on revenues(飽辺)-及2准
梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何
atimetos metanastes of Homer察 Il。; ix。 648察the reference is not
to disabilities in the technical sense察but to humiliating duties察such
as the skaphephoria imposed on the men察or the udriaphoria and
skiadephoria imposed on their wives and daughters in attendance
on the kanephoroi at the Panathenaic and other festival
processions。 See Arist。 ;Eccles。; 730 foll。察 Boeckh察 P。 E。 A。; IV。 x。
Eng。 tr。 G。 Cornewall Lewis察p。 538。
5А Or察 reading megas men gar o agon察 mega de kai to apo ton
tekhnon kai ton oikeion apienai察after Zurborg ─Xen。 de Reditibus
Libellus察─ Berolini察 MDCCCLXXVI。察 transl。 ;since it is severe
enough to enter the arena of war察but all the worse when that implies
the abandonment of your trade and your domestic concerns。;
6А Or察 instead of finding themselves brigaded as nowadays with a
motley crew of Lydians察─etc。
7АZurborg察after Cobet察omits the words so rendered。
8АSee ;Hipparch。; ix。 3察where Xenophon in almost identical words
recommends that reform。 In the next place察 seeing that there are at
present numerous building sites within the city walls as yet devoid of
houses察 supposing the state were to make free grants of such land9А to
foreigners for building purposes in cases where there could be no doubt as
to the respectability of the applicant察 if I am not mistaken察 the result of
such a measure will be that a larger number of persons察 and of a better
class察will be attracted to Athens as a place of residence。
9АOr察 offer the fee simple of such property to。;
Lastly察if we could bring ourselves to appoint察 as a new government
office察 a board of guardians of foreign residents like our Guardians of
Orphans撮10А with special privileges assigned to those guardians who
should show on their books the greatest number of resident aliens such a
measure would tend to improve the goodwill of the class in question察and
in all probability all people without a city of their own would aspire to the
status of foreign residents in Athens察and so further increase the revenues
of the city。11А
10А The Archon was the legal protector of all orphans。 It was his
duty to appoint guardians察if none were named in the father's will。;
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On Revenues
C。 R。 Kennedy察 Note to ;Select Speeches of Demosthenes。; The
orphans of those who had fallen in the war Thuc。 ii。 46 were
specially cared for。
11АOr察 help to swell the state exchequer。;
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On Revenues
At this point I propose to offer some remarks in proof of the attractions
and advantages of Athens as a centre of commercial enterprise。 In the first
place察 it will hardly be denied that we possess the finest and safest
harbourage for shipping察where vessels of all sorts can come to moorings
and be laid up in absolute security1А as far as stress of weather is
concerned。 But further than that察 in most states the trader is under the
necessity of lading his vessel with some merchandise2А or other in
exchange for his cargo察since the current coin3Аhas no circulation beyond
the frontier。 But at Athens he has a choice此he can either in return for his
wares export a variety of goods察such as human beings seek after察or察if he
does not desire to take goods in exchange for goods察 he has simply to
export silver察and he cannot have a more excellent freight to export察since
wherever he likes to sell it he may look to realise a large percentage on his
1А Reading adeos after Cobet察 or if edeos察 transl。 ;in perfect
2АOr察 of exchanging cargo for cargo to the exclusion of specie。;
3А I。e。 of the particular locality。 See ;The Types of Greek Coins察─
Percy Gardner察ch。 ii。 ;International Currencies among the Greeks。;
4АOr察 on the original outlay。;
Or again察supposing prizes5Аwere offered to the magistrates in charge
of the market6А for equitable and speedy settlements of points in
dispute7Аto enable any one so wishing to proceed on his voyage without
hindrance察the result would be that far more traders would trade with us
and with greater satisfaction。
5АCf。 ;Hiero察─ix。 6察7察11察 Hipparch。; i。 26。
6А 。to tou emporiou arkhe。 Probably he is referring to the
epimeletai emporiou overseers of the market。 See Harpocr。 s。v。察
Aristot。 ;Athenian Polity察─51。
7А For the sort of case察 see Demosth。 or Deinarch。 ;c。 Theocr。;
1324察Zurborg ad loc。察Boeckh察I。 ix。 xv。 pp。 48察81察Eng。 tr。
It would indeed be a good and noble institution to pay special marks of
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On Revenues
honour察 such as the privilege of the front seat察 to merchants and
shipowners察 and on occasion to invite to hospitable entertainment those
who察 through something notable in the quality of ship or merchandise察
may claim to have done the state a service。 The recipients of these honours
will rush into our arms as friends察not only under the incentive of gain察but
of distinction also。
Now the greater the number of people attracted to Athens either as
visitors or as residents察clearly the greater the development of imports and
exports。 More goods will be sent out of the country撮8Аthere will be more
buying and selling察 with a consequent influx of money in the shape of
rents to individuals and dues and customs to the state exchequer。 And to
secure this augmentation of the revenues察mind you察not the outlay of one
single penny察nothing needed beyond one or two philanthropic measures
and certain details of supervision。9А
8АSee Zurborg察 Comm。; p。 24。
9АSee Aristot。 ;Pol。; iv。 15察3。
With regard to the other sources of revenue which I contemplate察 I
admit察it is different。 For these I recognise the necessity of a capital10Аto
begin with。 I am not察however察without good hope that the citizens of this
state will contribute heartily to such an object察when I reflect on the large
sums subscribed by the state on various late occasions察 as察 for instance察
when reinforcements were sent to the Arcadians under the command of
Lysistratus撮11Аand again at the date of the generalship of Hegesileos。12А
I am well aware that ships of war are frequently despatched and that
too13Аalthough it is uncertain whether the venture will be for the better
or for the worse察 and the only certainty is that the contributor will not
recover the sum subscribed nor have any further share in the object for
which he gave his contribution。14А
10А A starting´point。;
11АB。C。 366察cf。 ;Hell。; VII。 iv。 3。
12А B。C。 362察 cf。 ;Hell。; VII。 v。 15。 See Grote察 H。 G。; x。 459察
Ephor。 ap。 Diog。 Laert。 ii。 54察 Diod。 Sic。 xv。 84察 Boeckh察 ap。 L。
Dindorf。 Xenophon's son Gryllus served under him and was slain。
13АReading kai tauta toutout men adelou ontos察after Zurborg。
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On Revenues
14АReading uperАon an eisenegkosi with Zurborg。 See his note察
;Comm。; p。 25。
But for a sound investment15АI know of nothing comparable with the
initial outlay to form this fund。16АAny one whose contribution amounts
to ten minae17Аmay look forward to a return as high as he would get on
bottomry察of nearly one´fifth撮18Аas the recipient of three obols a day。 The
contributor of five minae19Аwill on the same