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                        On Revenues 

On Revenues 

                   by Xenophon 

      Translation by H。 G。 Dakyns 


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                                        On Revenues 

       Xenophon       the  Athenian     was    born   431    B。C。   He   was    a  pupil   of 

Socrates。   He   marched   with   the   Spartans察  and   was   exiled   from   Athens。 

Sparta   gave   him   land   and   property   in   Scillus察  where   he   lived   for   many 

years before having to move once more察to settle in Corinth。 He died in 

354 B。C。 

     Revenues describes Xenophon's ideas to solve the problem of poverty 

in Athens察and thus remove an excuse to mistreat the Athenian allies。 


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                                          On Revenues 


     For   myself     I  hold   to   the  opinion    that   the   qualities   of  the  leading 

statesmen in a state察whatever they be察are reproduced in the character of 

the constitution itself。1А

     1А   Like   minister察  like   government。;   For   the   same   idea   more   fully 

expressed察see ;Cyrop。; VIII。 i。 8察viii。 5。 

     As察 however察  it   has   been   maintained   by  certain   leading   statesmen   in 

Athens   that   the   recognised       standard   of   right   and   wrong     is   as   high  at 

Athens   as   elsewhere察  but   that察  owing   to   the   pressure   of   poverty   on   the 

masses察  a   certain   measure   of   injustice   in   their   dealing   with   the   allied 

states2А  could   not   be   avoided察  I   set   myself   to   discover   whether   by   any 

manner      of   means     it  were    possible    for   the  citizens    of  Athens     to   be 

supported   solely   from   the   soil   of Attica   itself察  which   was   obviously   the 

most equitable solution。 For if so察herein lay察as I believed察the antidote at 

once to their own poverty and to the feeling of suspicion with which they 

are regarded by the rest of Hellas。 

     2АLit。 ;the cities察─i。e。 of the alliance察。tas summakhidas。 

     I had no sooner begun my investigation than one fact presented itself 

clearly to my mind察which is that the country itself is made by nature to 

provide the amplest resources。 And with a view to establishing the truth of 

this initial proposition I will describe the physical features of Attica。 

     In the first place察the extraordinary mildness of the climate is proved 

by the actual products of the soil。 Numerous plants which in many parts of 

the world appear as stunted leafless growths are here fruit´bearing。 And as 

with the soil so with the sea indenting our coasts察the varied productivity 

of which is exceptionally great。 Again with regard to those kindly fruits of 

earth3Аwhich Providence bestows on man season by season察one and all 

they commence earlier and end later in this land。 Nor is the supremacy of 

Attica   shown   only   in   those   products   which   year   after   year   flourish   and 

grow old察but the land contains treasures of a more perennial kind。 Within 

its folds lies imbedded by nature an unstinted store of marble察out of which 

are    chiselled4А   temples     and   altars   of  rarest   beauty    and   the   glittering 

splendour   of   images   sacred   to   the   gods。   This   marble察  moreover察  is   an 


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                                          On Revenues 

obejct of desire to many foreigners察Hellenes and barbarians alike。 Then 

there is land which察although it yields no fruit to the sower察needs only to 

be quarried in order to feed many times more mouths than it could as corn´ 

land。 Doubtless we owe it to a divine dispensation that our land is veined 

with silver察if we consider how many neighbouring states lie round us by 

land and sea and yet into none of them does a single thinnest vein of silver 


     3АLit。 ;those good things which the gods afford in their seasons。; 

     4АOr察 arise察─or ;are fashioned。; 

     Indeed   it   would     be   scarcely   irrational   to   maintain      that   the   city   of 

Athens lies at the navel察not of Hellas merely察but of the habitable world。 

So   true   is   it察  that   the   farther   we   remove   from   Athens   the   greater   the 

extreme of heat or cold to be encountered察or to use another illustration察

the traveller who desires to traverse the confines of Hellas from end to end 

will   find that察 whether   he   voyages by  sea   or   by  land察 he is describing   a 

circle察the centre of which is Athens。5А

     5А  See   ;Geog。   of   Brit。   Isles。;   J。   R。   and   S。   A。   Green察  ch。   i。   p。   7此

;London察      in   fact察  is  placed    at   what    is  very    nearly    the   geometrical 

centre     of  those    masses     of  land    which    make     up   the   earth   surface    of 

the    globe察   and   is  thus   more     than   any    city  of   the   world    the   natural 

point of convergence  for its   different lines of  navigation察─etc。                       The 

natural advantages of Boeotia are similarly set forth by                        Ephorus。 Cf。 

Strab。 ix。 2察p。 400。 

     Once      more察    this   land    though     not   literally    sea´girt    has   all   the 

advantages   of   an   island察  being   accessible   to   every  wind   that   blows察  and 

can   invite   to   its   bosom   or   waft   from   its   shore   all   products察  since   it   is 

peninsular察whilst by land it is the emporium of many markets察as being a 

portion of the continent。 

     Lastly察  while   the   majority   of   states   have   barbarian   neighbours察  the 

source of many troubles察Athens has as her next´door neighbours civilised 

states which are themselves far remote from the barbarians。 


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                                          On Revenues 


     All   these   advantages察  to   repeat   what   I   have   said察  may察  I   believe察  be 

traced primarily to the soil and position of Attica itself。 But these natural 

blessings may be added to此in the first place察by a careful handling of our 

resident alien1Аpopulation。 And察for my part察I can hardly conceive of a 

more splendid source of revenue than lies open in this direction。 Here you 

have a self´supporting class of residents confering large benefits upon the 

state察and instead of receiving payment2Аthemselves察contributing on the 

contrary to the gain of the exchequer by the sojourners' tax。3АNor察under 

the    term    careful    handling察    do   I  demand      more    than    the   removal     of 

obligations which察whilst they confer no benefit on the state察have an air of 

inflicting various disabilities on the resident aliens。4АAnd I would further 

relieve them from the obligation of serving as hoplites side by side with 

the   citizen   proper察  since察  beside   the   personal   risk察  which   is   great察  the 

trouble of quitting trades and homesteads is no trifle。5АIncidentally the 

state itself would benefit by this exemption察if the citizens were more in 

the   habit   of   campaigning   with   one   another察  rather   than6А  shoulder   to 

shoulder      with    Lydians察    Phrygians察     Syrians察   and    barbarians     from     all 

quarters   of   the   world察  who   form   the   staple   of   our   resident   alien   class。 

Besides      the  advantage      of   so  weeding      the  ranksВ撮7А    it  would    add   a 

positive   lustre   to   our   city察  were   it   admitted   that   the   men   of Athens察  her 

sons察  have   reliance   on   themselves   rather   than   on   foreigners   to   fight   her 

battles。 And   further察  supposing   we   offered   our   resident   aliens   a   share   in 

various other honourable duties察including the cavalry service撮8АI shall be 

surprised   if   we   do   not   increase   the   goodwill   of   the   aliens   themselves察

whilst at the same time we add distinctly to the strength and grandeur of 

our city。 

     1АLit。 ;metics; or ;metoecs。; 

     2А。misthos察e。g。 of the assembly察the senate察and the dicasts。 

     3АThe metoikion。 See Plat。 ;Laws察─850 B察according to Isaeus察ap。 

Harpocr。      s。v。察  it  was    12   drachmae       per   annum      for   a   male    and    6 

drachmae for a female。 

     4АOr察 the class in question。; According to Schneider who cites the 


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                                         On Revenues 

atimetos metanastes of Homer察 Il。; ix。 648察the reference is                            not 

to di

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