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father goriot-第22节

小说: father goriot 字数: 每页4000字

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〃My Dear Child;I am sending you the money that you asked for。

Make a good use of it。 Even to save your life I could not raise

so large a sum a second time without your father's knowledge; and

there would be trouble about it。 We should be obliged to mortgage

the land。 It is impossible to judge of the merits of schemes of

which I am ignorant; but what sort of schemes can they be; that

you should fear to tell me about them? Volumes of explanation

would not have been needed; we mothers can understand at a word;

and that word would have spared me the anguish of uncertainty。 I

do not know how to hide the painful impression that your letter

has made upon me; my dear son。 What can you have felt when you

were moved to send this chill of dread through my heart? It must

have been very painful to you to write the letter that gave me so

much pain as I read it。 To what courses are you committed? You

are going to appear to be something that you are not; and your

whole life and success depends upon this? You are about to see a

society into which you cannot enter without rushing into expense

that you cannot afford; without losing precious time that is

needed for your studies。 Ah! my dear Eugene; believe your mother;

crooked ways cannot lead to great ends。 Patience and endurance

are the two qualities most needed in your position。 I am not

scolding you; I do not want any tinge of bitterness to spoil our

offering。 I am only talking like a mother whose trust in you is

as great as her foresight for you。 You know the steps that you

must take; and I; for my part; know the purity of heart; and how

good your intentions are; so I can say to you without a doubt;

'Go forward; beloved!' If I tremble; it is because I am a mother;

but my prayers and blessings will be with you at every step。 Be

very careful; dear boy。 You must have a man's prudence; for it

lies with you to shape the destinies of five others who are dear

to you; and must look to you。 Yes; our fortunes depend upon you;

and your success is ours。 We all pray to God to be with you in

all that you do。 Your aunt Marcillac has been most generous

beyond words in this matter; she saw at once how it was; even

down to your gloves。 'But I have a weakness for the eldest!' she

said gaily。 You must love your aunt very much; dear Eugene。 I

shall wait till you have succeeded before telling you all that

she has done for you; or her money would burn your fingers。 You;

who are young; do not know what it is to part with something that

is a piece of your past! But what would we not sacrifice for your

sakes? Your aunt says that I am to send you a kiss on the

forehead from her; and that kiss is to bring you luck again and

again; she says。 She would have written you herself; the dear

kind…hearted woman; but she is troubled with the gout in her

fingers just now。 Your father is very well。 The vintage of 1819

has turned out better than we expected。 Good…bye; dear boy; I

will say nothing about your sisters; because Laure is writing to

you; and I must let her have the pleasure of giving you all the

home news。 Heaven send that you may succeed! Oh! yes; dear

Eugene; you must succeed。 I have come; through you; to a

knowledge of a pain so sharp that I do not think I could endure

it a second time。 I have come to know what it is to be poor; and

to long for money for my children's sake。 There; good…bye! Do not

leave us for long without news of you; and here; at the last;

take a kiss from your mother。〃

By the time Eugene had finished the letter he was in tears。 He

thought of Father Goriot crushing his silver keepsake into a

shapeless mass before he sold it to meet his daughter's bill of


〃Your mother has broken up her jewels for you;〃 he said to

himself; 〃your aunt shed tears over those relics of hers before

she sold them for your sake。 What right have you to heap

execrations on Anastasie? You have followed her example; you have

selfishly sacrificed others to your own future; and she

sacrifices her father to her lover; and of you two; which is the


He was ready to renounce his attempts; he could not bear to take

that money。 The fires of remorse burned in his heart; and gave

him intolerable pain; the generous secret remorse which men

seldom take into account when they sit in judgment upon their

fellow…men; but perhaps the angels in heaven; beholding it;

pardon the criminal whom our justice condemns。 Rastignac opened

his sister's letter; its simplicity and kindness revived his


〃Your letter came just at the right time; dear brother。 Agathe

and I had thought of so many different ways of spending our

money; that we did not know what to buy with it; and now you have

come in; and; like the servant who upset all the watches that

belonged to the King of Spain; you have restored harmony; for;

really and truly; we did not know which of all the things we

wanted we wanted most; and we were always quarreling about it;

never thinking; dear Eugene; of a way of spending our money which

would satisfy us completely。 Agathe jumped for you。 Indeed; we

have been like two mad things all day; 'to such a prodigious

degree' (as aunt would say); that mother said; with her severe

expression; 'Whatever can be the matter with you;

mesdemoiselles?' I think if we had been scolded a little; we

should have been still better pleased。 A woman ought to be very

glad to suffer for one she loves! I; however; in my inmost soul;

was doleful and cross in the midst of all my joy。 I shall make a

bad wife; I am afraid; I am too fond of spending。 I had bought

two sashes and a nice little stiletto for piercing eyelet…holes

in my stays; trifles that I really did not want; so that I have

less than that slow…coach Agathe; who is so economical; and

hoards her money like a magpie。 She had two hundred francs! And I

have only one hundred and fifty! I am nicely punished; I could

throw my sash down the well; it will be painful to me to wear it

now。 Poor dear; I have robbed you。 And Agathe was so nice about

it。 She said; 'Let us send the three hundred and fifty francs in

our two names!' But I could not help telling you everything just

as it happened。

〃Do you know how we managed to keep your commandments? We took

our glittering hoard; we went out for a walk; and when once

fairly on the highway we ran all the way to Ruffec; where we

handed over the coin; without more ado; to M。 Grimbert of the

Messageries Royales。 We came back again like swallows on the

wing。 'Don't you think that happiness has made us lighter?'

Agathe said。 We said all sorts of things; which I shall not tell

you; Monsieur le Parisien; because they were all about you。 Oh;

we love you dearly; dear brother; it was all summed up in those

few words。 As for keeping the secret; little masqueraders like us

are capable of anything (according to our aunt); even of holding

our tongues。 Our mother has been on a mysterious journey to

Angouleme; and the aunt went with her; not without solemn

councils; from which we were shut out; and M。 le Baron likewise。

They are silent as to the weighty political considerations that

prompted their mission; and conjectures are rife in the State of

Rastignac。 The Infantas are embroidering a muslin robe with open…

work sprigs for her Majesty the Queen; the work progresses in the

most profound secrecy。 There be but two more breadths to finish。

A decree has gone forth that no wall shall be built on the side

of Verteuil; but that a hedge shall be planted instead thereof。

Our subjects may sustain some disappointment of fruit and

espaliers; but strangers will enjoy a fair prospect。 Should the

heir…presumptive lack pocket…handkerchiefs; be it known unto him

that the dowager Lady of Marcillac; exploring the recesses of her

drawers and boxes (known respectively as Pompeii and

Herculaneum); having brought to light a fair piece of cambric

whereof she wotted not; the Princesses Agathe and Laure place at

their brother's disposal their thread; their needles; and hands

somewhat of the reddest。 The two young Princes; Don Henri and Don

Gabriel; retain their fatal habits of stuffing themselves with

grape…jelly; of teasing their sisters; of taking their pleasure

by going a…bird…nesting; and of cutting switches for themselves

from the osier…beds; maugre the laws of the realm。 Moreover; they

list not to learn naught; wherefore the Papal Nuncio (called of

the commonalty; M。 le Cure) threateneth them with

excommunication; since that they neglect the sacred canons of

grammatical construction for the construction of other canon;

deadly engines made of the stems of elder。

〃Farewell; dear brother; never did letter carry so many wishes

for your success; so much love fully satisfied。 You will have a

great deal to tell us when you come home! You will tell me

everything; won't you? I am the oldest。 From something the aunt

let fall; we think you must have had some succe

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