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on revenues(飽辺)-及8准

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ill effects。 Countless sources of revenue have failed察or if they have still 

flowed in察been lavishly expended on a multiplicity of things。 Whereas撮20А

now that peace is established by sea察our revenues have expanded and the 

citizens of Athens have it in their power to turn these to account as they 

like best。 

     19АReading epanoskopoin。 

     20АOr察 But the moment peace has been restored。; 

     But   if   you   turn   on   me   with   the   question察   Do   you   really   mean   that 

even in the event of unjust attacks upon our city on the part of any察we are 


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                                   On Revenues 

still resolutely to observe peace towards that offender拭─I answer distinctly察

No But察on the contrary察I maintain that we shall all the more promptly 

retaliate on such aggression in proportion   as we   have done no wrong to 

any one ourselves。 Since that will be to rob the aggressor of his allies。21А

    21АReading察after Cobet察。ei medena uparkhoimen adikountes。 Or察

if       the vulgate ei medena parakhoimen adikounta察transl。 ;if we can 

show complete innocence on our own side。; 


´ Page 29´

                                        On Revenues 


     But now察if none of these proposals be impracticable or even difficult 

of execution察if rather by giving them effect we may conciliate further the 

friendship   of   Hellas察  whilst   we   strengthen   our   own   administration   and 

increase our fame察if by the same means the people shall be provided with 

the necessaries of life察and our rich men be relieved of expenditure on war察

if with the large surplus to be counted on察we are in a position to conduct 

our   festivals   on   an   even   grander    scale   than   heretofore察  to   restore  our 

temples察  to   rebuild   our   forts   and   docks察  and   to   reinstate   in   their   ancient 

privileges   our   priests察  our   senators察  our   magistrates察  and   our   knights 

surely it were but reasonable to enter upon this project speedily察so that we 

too察even in our own day察may witness the unclouded dawn of prosperity 

in store for our city。 

     But if you are agreed to carry out this plan察there is one further counsel 

which I would urge upon you。 Send to Dodona and to Delphi察I would beg 

you察and consult the will of Heaven whether such a provision and such a 

policy on our part be truly to the interest of Athens both for the present 

and for the time to come。 If the consent of Heaven be thus obtained察we 

ought then察I say察to put a further question此whose special favour among 

the gods shall we seek to secure with a view to the happier execution of 

these measures拭

     And in accordance with that answer察let us offer a sacrifice of happy 

omen   to   the   deities   so   named察  and   commence   the   work察  since   if   these 

transactions be so carried out with the will of God察have we not the right to 

prognosticate   some   further   advance   in   the   path   of   political   progress   for 

this whole state拭


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