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sketches new and old-第55节

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elected; all voting for him but himself。  It was then moved that his
election should be ratified by acclamation; which was lost; in
consequence of his again voting against himself。

〃MR。 RADWAY moved that the House now take up the remaining candidates;
and go into an election for breakfast。  This was carried。

〃On the first ballotthere was a tie; half the members favoring one
candidate on account of his youth; and half favoring the other on account
of his superior size。  The President gave the casting vote for the
latter; Mr。 Messick。  This decision created considerable dissatisfaction
among the friends of Mr。 Ferguson; the defeated candidate; and there was
some talk of demanding a new ballot; but in the midst of it a motion to
adjourn was carried; and the meeting broke up at once。

〃The preparations for supper diverted the attention of the Ferguson
faction from the discussion of their grievance for a long time; and then;
when they would have taken it up again; the happy announcement that Mr。
Harris was ready drove all thought of it to the winds。

〃We improvised tables by propping up the backs of car…seats; and sat down
with hearts full of gratitude to the finest supper that had blessed our
vision for seven torturing days。  How changed we were from what we had
been a few short hours before!  Hopeless; sad…eyed misery; hunger;
feverish anxiety; desperation; then; thankfulness; serenity; joy too deep
for utterance now。  That I know was the cheeriest hour of my eventful
life。  The winds howled; and blew the snow wildly about our prison house;
but they were powerless to distress us any more。  I liked Harris。  He
might have been better done; perhaps; but I am free to say that no man
ever agreed with me better than Harris; or afforded me so large a degree
of satisfaction。  Messick was very well; though rather high…flavored;
but for genuine nutritiousness and delicacy of fiber; give me Harris。
Messick had his good pointsI will not attempt to deny it; nor do I wish
to do it but he was no more fitted for breakfast than a mummy would be;
sirnot a bit。  Lean?why; bless me!and tough?  Ah; he was very
tough!  You could not imagine ityou could never imagine anything like

〃Do you mean to tell me that〃

〃Do not interrupt me; please。  After breakfast we elected a man by the
name of Walker; from Detroit; for supper。  He was very good。  I wrote his
wife so afterward。  He was worthy of all praise。  I shall always remember
Walker。  He was a little rare; but very good。  And then the next morning
we had Morgan of Alabama for breakfast。 He was one of the finest men I
ever sat down to handsome; educated; refined; spoke several languages
fluently a perfect gentleman he was a perfect gentleman; and singularly
juicy。  For supper we had that Oregon patriarch; and he was a fraud;
there is no question about itold; scraggy; tough; nobody can picture
the reality。  I finally said; gentlemen; you can do as you like; but I
will wait for another election。  And Grimes of Illinois said; 'Gentlemen;
I will wait also。  When you elect a man that has something to recommend
him; I shall be glad to join you again。'  It soon became evident that
there was general dissatisfaction with Davis of Oregon; and so; to
preserve the good will that had prevailed so pleasantly since we had had
Harris; an election was called; and the result of it was that Baker of
Georgia was chosen。  He was splendid!  Well; wellafter that we had
Doolittle; and Hawkins; and McElroy (there was some complaint about
McElroy; because he was uncommonly short and thin); and Penrod; and two
Smiths; and Bailey (Bailey had a wooden leg; which was clear loss; but he
was otherwise good); and an Indian boy; and an organ…grinder; and a
gentleman by the name of Buckminstera poor stick of a vagabond that
wasn't any good for company and no account for breakfast。  We were glad
we got him elected before relief came。〃

〃And so the blessed relief did come at last?〃

〃Yes; it came one bright; sunny morning; just after election。  John
Murphy was the choice; and there never was a better; I am willing to
testify; but John Murphy came home with us; in the train that came to
succor us; and lived to marry the widow Harris〃

