condensed novels(压缩小说)-第9节
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〃This match;〃 said the Lady Selina; 〃is connected with a mine beneath
the western tower; where my three children are confined; another branch
of it lies under the parish church; where the record of my first marriage is
kept。 I have only to light this match and the whole of my past life is swept
away!〃 she approached the match with a lighted candle。
But a hand was laid upon her arm; and with a shriek the Lady Selina
fell on her knees before the spectre of Sir Guy。
… Page 46…
〃Forbear; Selina;〃 said the phantom in a hollow voice。
〃Why should I forbear?〃 responded Selina haughtily; as she recovered
her courage。 〃You know the secret of our race?〃
〃I do。 Understand me;I do not object to the eccentricities of your
youth。 I know the fearful destiny which; pursuing you; led you to poison
your sister and drown your lady's…maid。 I know the awful doom which I
have brought upon this house! But if you make way with these children〃
〃Well;〃 said the Lady Selina; hastily。
〃They will haunt you!〃
〃Well; I fear them not;〃 said Selina; drawing her superb figure to its
full height。
〃Yes; but; my dear child; what place are they to haunt? The ruin is
sacred to your uncle's spirit。 Your aunt monopolizes the park; and; I must
be allowed to state; not unfrequently trespasses upon the grounds of others。
The horse…pond is frequented by the spirit of your maid; and your
murdered sister walks these corridors。 To be plain; there is no room at
Sloperton Grange for another ghost。 I cannot have them in my room;for
you know I don't like children。 Think of this; rash girl; and forbear! Would
you; Selina;〃 said the phantom; mournfully;〃would you force your great…
grandfather's spirit to take lodgings elsewhere?〃
Lady Selina's hand trembled; the lighted candle fell from her nerveless
〃No;〃 she cried passionately; 〃never!〃 and fell fainting to the floor。
… Page 47…
Edgardo galloped rapidly towards Sloperton。 When the outline of the
Grange had faded away in the darkness; he reined his magnificent steed
beside the ruins of Guy's Keep。
〃It wants but a few minutes of the hour;〃 he said; consulting his watch
by the light of the moon。 〃He dare not break his word。 He will come。〃 He
paused; and peered anxiously into the darkness。 〃But come what may; she
is mine;〃 he continued; as his thoughts reverted fondly to the fair lady he
had quitted。 〃Yet if she knew all。 If she knew that I were a disgraced and
ruined man;a felon and an outcast。 If she knew that at the age of fourteen
I murdered my Latin tutor and forged my uncle's will。 If she knew that I
had three wives already; and that the fourth victim of misplaced
confidence and my unfortunate peculiarity is expected to be at Sloperton
by to…night's train with her baby。 But no; she must not know it。 Constance
must not arrive。 Burke the Slogger must attend to that。
〃Ha! here he is! Well?〃
These words were addressed to a ruffian in a slouched hat; who
suddenly appeared from Guy's Keep。
〃I be's here; measter;〃 said the villain; with a disgracefully low accent
and complete disregard of grammatical rules。
〃It is well。 Listen: I'm in possession of facts that will send you to the
gallows。 I know of the murder of Bill Smithers; the robbery of the tollgate…
keeper; and the making away of the youngest daughter of Sir Reginald de
Walton。 A word from me; and the officers of justice are on your track。〃
Burke the Slogger trembled。
〃Hark ye! serve my purpose; and I may yet save you。 The 5。30 train
from Clapham will be due at Sloperton at 9。25。 IT MUST NOT ARRIVE!〃
The villain's eyes sparkled as he nodded at Edgardo。
〃Enough;you understand; leave me!〃
… Page 48…
About half a mile from Sloperton Station the South Clapham and
Medway line crossed a bridge over Sloperton…on…Trent。 As the shades of
evening were closing; a man in a slouched hat might have been seen
carrying a saw and axe under his arm; hanging about the bridge。 From
time to time he disappeared in the shadow of its abutments; but the sound
of a saw and axe still betrayed his vicinity。 At exactly nine o'clock he
reappeared; and; crossing to the Sloperton side; rested his shoulder against
the abutment and gave a shove。 The bridge swayed a moment; and then
fell with a splash into the water; leaving a space of one hundred feet
between the two banks。 This done; Burke the Slogger;for it was he;with
a fiendish chuckle seated himself on the divided railway track and awaited
the coming of the train。
A shriek from the woods announced its approach。 For an instant Burke
the Slogger saw the glaring of a red lamp。 The ground trembled。 The train
was going with fearful rapidity。 Another second and it had reached the
bank。 Burke the Slogger uttered a fiendish laugh。 But the next moment the
train leaped across the chasm; striking the rails exactly even; and; dashing
out the life of Burke the Slogger; sped away to Sloperton。
The first object that greeted Edgardo; as he rode up to the station on
the arrival of the train; was the body of Burke the Slogger hanging on the
cow…catcher; the second was the face of his deserted wife looking from the
windows of a second…class carriage。
… Page 49…
A nameless terror seemed to have taken possession of Clarissa; Lady
Selina's maid; as she rushed into the presence of her mistress。
〃O my lady; such news!〃
〃Explain yourself;〃 said her mistress; rising。
〃An accident has happened on the railway; and a man has been killed。〃
〃Whatnot Edgardo!〃 almost screamed Selina。
〃No; Burke the Slogger!〃 your ladyship。
〃My first husband!〃 said Lady Selina; sinking on her knees。 〃Just
Heaven; I thank thee!〃
… Page 50…
The morning of the seventeenth dawned brightly over Sloperton。 〃A
fine day for the wedding;〃 said the sexton to Swipes; the butler of
Sloperton Grange。 The aged retainer shook his head sadly。 〃Alas! there's
no trusting in signs!〃 he continued。 〃Seventy…five years ago; on a day like
this; my young mistress〃 But he was cut short by the appearance of a
〃I would see Sir Edgardo;〃 said the new…comer; impatiently。
The bridegroom; who; with the rest of the wedding…train; was about
stepping into the carriage to proceed to the parish church; drew the
stranger aside。
〃It's done!〃 said the stranger; in a hoarse whisper。
〃Ah! and you buried her?〃
〃With the others!〃
〃Enough。 No more at present。 Meet me after the ceremony; and you
shall have your reward。〃
The stranger shuffled away; and Edgardo returned to his bride。 〃A
trifling matter of business I had forgotten; my dear Selina; let us proceed。〃
And the young man pressed the timid hand of his blushing bride as he
handed her into the carriage。 The cavalcade rode out of the court…yard。 At
the same moment; the deep bell on Guy's Keep tolled ominously。
… Page 51…
Scarcely had the wedding…train left the Grange; than Alice Sedilia;
youngest daughter of Lady Selina; made her escape from the western
tower; owing to a lack of watchfulness on the part of Clarissa。 The
innocent child; freed from restraint; rambled through the lonely corridors;
and finally; opening a door; found herself in her mother's boudoir。 For
some time she amuse