War With The Jews。
1。 When Nero was informed of the Romans' ill success in Judea; a concealed consternation and terror; as is usual in such cases; fell upon him; although he openly looked very big; and was very angry; and said that what had happened was rather owing to the negligence of the commander; than to any valor of the enemy: and as he thought it fit for him; who bare the burden of the whole empire; to despise such misfortunes; he now pretended so to do; and to have a soul superior to all such sad accidents whatsoever。 Yet did the disturbance that was in his soul plainly appear by the solicitude he was in 'how to recover his affairs again'。 2。 And as he was deliberating to whom he should commit the care of the East; now it was in so great a commotion; and who might be best able to punish the Jews for their rebellion; and might prevent the same distemper from seizing upon the neighboring nations also; … he found no one but Vespasian equal to the task; and able to undergo the great burden of so mighty a war; seeing he was growing an old man already in the camp; and from his youth had been exercised in warlike exploits: he was also a man that had long ago pacified the west; and made it subject to the Romans; when it had been put into disorder by the Germans; he had also recovered to them Britain by his arms; which had been little known before (1) whereby he procured to his father Claudius to have a triumph bestowed on him without any sweat or labor of his own。
3。 So Nero esteemed these circumstances as favorable omens; and saw that Vespasian's age gave him sure experience; and great skill; and that he had his sons as hostages for his fidelity to himself; and that the flourishing age they were in would make them fit instruments under their father's prudence。 Perhaps also there was some interposition of Providence; which was paving the way for Vespasian's being himself emperor afterwards。 Upon the whole; he sent this man to take upon him the command of the armies that were in Syria; but this not without great encomiums and flattering compellations; such as necessity required; and such as might mollify him into complaisance。 So Vespasian sent his son Titus from Achaia; where he had been with Nero; to Alexandria; to bring back with him from thence the fifth and。 the tenth legions; while he himself; when he had passed over the Hellespont; came by land into Syria; where he gathered together the Roman forces; with a considerable number of auxiliaries from the kings in that neighborhood。
A Great Slaughter About Ascalon。 Vespasian Comes To Ptolemais。 1。 Now the Jews; after they had beaten Cestius; were so much elevated with their unexpected success; that they could not govern their zeal; but; like people blown up into a flame by their good fortune; carried the war to remoter places。 Accordingly; they presently got together a great multitude of all their most hardy soldiers; and marched away for Ascalon。 This is an ancient city that is distant from Jerusalem five hundred and twenty furlongs; and was always an enem