〃Relict of〃

〃Relict of our first choice。  He married her; and is happy and respected
and prosperous yet。  Ah; it was like a novel; sirit was like a romance。
This is my stopping…place; sir; I must bid you goodby。  Any time that you
can make it convenient to tarry a day or two with me; I shall be glad to
have you。  I like you; sir; I have conceived an affection for you。
I could like you as well as I liked Harris himself; sir。  Good day; sir;
and a pleasant journey。〃

He was gone。  I never felt so stunned; so distressed; so bewildered in my
life。  But in my soul I was glad he was gone。  With all his gentleness of
manner and his soft voice; I shuddered whenever he turned his hungry eye
upon me; and when I heard that I had achieved his perilous affection; and
that I stood almost with the late Harris in his esteem; my heart fairly
stood still!

I was bewildered beyond description。  I did not doubt his word; I could
not question a single item in a statement so stamped with the earnestness
of truth as his; but its dreadful details overpowered me; and threw my
thoughts into hopeless confusion。  I saw the conductor looking at me。
I said; 〃Who is that man?〃

〃He was a member of Congress once; and a good one。  But he got caught in
a snow…drift in the cars; and like to have been starved to death。  He got
so frost…bitten and frozen up generally; and used up for want of
something to eat; that he was sick and out of his head two or three
months afterward。  He is all right now; only he is a monomaniac; and when
he gets on that old subject he never stops till he has eat up that whole
car…load of people he talks about。  He would have finished the crowd by
this time; only he had to get out here。  He has got their names as pat as
A B C。  When he gets them all eat up but himself; he always says: 'Then
the hour for the usual election for breakfast having arrived; and there
being no opposition; I was duly elected; after which; there being no
objections offered; I resigned。  Thus I am here。'〃

I felt inexpressibly relieved to know that I had only been listening to
the harmless vagaries of a madman instead of the genuine experiences of a
bloodthirsty cannibal。


Being the only true and reliable account ever published; taken from the
Roman 〃Daily Evening Fasces;〃 of the date of that tremendous occurrence。

Nothing in the world affords a newspaper reporter so much satisfaction as
gathering up the details of a bloody and mysterious murder and writing
them up with aggravating circumstantiality。  He takes a living delight in
this labor of lovefor such it is to him; especially if he knows that
all the other papers have gone to press; and his will be the only one
that will contain the dreadful intelligence。  A feeling of regret has
often come over me that I was not reporting in Rome when Caesar was
killedreporting on an evening paper; and the only one in the city; and
getting at least twelve hours ahead of the morning…paper boys with this
most magnificent 〃item〃 that ever fell to the lot of the craft。  Other
events have happened as startling as this; but none that possessed so
peculiarly all the characteristics of the favorite 〃item〃 of the present
day; magnified into grandeur and sublimity by the high rank; fame; and
social and political standing of the actors in it。

However; as I was not permitted to report Caesar's assassination in the
regular way; it has at least afforded me rare satisfaction to translate
the following able account of it from the original Latin of the Roman
Daily Evening Fasces of that datesecond edition:

Our usually quiet city of Rome was thrown into a state of wild excitement
yesterday by the occurrence of one of those bloody affrays which sicken
the heart and fill the soul with fear; while they inspire all thinking
men with forebodings for the future of a city where human life is held so
cheaply and the gravest laws are so openly set at defiance。  As the
result of that affray; it is our painful duty; as public journalists; to
record the death of one of our most esteemed citizensa man whose name
is known wherever this paper circulates; and where fame it has been our
pleasure and our privilege to extend; and also to protect from the tongue
of slander and falsehood; to the best of our poor ability。  We refer to
Mr。 J。 Caesar; the Emperor…elect。

The facts of the case; as nearly as our reporter could determine them
from the conflicting statements of eye…witnesses; were about as follows:…
The affair was an election row; of course。  Nine…tenths of the ghastly
butcheries that disgrace the city nowadays grow out of the bickerings and
jealousies and animosities engendered by these accursed elections。  Rome
would be the gainer by it if her very constables were elected to serve a
century; for in our experience we have never even been able to choose a
dog…pelter without celebrating the event with a dozen 

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