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father goriot-第17节

小说: father goriot 字数: 每页4000字

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Eugene was beginning to feel very uncomfortable; but at last the

Vicomtesse appeared; she spoke to him; and the tremulous tones of

her voice vibrated through his heart。

〃Pardon me; monsieur;〃 she said; 〃I had a letter to write。 Now I

am quite at liberty。〃

She scarcely knew what she was saying; for even as she spoke she

thought; 〃Ah! he means to marry Mlle。 de Rochefide? But is he

still free? This evening the marriage shall be broken off; or

else 。 。 。 But before to…morrow I shall know。〃

〃Cousin 。 。 。〃 the student replied。

〃Eh?〃 said the Countess; with an insolent glance that sent a cold

shudder through Eugene; he understood what that 〃Eh?〃 meant; he

had learned a great deal in three hours; and his wits were on the

alert。 He reddened:

〃Madame 。 。 。〃 he began; he hesitated a moment; and then went on。

〃Pardon me; I am in such need of protection that the nearest

scrap of relationship could do me no harm。〃

Mme。 de Beauseant smiled but there was sadness in her smile; even

now she felt forebodings of the coming pain; the air she breathed

was heavy with the storm that was about to burst。

〃If you knew how my family are situated;〃 he went on; 〃you would

love to play the part of a beneficent fairy godmother who

graciously clears the obstacles from the path of her protege。〃

〃Well; cousin;〃 she said; laughing; 〃and how can I be of service

to you?〃

〃But do I know even that? I am distantly related to you; and this

obscure and remote relationship is even now a perfect godsend to

me。 You have confused my ideas; I cannot remember the things that

I meant to say to you。 I know no one else here in Paris。 。 。 。

Ah! if I could only ask you to counsel me; ask you to look upon

me as a poor child who would fain cling to the hem of your dress;

who would lay down his life for you。〃

〃Would you kill a man for me?〃

〃Two;〃 said Eugene。

〃You; child。 Yes; you are a child;〃 she said; keeping back the

tears that came to her eyes; 〃you would love sincerely。〃

〃Oh!〃 he cried; flinging up his head。

The audacity of the student's answer interested the Vicomtesse in

him。 The southern brain was beginning to scheme for the first

time。 Between Mme。 de Restaud's blue boudoir and Mme。 de

Beauseant's rose…colored drawing…room he had made a three years'

advance in a kind of law which is not a recognized study in

Paris; although it is a sort of higher jurisprudence; and; when

well understood; is a highroad to success of every kind。

〃Ah! that is what I meant to say!〃 said Eugene。 〃I met Mme。 de

Restaud at your ball; and this morning I went to see her。

〃You must have been very much in the way;〃 said Mme。 de

Beauseant; smiling as she spoke。

〃Yes; indeed。 I am a novice; and my blunders will set every one

against me; if you do not give me your counsel。 I believe that in

Paris it is very difficult to meet with a young; beautiful; and

wealthy woman of fashion who would be willing to teach me; what

you women can explain so welllife。 I shall find a M。 de

Trailles everywhere。 So I have come to you to ask you to give me

a key to a puzzle; to entreat you to tell me what sort of blunder

I made this morning。 I mentioned an old man〃

〃Madame la Duchess de Langeais;〃 Jacques cut the student short;

Eugene gave expression to his intense annoyance by a gesture。

〃If you mean to succeed;〃 said the Vicomtesse in a low voice; 〃in

the first place you must not be so demonstrative。〃

〃Ah! good morning; dear;〃 she continued; and rising and crossing

the room; she grasped the Duchess' hands as affectionately as if

they had been sisters; the Duchess responded in the prettiest and

most gracious way。

〃Two intimate friends!〃 said Rastignac to himself。 〃Henceforward

I shall have two protectresses; those two women are great

friends; no doubt; and this newcomer will doubtless interest

herself in her friend's cousin。〃

〃To what happy inspiration do I owe this piece of good fortune;

dear Antoinette?〃 asked Mme。 de Beauseant。

〃Well; I saw M。 d'Ajuda…Pinto at M。 de Rochefide's door; so I

thought that if I came I should find you alone。〃

Mme。 de Beauseant's mouth did not tighten; her color did not

rise; her expression did not alter; or rather; her brow seemed to

clear as the Duchess uttered those deadly words。

〃If I had known that you were engaged〃 the speaker added;

glancing at Eugene。

〃This gentleman is M。 Eugene de Rastignac; one of my cousins;〃

said the Vicomtesse。 〃Have you any news of General de

Montriveau?〃 she continued。 〃Serizy told me yesterday that he

never goes anywhere now; has he been to see you to…day?〃

It was believed that the Duchess was desperately in love with M。

de Montriveau; and that he was a faithless lover; she felt the

question in her very heart; and her face flushed as she answered:

〃He was at the Elysee yesterday。〃

〃In attendance?〃

〃Claire;〃 returned the Duchess; and hatred overflowed in the

glances she threw at Mme。 de Beauseant; 〃of course you know that

M。 d'Ajuda…Pinto is going to marry Mlle。 de Rochefide; the bans

will be published to…morrow。〃

This thrust was too cruel; the Vicomtesse's face grew white; but

she answered; laughing; 〃One of those rumors that fools amuse

themselves with。 What should induce M。 d'Ajuda to take one of the

noblest names in Portugal to the Rochefides? The Rochefides were

only ennobled yesterday。〃

〃But Bertha will have two hundred thousand livres a year; they


〃M。 d'Ajuda is too wealthy to marry for money。〃

〃But; my dear; Mlle。 de Rochefide is a charming girl。〃


〃And; as a matter of fact; he is dining with them to…day; the

thing is settled。 It is very surprising to me that you should

know so little about it。〃

Mme。 de Beauseant turned to Rastignac。 〃What was the blunder that

you made; monsieur?〃 she asked。 〃The poor boy is only just

launched into the world; Antoinette; so that he understands

nothing of all this that we are speaking of。 Be merciful to him;

and let us finish our talk to…morrow。 Everything will be

announced to…morrow; you know; and your kind informal

communication can be accompanied by official confirmation。〃

The Duchess gave Eugene one of those insolent glances that

measure a man from head to foot; and leave him crushed and


〃Madame; I have unwittingly plunged a dagger into Mme。 de

Restaud's heart; unwittinglytherein lies my offence;〃 said the

student of law; whose keen brain had served him sufficiently

well; for he had detected the biting epigrams that lurked beneath

this friendly talk。 〃You continue to receive; possibly you fear;

those who know the amount of pain that they deliberately inflict;

but a clumsy blunderer who has no idea how deeply he wounds is

looked upon as a fool who does not know how to make use of his

opportunities; and every one despise him。〃

Mme。 de Beauseant gave the student a glance; one of those glances

in which a great soul can mingle dignity and gratitude。 It was

like balm to the law student; who was still smarting under the

Duchess' insolent scrutiny; she had looked at him as an

auctioneer might look at some article to appraise its value。

〃Imagine; too; that I had just made some progress with the Comte

de Restaud; for I should tell you; madame;〃 he went on; turning

to the Duchess with a mixture of humility and malice in his

manner; 〃that as yet I am only a poor devil of a student; very

much alone in the world; and very poor〃

〃You should not tell us that; M。 de Rastignac。 We women never

care about anything that no one else will take。〃

〃Bah!〃 said Eugene。 〃I am only two…and…twenty; and I must make up

my mind to the drawbacks of my time of life。 Besides; I am

confessing my sins; and it would be impossible to kneel in a more

charming confessional; you commit your sins in one drawing…room;

and receive absolution for them in another。〃

The Duchess' expression grew colder; she did not like the

flippant tone of these remarks; and showed that she considered

them to be in bad taste by turning to the Vicomtesse with〃This

gentleman has only just come〃

Mme。 de Beauseant began to laugh outright at her cousin and at

the Duchess both。

〃He has only just come to Paris; dear; and is in search of some

one who will give him lessons in good taste。〃

〃Mme。 la Duchesse;〃 said Eugene; 〃is it not natural to wish to be

initiated into the mysteries which charm us?〃 (〃Come; now;〃 he

said to himself; 〃my language is superfinely elegant; I'm sure。〃)

〃But Mme。 de Restaud is herself; I believe; M。 de Trailles'

pupil;〃 said the Duchess。

〃Of that I had no idea; madame;〃 answered the law student; 〃so I

rashly came between them。 In fact; I got on very well with the

lady's husband; and his wife tolerated me for a time until I took

it into my head to tell them that I knew some one of whom I had


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