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of him; of plain and antique workmanship。
  Afterwards; the Sabines; making incursions upon the Romans; Marcus
Valerius; brother to Poplicola; was made consul; and with him
Postumius Tubertus。 Marcus; through the management of affairs by the
conduct and direct assistance of Poplicola; obtained two great
victories; in the latter of which he slew thirteen thousand Sabines
without the loss of one Roman; and was honoured; as an accession to
his triumph; with an house built in the Palatium at the public charge;
and whereas the doors of other houses opened inward into the house;
they made this to open outward into the street; to intimate their
perpetual public recognition of his merit by thus continually making
way for him。 The same fashion in their doors the Greeks; they say; had
of old universally; which appears from their comedies; where those
that are going out make a noise at the door within; to give notice
to those that pass by or stand near the door; that the opening the
door into the street might occasion no surprisal。
  The year after; Poplicola was made consul the fourth time; when a
confederacy of the Sabines and Latins threatened a war; a
superstitious fear also overran the city on the occasion of general
miscarriages of their women; no single birth coming to its due time。
Poplicola; upon consultation of the Sibylline books; sacrificing to
Pluto; and renewing certain games commanded by Apollo; restored the
city to more cheerful assurance in the gods; and then prepared against
the menaces of men。 There were appearances of great preparation; and
of a formidable confederacy。 Amongst the Sabines there was one
Appius Clausus; a man of a great wealth and strength of body; but most
eminent for his high character and for his eloquence; yet; as is
usually the fate of great men; he could not escape the envy of others;
which was much occasioned by his dissuading the war; and seeming to
promote the Roman interest; with a view; it is thought; to obtaining
absolute power in his own country for himself。 Knowing how welcome
these reports would be to the multitude; and how offensive to the army
and the abettors of the war; he was afraid to stand a trial; but;
having a considerable body of friends and allies to assist him; raised
a tumult amongst the Sabines; which delayed the war。 Neither was
Poplicola wanting; not only to understand the grounds of the sedition;
but to promote and increase it; and he despatched emissaries with
instructions to Clausus; that Poplicola was assured of his goodness
and justice; and thought it indeed unworthy in any man; however
injured; to seek revenge upon his fellow citizens; yet if he
pleased; for his own security; to leave his enemies and come to
Rome; he should be received; both in public and private; with the
honour his merit deserved; and their own glory required。 Appius;
seriously weighing the matter; came to the conclusion that it was
the best resource which necessity left him; and advising with his
friends; and they inviting others in the same manner; he came to Rome;
bringing five thousand families; with their wives and children; people
of the quietest and steadiest temper of all the Sabines。 Poplicola;
informed of their approach; received them with all the kind offices of
a friend; and admitted them at once to the franchise allotting to
every one two acres of land by the river Anio; but to Clausus
twenty…five acres; and gave him a place in the senate; a
commencement of political power which he used so wisely; that he
rose to the highest reputation; was very influential; and left the
Claudian house behind him; inferior to none in Rome。
  The departure of these men rendered things quiet amongst the
Sabines; yet the chief of the community would not suffer them to
settle into peace; but resented that Clausus now; by turning deserter;
should disappoint that revenge upon the Romans; which; while at
home; he had unsuccessfully opposed。 Coming with a great army; they
sat down before Fidenae; and placed an ambuscade of two thousand men
near Rome; in wooded and hollow spots; with a design that some few
horsemen; as soon as it was day; should go out and ravage the country;
commanding them upon their approach to the town so to retreat as to
draw the enemy into the ambush。 Poplicola; however; soon advertised of
these designs by deserters; disposed his forces to their respective
charges。 Postumius Balbus; his son…in…law; going out with three
thousand men in the evening; was ordered to take the hills; under
which the ambush lay; there to observe their motions; his colleague;
Lucretius; attended with a body of the lightest and boldest men; was
appointed to meet the Sabine horse; whilst he; with the rest of the
army; encompassed the enemy。 And a thick mist rising accidentally;
Postumius; early in the morning; with shouts from the hills;
assailed the ambuscade; Lucretius charged the light…horse; and
Poplicola besieged the camp; so that on all sides defeat and ruin came
upon the Sabines; and without any resistance the Romans killed them in
their flight; their very hopes leading them to their death; for each
division; presuming that the other was safe; gave up all thought of
fighting or keeping their ground; and these quitting the camp to
retire to the ambuscade; and the ambuscade flying to the camp;
fugitives thus met fugitives; and found those from whom they
expected succour as much in need of succour from themselves。 The
nearness; however; of the city Fidenae was the preservation of the
Sabines; especially those that fled from the camp; those that could
not gain the city either perished in the field; or were taken
prisoners。 This victory; the Romans; though usually ascribing such
success to some god; attributed to the conduct of one captain; and
it was observed to be heard amongst the soldiers; that Poplicola had
delivered their enemies lame and blind; and only not in chains; to
be despatched by their swords。 From the spoil and prisoners great
wealth accrued to the people。
  Poplicola; having completed his triumph; and bequeathed the city
to the care of the succeeding consuls; died; thus closing a life
which; so far as human life may be; had been full of all that is
good and honourable。 The people; as though they had not duly
rewarded his deserts when alive; but still were in his debt; decreed
him a public interment; every one contributing his quadrans towards
the charge; the women; besides; by private consent; mourned a whole
year; a signal mark of honour to his memory。 He was buried; by the
people's desire; within the city; in the part called Velia; where
his posterity had likewise privilege of burial; now; however; none
of the family are interred there; but the body is carried thither
and set down; and some one places a burning torch under it and
immediately takes it away; as an attestation of the deceased's
privilege; and his receding from his honour; after which the body is

                               THE END

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