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on revenues(飽辺)-及3准

弌傍 on revenues(飽辺) 忖方 耽匈4000忖

梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何

contributor of five minae19Аwill on the same principle get more than a 

third撮20Аwhile the majority of Athenians will get more than cent per cent 

on their contribution。 That is to say察a subscription of one mina21Аwill 

put the subscriber in possession of nearly double that sum撮22Аand that察

moreover察  without   setting   foot   outside   Athens察  which察  as   far   as   human 

affairs go察is as sound and durable a security as possible。 

     15А A good substantial property。; 

     16А  Or察   on   the   other   hand察  I   affirm   that   the   outlay   necessary   to 

form     the   capital   for  my    present    project    will  be   more    remunerative 

than any other that can be named。; As to the scheme itself see                       Grote察

;Plato察─III。 ch。 xxxix。察Boeckh察op。 cit。 pp。 4察37察136察                600 seq。 Eng。 

tr。   Cf。   Demosth。   ;de   Sym。;   for   another   scheme察  354          B。C。察  which 

shows      the  ;sound    administrative      and   practical         judgment;       of  the 

youthful orator as compared with ;the benevolent                      dreams and ample 

public largess in which Xenophon here indulges。;                      Grote察op。 cit。 p。 


     17АL40124 = 1000 drachmae。 

     18А  I。e。   exactly   18   or   nearly   20   per   cent。   The   following   table   will 

make the arithmetic clear此

                 6   ob。   =   1  drachma                      10    minae    =   6000    ob。 

100 dr。 = 1 mina                                         = 1000 dr。              600 ob。 = 

1 mina        1000 dr。180 dr。今10018 therefore nearly 1/5                  3 ob。 a day 

x     360     =    1080     ob。    p。a。                  =     nearly     20     per    cent。 

=    180 dr。 p。a。 

           As   to   the   3   obols   a   day   =   180   dr。   p。a。   which   as   an Athenian 

citizen he is entitled to察see Grote察op。 cit。 p。 597此 There will                     be a 

regular distribution among all   citizens察per head and                    equally。 Three 

oboli察or half a drachma察will be allotted daily to                   each察to poor and 


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                                          On Revenues 

rich alike; on the principle of the TheorikonА                     ;For the poor citizens 

this will provide a comfortable                 subsistence察without any contribution 

on their part察the poverty               now prevailing will thus be alleviated。 The 

rich察  like   the   poor察      receive   the   daily   triobolon   as   a   free   gift察  but   if 

they compute it              as interest for their investments察they will find that 

the rate of          interest is full and satisfactory察like the rate on bottomry。; 


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                                       On Revenues 

     Zurborg察   Comm。;   p。   25察  Boeckh察

op。 cit。 IV。 xxi。 p。 606察Eng。                                                   tr。察

and Grote's note察op。 cit。 p。 598。 

     19А= L2063 = 500 drachmae。 

     20А= I。e。 36 per cent。 

     21А= L413 = 100 drachmae。 

     22АI。e。 180 per cent。 

     Moreover察I am of opinion that if the names of contributors were to be 

inscribed as benefactors for all time察many foreigners would be induced to 

contribute察and possibly not a few states察in their desire to obtain the right 

of   inscription察  indeed   I   anticipate   that   some   kings撮23А  tyrants撮24А  and 

satraps will display a keen desire to share in such a favour。 

     23АZurborg suggests p。 5   ;Philip or Cersobleptes。; Cf。 Isocr。  ;On 

the Peace察─S。 23。 

     24АI。e。 despotic monarchs。 

     To come to the point。 Were such a capital once furnished察it would be a 

magnificent plan to build lodging´houses for the benefit of shipmasters in 

the neighbourhood of the harbours察in addition to those which exist察and 

again察on the same principle察suitable places of meeting for merchants察for 

the purposes25Аof buying and selling察and thirdly察public lodging´houses 

for persons visiting the city。 Again察supposing dwelling´houses and stores 

for vending goods were fitted up for retail dealers in Piraeus and the city察

they   would   at   once   be   an   ornament   to   the   state   and   a   fertile   source   of 

