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northanger abbey-第28节

小说: northanger abbey 字数: 每页4000字

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was very sure Miss Thorpe did not mean to dance at all。 

The cruel reply was passed on to the other; and he

immediately walked away。 

     〃Your brother will not mind it; I know;〃 said she;

〃because I heard him say before that he hated dancing;

but it was very good…natured in him to think of it。 

I suppose he saw Isabella sitting down; and fancied she

might wish for a partner; but he is quite mistaken;

for she would not dance upon any account in the world。〃

     Henry smiled; and said; 〃How very little trouble it can

give you to understand the motive of other people's actions。〃

     〃Why? What do you mean?〃

     〃With you; it is not; How is such a one likely to

be influenced; What is the inducement most likely to act

upon such a person's feelings; age; situation; and probable

habits of life consideredbut; How should I be influenced;

What would be my inducement in acting so and so?〃

     〃I do not understand you。〃

     〃Then we are on very unequal terms; for I understand

you perfectly well。〃

     〃Me? Yes; I cannot speak well enough to be unintelligible。〃

     〃Bravo! An excellent satire on modern language。〃

     〃But pray tell me what you mean。〃

     〃Shall I indeed? Do you really desire it? But you

are not aware of the consequences; it will involve you

in a very cruel embarrassment; and certainly bring

on a disagreement between us。 

     〃No; no; it shall not do either; I am not afraid。〃

     〃Well; then; I only meant that your attributing my

brother's wish of dancing with Miss Thorpe to good nature

alone convinced me of your being superior in good nature

yourself to all the rest of the world。〃

     Catherine blushed and disclaimed; and the gentleman's

predictions were verified。  There was a something; however;

in his words which repaid her for the pain of confusion;

and that something occupied her mind so much that she drew

back for some time; forgetting to speak or to listen;

and almost forgetting where she was; till; roused by the

voice of Isabella; she looked up and saw her with Captain

Tilney preparing to give them hands across。 

     Isabella shrugged her shoulders and smiled; the only

explanation of this extraordinary change which could

at that time be given; but as it was not quite enough

for Catherine's comprehension; she spoke her astonishment

in very plain terms to her partner。 

     〃I cannot think how it could happen! Isabella was

so determined not to dance。〃

     〃And did Isabella never change her mind before?〃

     〃Oh! But; because And your brother! After what you

told him from me; how could he think of going to ask her?〃

     〃I cannot take surprise to myself on that head。 

You bid me be surprised on your friend's account;

and therefore I am; but as for my brother; his conduct

in the business; I must own; has been no more than I

believed him perfectly equal to。  The fairness of your

friend was an open attraction; her firmness; you know;

could only be understood by yourself。〃

     〃You are laughing; but; I assure you; Isabella is

very firm in general。〃

     〃It is as much as should be said of anyone。  To be

always firm must be to be often obstinate。  When properly

to relax is the trial of judgment; and; without reference

to my brother; I really think Miss Thorpe has by no means

chosen ill in fixing on the present hour。〃

     The friends were not able to get together for any

confidential discourse till all the dancing was over;

but then; as they walked about the room arm in arm;

Isabella thus explained herself: 〃I do not wonder at

your surprise; and I am really fatigued to death。  He is such

a rattle! Amusing enough; if my mind had been disengaged;

but I would have given the world to sit still。〃

     〃Then why did not you?〃

     〃Oh! My dear! It would have looked so particular;

and you know how I abhor doing that。  I refused him as

long as I possibly could; but he would take no denial。 

You have no idea how he pressed me。  I begged him to

excuse me; and get some other partnerbut no; not he;

after aspiring to my hand; there was nobody else in the

room he could bear to think of; and it was not that he

wanted merely to dance; he wanted to be with me。 

Oh! Such nonsense! I told him he had taken a very unlikely

way to prevail upon me; for; of all things in the world;

I hated fine speeches and compliments; and soand so then

I found there would be no peace if I did not stand up。 

Besides; I thought Mrs。 Hughes; who introduced him;

might take it ill if I did not: and your dear brother;

I am sure he would have been miserable if I had sat down

the whole evening。  I am so glad it is over! My spirits

are quite jaded with listening to his nonsense: and then;

being such a smart young fellow; I saw every eye was

upon us。〃

     〃He is very handsome indeed。〃

     〃Handsome! Yes; I suppose he may。  I dare say people

would admire him in general; but he is not at all in my

style of beauty。  I hate a florid complexion and dark eyes

in a man。  However; he is very well。  Amazingly conceited;

I am sure。  I took him down several times; you know;

in my way。〃

     When the young ladies next met; they had a far

more interesting subject to discuss。  James Morland's

second letter was then received; and the kind intentions

of his father fully explained。  A living; of which

Mr。 Morland was himself patron and incumbent; of about

four hundred pounds yearly value; was to be resigned

to his son as soon as he should be old enough to take it;

no trifling deduction from the family income; no niggardly

assignment to one of ten children。  An estate of at least

equal value; moreover; was assured as his future inheritance。 

     James expressed himself on the occasion with

becoming gratitude; and the necessity of waiting between

two and three years before they could marry; being;

however unwelcome; no more than he had expected; was borne

by him without discontent。  Catherine; whose expectations

had been as unfixed as her ideas of her father's income;

and whose judgment was now entirely led by her brother;

felt equally well satisfied; and heartily congratulated

Isabella on having everything so pleasantly settled。 

     〃It is very charming indeed;〃 said Isabella;

with a grave face。  〃Mr。 Morland has behaved vastly

handsome indeed;〃 said the gentle Mrs。 Thorpe;

looking anxiously at her daughter。  〃I only wish I could

do as much。  One could not expect more from him; you know。 

If he finds he can do more by and by; I dare say he will;

for I am sure he must be an excellent good…hearted man。 

Four hundred is but a small income to begin on indeed;

but your wishes; my dear Isabella; are so moderate; you do

not consider how little you ever want; my dear。〃

     〃It is not on my own account I wish for more; but I

cannot bear to be the means of injuring my dear Morland;

making him sit down upon an income hardly enough to find

one in the common necessaries of life。  For myself;

it is nothing; I never think of myself。〃

     〃I know you never do; my dear; and you will always

find your reward in the affection it makes everybody

feel for you。  There never was a young woman so beloved

as you are by everybody that knows you; and I dare say

when Mr。 Morland sees you; my dear childbut do not let

us distress our dear Catherine by talking of such things。 

Mr。 Morland has behaved so very handsome; you know。 

I always heard he was a most excellent man; and you know;

my dear; we are not to suppose but what; if you had had a

suitable fortune; he would have come down with something more;

for I am sure he must be a most liberal…minded man。〃

     〃Nobody can think better of Mr。 Morland than I do;

I am sure。  But everybody has their failing; you know;

and everybody has a right to do what they like with their

own money。〃 Catherine was hurt by these insinuations。 

〃I am very sure;〃 said she; 〃that my father has promised

to do as much as he can afford。〃

     Isabella recollected herself。  〃As to that;

my sweet Catherine; there cannot be a doubt; and you know

me well enough to be sure that a much smaller i

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