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father goriot-第38节

小说: father goriot 字数: 每页4000字

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〃Quite right; I should be sorry to hear you speak otherwise;〃

answered the tempter。 〃You are a fine young fellow; honorable;

brave as a lion; and as gentle as a young girl。 You would be a

fine haul for the devil! I like youngsters of your sort。 Get rid

of one or two more prejudices; and you will see the world as it

is。 Make a little scene now and then; and act a virtuous part in

it; and a man with a head on his shoulders can do exactly as he

likes amid deafening applause from the fools in the gallery。 Ah!

a few days yet; and you will be with us; and if you would only be

tutored by me; I would put you in the way of achieving all your

ambitions。 You should no sooner form a wish than it should be

realized to the full; you should have all your desireshonors;

wealth; or women。 Civilization should flow with milk and honey

for you。 You should be our pet and favorite; our Benjamin。 We

would all work ourselves to death for you with pleasure; every

obstacle should be removed from your path。 You have a few

prejudices left; so you think that I am a scoundrel; do you?

Well; M。 de Turenne; quite as honorable a man as you take

yourself to be; had some little private transactions with

bandits; and did not feel that his honor was tarnished。 You would

rather not lie under any obligation to me; eh? You need not draw

back on that account;〃 Vautrin went on; and a smile stole over

his lips。 〃Take these bits of paper and write across this;〃 he

added; producing a piece of stamped paper; 〃Accepted the sum of

three thousand five hundred francs due this day twelvemonth; and

fill in the date。 The rate of interest is stiff enough to silence

any scruples on your part; it gives you the right to call me a

Jew。 You can call quits with me on the score of gratitude。 I am

quite willing that you should despise me to…day; because I am

sure that you will have a kindlier feeling towards me later on。

You will find out fathomless depths in my nature; enormous and

concentrated forces that weaklings call vices; but you will never

find me base or ungrateful。 In short; I am neither a pawn nor a

bishop; but a castle; a tower of strength; my boy。〃

〃What manner of man are you?〃 cried Eugene。 〃Were you created to

torment me?〃

〃Why no; I am a good…natured fellow; who is willing to do a dirty

piece of work to put you high and dry above the mire for the rest

of your days。 Do you ask the reason of this devotion? All right;

I will tell you that some of these days。 A word or two in your

ear will explain it。 I have begun by shocking you; by showing you

the way to ring the changes; and giving you a sight of the

mechanism of the social machine; but your first fright will go

off like a conscript's terror on the battlefield。 You will grow

used to regarding men as common soldiers who have made up their

minds to lose their lives for some self…constituted king。 Times

have altered strangely。 Once you could say to a bravo; 'Here are

a hundred crowns; go and kill Monsieur So…and…so for me;' and you

could sup quietly after turning some one off into the dark for

the least thing in the world。 But nowadays I propose to put you

in the way of a handsome fortune; you have only to nod your head;

it won't compromise you in any way; and you hesitate。 'Tis an

effeminate age。〃

Eugene accepted the draft; and received the banknotes in exchange

for it。

〃Well; well。 Come; now; let us talk rationally;〃 Vautrin

continued。 〃I mean to leave this country in a few months' time

for America; and set about planting tobacco。 I will send you the

cigars of friendship。 If I make money at it; I will help you in

your career。 If I have no childrenwhich will probably be the

case; for I have no anxiety to raise slips of myself hereyou

shall inherit my fortune。 That is what you may call standing by a

man; but I myself have a liking for you。 I have a mania; too; for

devoting myself to some one else。 I have done it before。 You see;