revenue。 Also it seems to me it would be a good thing to try and see if察on 

the   principle   on   which   at   present   the   state   possesses   public   warships察  it 

would not be possible to secure public merchant vessels察to be let out on 

the security of guarantors just like any other public property。 If the plan 

were found feasible this public merchant navy would be a large source of 

extra revenue。 

     25АReading察with Zurborg察。epi one te。 


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                                        On Revenues 


     I  come   to   a  new   topic。  I  am  persuaded   that   the  establishment   of   the 

silver mines on a proper footing1Аwould be followed by a large increase 

in wealth apart from the other sources of revenue。 And I would like察for 

the benefit of those who may be ignorant察to point out what the capacity of 

these mines really is。 You will then be in a position to decide how to turn 

them to better account。 It is clear察I presume察to every one that these mines 

have for a very long time been in active operation察at any rate no one will 

venture to fix the date at which they first began to be worked。2АNow in 

spite of the fact that the silver ore has been dug and carried out for so long 

a time察I would ask you to note that the mounds of rubbish so shovelled 

out are but a fractional portion of the series of hillocks containing veins of 

silver察  and   as   yet   unquarried。   Nor   is   the   silver´bearing   region   gradually 

becoming       circumscribed。      On   the  contrary    it  is  evidently   extending     in 

wider   area   from  year   to   year。 That   is to say察 during the   period in   which 

thousands   of   workers3А  have   been   employed   within   the   mines   no   hand 

was ever stopped for want of work to do。 Rather察at any given moment察the 

work to be done was more than enough for the hands employed。 And so it 

is to´day with the owners of slaves working in the mines察no one dreams 

of   reducing     the  number     of   his  hands。    On   the   contrary察  the   object   is 

perpetually to acquire as many additional hands as the owner possibly can。 

The fact is that with few hands to dig and search察the find of treasure will 

be small察but with an increase in labour the discovery of the ore itself is 

more than proportionally increased。 So much so察that of all operations with 

which I am acquainted察this is the only one in which no sort of jealousy is 

felt at   a further development of the industry。4А I   may  go a   step   farther察

every proprietor of a farm will be able to tell you exactly how many yoke 

of oxen are sufficient for the estate察and how many farm hands。 To send 

into   the   field   more   than   the   exact   number   requisite   every   farmer   would 

consider   a   dead   loss。5А  But   in   silver   mining   operationsА  the   universal 

complaint is the want of hands。 Indeed there is no analogy between this 

and   other   industries。   With   an   increase   in   the   number   of   bronze´workers 

articles   of   bronze   may   become   so   cheap   that   the   bronze´worker   has   to 


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                                          On Revenues 

retire   from   the    field。   And   so   again   with    ironfounders。      Or   again察  in  a 

plethoric condition of the corn and wine market these fruits of the soil will 

be   so   depreciated   in   value   that   the   particular   husbandries   cease   to   be 

remunerative察and many a farmer will give up his tillage of the soil and 

betake   himself      to   the  business   of    a  merchant察    or   of  a  shopkeeper察     to 

banking or money´lending。 But the converse is the case in the working of 

silver察there the larger the quantity of ore discovered and the greater the 

amount   of   silver   extracted察  the   greater   the   number   of   persons   ready   to 

engage in the operation。 One more illustration此take the case of movable 

property。 No one when he has got sufficient furniture for his house dreams 

of   making   further   purchases   on   this   head察  but   of   silver   no   one   ever   yet 

possessed so much that he was forced to cry ;enough。; On the contrary察if 

ever anybody does become possessed of an immoderate amount he finds 

as much pleasure in digging a hole in the ground and hoard

卦指朕村 貧匯匈 和匯匈 指欺競何 1 1
