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father goriot-第61节

小说: father goriot 字数: 每页4000字

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He seemed to grow drowsy with exhaustion; and lay quietly for a

long time。 Christophe came back; and Rastignac; thinking that

Goriot was asleep; allowed the man to give his story aloud。

〃First of all; sir; I went to Madame la Comtesse;〃 he said; 〃but

she and her husband were so busy that I couldn't get to speak to

her。 When I insisted that I must see her; M。 de Restaud came out

to me himself; and went on like this: 'M。 Goriot is dying; is he?

Very well; it is the best thing he can do。 I want Mme。 de Restaud

to transact some important business; when it is all finished she

can go。' The gentleman looked angry; I thought。 I was just going

away when Mme。 de Restaud came out into an ante…chamber through a

door that I did not notice; and said; 'Christophe; tell my father

that my husband wants me to discuss some matters with him; and I

cannot leave the house; the life or death of my children is at

stake; but as soon as it is over; I will come。' As for Madame la

Baronne; that is another story! I could not speak to her either;

and I did not even see her。 Her waiting…woman said; 'Ah yes; but

madame only came back from a ball at a quarter to five this

morning; she is asleep now; and if I wake her before mid…day she

will be cross。 As soon as she rings; I will go and tell her that

her father is worse。 It will be time enough then to tell her bad

news!' I begged and I prayed; but; there! it was no good。 Then I

asked for M。 le Baron; but he was out。〃

〃To think that neither of his daughters should come!〃 exclaimed

Rastignac。 〃I will write to them both。〃

〃Neither of them!〃 cried the old man; sitting upright in bed。

〃They are busy; they are asleep; they will not come! I knew that

they would not。 Not until you are dying do you know your

children。 。 。 。 Oh! my friend; do not marry; do not have

children! You give them life; they give you your deathblow。 You

bring them into the world; and they send you out of it。 No; they

will not come。 I have known that these ten years。 Sometimes I

have told myself so; but I did not dare to believe it。〃

The tears gathered and stood without overflowing the red sockets。

〃Ah! if I were rich still; if I had kept my money; if I had not

given all to them; they would be with me now; they would fawn on

me and cover my cheeks with their kisses! I should be living in a

great mansion; I should have grand apartments and servants and a

fire in my room; and THEY would be about me all in tears; and

their husbands and their children。 I should have had all that;

nowI have nothing。 Money brings everything to you; even your

daughters。 My money。 Oh! where is my money? If I had plenty of

money to leave behind me; they would nurse me and tend me; I

should hear their voices; I should see their faces。 Ah; God! who

knows? They both of them have hearts of stone。 I loved them too

much; it was not likely that they should love me。 A father ought

always to be rich; he ought to keep his children well in hand;

like unruly horses。 I have gone down on my knees to them。

Wretches! this is the crowning act that brings the last ten years

to a proper close。 If you but knew how much they made of me just

after they were married。 (Oh! this is cruel torture!) I had just

given them each eight hundred thousand francs; they were bound to

be civil to me after that; and their husbands too were civil。 I

used to go to their houses: it was 'My kind father' here; 'My

dear father' there。 There was always a place for me at their

tables。 I used to dine with their husbands now and then; and they

were very respectful to me。 I was still worth something; they

thought。 How should they know? I had not said anything about my

affairs。 It is worth while to be civil to a man who has given his

daughters eight hundred thousand francs apiece; and they showed

me every attention thenbut it was all for my money。 Grand

people are not great。 I found that out by experience! I went to

the theatre with them in their carriage; I might stay as long as

I cared to stay at their evening parties。 In fact; they

acknowleged me their father; publicly they owned that they were

my daughters。 But I was always a shrewd one; you see; and nothing

was lost upon me。 Everything went straight to the mark and

pierced my heart。 I saw quite well that it was all sham and

pretence; but there is no help for such things as these。 I felt

less at my ease at their dinner…table than I did downstairs here。

I had nothing to say for myself。 So these grand folks would ask

in my son…in…law's ear; 'Who may that gentleman be?''The

father…in…law with the money bags; he is very rich。''The devil;

e is!' they would say; and look again at me with the respect due

to my money。 Well; if I was in the way sometimes; I paid dearly

for my mistakes。 And besides; who is perfect? (My head is one

sore!) Dear Monsieur Eugene; I am suffering so now; that a man

might die of the pain; but it is nothing to be compared with the

pain I endured when Anastasie made me feel; for the first time;

that I had said something stupid。 She looked at me; and that

glance of hers opened all my veins。 I used to want to know

everything; to be learned; and one thing I did learn thoroughly

I knew that I was not wanted here on earth。

〃The next day I went to Delphine for comfort; and what should I

do there but make some stupid blunder that made her angry with

me。 I was like one driven out of his senses。 For a week I did not

know what to do; I did not dare to go to see them for fear they

should reproach me。 And that was how they both turned me out of

the house。

〃Oh God! Thou knowest all the misery and anguish that I have

endured; Thou hast counted all the wounds that have been dealt to

me in these years that have aged and changed me and whitened my

hair and drained my life; why dost Thou make me to suffer so to…

day? Have I not more than expiated the sin of loving them too

much? They themselves have been the instruments of vengeance;

they have tortured me for my sin of affection。

〃Ah; well! fathers know no better; I loved them so; I went back

to them as a gambler goes to the gaming table。 This love was my

vice; you see; my mistressthey were everything in the world to

me。 They were always wanting something or other; dresses and

ornaments; and what not; their maids used to tell me what they

wanted; and I used to give them the things for the sake of the

welcome that they bought for me。 But; at the same time; they used

to give me little lectures on my behavior in society; they began

about it at once。 Then they began to feel ashamed of me。 That is

what comes of having your children well brought up。 I could not

go to school again at my time of life。 (This pain is fearful! MON

DIEU! These doctors! these doctors! If they would open my head;

it would give me some relief!) Oh; my daughters; my daughters!

Anastasie! Delphine! If I could only see them! Send for the

police; and make them come to me! Justice is on my side; the

whole world is on my side; I have natural rights; and the law

with me。 I protest! The country will go to ruin if a father's

rights are trampled under foot。 That is easy to see。 The whole

world turns on fatherly love; fatherly love is the foundation of

society; it will crumble into ruin when children do not love

their fathers。 Oh! if I could only see them; and hear them; no

matter what they said; if I could simply hear their voices; it

would soothe the pain。 Delphine! Delphine most of all。 But tell

them when they come not to look so coldly at me as they do。 Oh!

my friend; my good Monsieur Eugene; you do not know that it is

when all the golden light in a glance suddenly turns to a leaden

gray。 It has been one long winter here since the light in their

eyes shone no more for me。 I have had nothing but disappointments

to devour。 Disappointment has been my daily bread; I have lived

on humiliation and insults。 I have swallowed down all the

affronts for which they sold me my poor stealthy little moments

of joy; for I love them so! Think of it! a father hiding himself

to get a glimpse of his children! I have given all my life to

them; and to…day they will not give me one hour! I am hungering

and thirsting for them; my heart is burning in me; but they will

not come to bring relief in the agony; for I am dying now; I feel

that this is death。 Do they not know what it means to trample on

a father's corpse? There is a God in heaven who avenges us

fathers whether we will or no。

〃Oh! they will come! Come to me; darlings; and give me one more

kiss; one last kiss; the Viaticum for your father; who will pray

God for you in heaven。 I will tell Him that you have been good

children to your father; and plead your cause with God! After

all; it is not their fault。 I tell you they are innocent; my

friend。 Tell every one that it is not their fault; and no one

need be distressed on my account。 It is all my own fault; I

taught them to trample

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