my boy; I live in a loftier sphere than other men do; I look on

all actions as means to an end; and the end is all that I look

at。 What is a man's life to me? Not THAT;〃 he said; and he

snapped his thumb…nail against his teeth。 〃A man; in short; is

everything to me; or just nothing at all。 Less than nothing if

his name happens to be Poiret; you can crush him like a bug; he

is flat and he is offensive。 But a man is a god when he is like

you; he is not a machine covered with a skin; but a theatre in

which the greatest sentiments are displayedgreat thoughts and

feelingsand for these; and these only; I live。 A sentiment

what is that but the whole world in a thought? Look at Father

Goriot。 For him; his two girls are the whole universe; they are

the clue by which he finds his way through creation。 Well; for my

own part; I have fathomed the depths of life; there is only one

real sentimentcomradeship between man and man。 Pierre and

Jaffier; that is my passion。 I knew Venice Preserved by heart。

Have you met many men plucky enough when a comrade says; 'Let us

bury a dead body!' to go and do it without a word or plaguing him

by taking a high moral tone? I have done it myself。 I should not

talk like this to just everybody; but you are not like an

ordinary man; one can talk to you; you can understand things。 You

will not dabble about much longer among the tadpoles in these

swamps。 Well; then; it is all settled。 You will marry。 Both of us

carry our point。 Mine is made of iron; and will never soften; he!


Vautrin went out。 He would not wait to hear the student's

repudiation; he wished to put Eugene at his ease。 He seemed to

understand the secret springs of the faint resistance still made

by the younger man; the struggles in which men seek to preserve

their self…respect by justifying their blameworthy actions to


〃He may do as he likes; I shall not marry Mlle。 Taillefer; that

is certain;〃 said Eugene to himself。

He regarded this man with abhorrence; and yet the very cynicism

of Vautrin's ideas; and the audacious way in which he used other

men for his own ends; raised him in the student's eyes; but the

thought of a compact threw Eugene into a fever of apprehension;

and not until he had recovered somewhat did he dress; call for a

cab; and go to Mme。 de Restaud's。

For some days the Countess had paid more and more attention to a

young man whose every step seemed a triumphal progress in the

great world; it seemed to her that he might be a formidable power

before long。 He paid Messieurs de Trailles and d'Ajuda; played at

whist for part of the evening; and made good his losses。 Most men

who have their way to make are more or less of fatalists; and

Eugene was superstitious; he chose to consider that his luck was

heaven's reward for his perseverance in the right way。 As soon as

possible on the following morning he asked Vautrin whether the

bill he had given was still in the other's possession; and on

receiving a reply in the affirmative; he repaid the three

thousand francs with a not unnatural relief。

〃Everything is going on well;〃 said Vautrin。

〃But I am not your accomplice;〃 said Eugene。

〃I know; I know;〃 Vautrin broke in。 〃You are still acting like a

child。 You are making mountains out of molehills at the outset。〃

Two days later; Poiret and Mlle。 Michonneau were sitting together

on a bench in the sun。 They had chosen a little frequented alley

in the Jardin des Plantes; and a gentleman was chatting with

them; the same person; as a matter of fact; about whom the

medical student had; not without good reason; his own suspicions。

〃Mademoiselle;〃 this M。 Gondureau was saying; 〃I do not see any

cause for your scruples。 His Excellency; Monseigneur the Minister

of Police〃

〃Yes; his Excellency is taking a personal interest in the

matter;〃 said Gondureau。

Who would think it probable that Poiret; a retired clerk;

doubtless possessed of some notions of civic virtue; though there

might be nothing else in his headwho would think it likely that

such a man would continue to lend an ear to this supposed

independent gentleman of the Rue de Buffon; when the latter

dropped the mask of a decent citizen by that word 〃police;〃 and

gave a glimpse of the features of a detective from the Rue de

Jerusalem? And yet nothing was more natural。 Perhaps the

following remarks from the hitherto unpublished records made by

certain observers will throw a light on the particular species to

which Poiret belonged in the great family of fools。 There is a

race of quill…drivers; confined in the columns of the budget

between the first degree of latitude (a kind of administrative

Greenland where the salaries begin at twelve hundred francs) to

the third degree; a more temperate zone; where incomes grow from

three to six thousand francs; a climate where the BONUS

flourishes like a half…hardy annual in spite of some difficulties

of culture。 A characteristic trait that best 

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