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So much for the analysis of Love。  Now the business of our lives

is to have these things fitted into our characters。  That is the

supreme work to which we need to address ourselves in this world

to learn Love。  Is life not full of opportunities for learning

Love拭 Every man and woman every day has a thousand of them。  The

world is not a playground察it is a schoolroom。  Life is not a

holiday察but an education。  And

The one eternal lesson

for us all is HOW BETTER WE CAN LOVE。

What makes a man a good cricketer拭 Practice。  What makes a man

a good artist察a good sculptor察a good musician拭 Practice。  What

makes a man a good linguist察a good stenographer拭 Practice。  What

makes a man a good man拭 Practice。  Nothing else。  There is nothing

capricious about religion。  We do not get the soul in different

ways察under different laws察from those in which we get the body

and the mind。  If a man does not exercise his arm he develops no

biceps muscle察and if a man does not exercise his soul察he acquires

no muscle in his soul察no strength of character察no vigor of

moral fibre察no beauty of spiritual growth。  Love is not a thing

of enthusiastic emotion。  It is a rich察strong察manly察vigorous

expression of the whole round Christian characterthe Christlike

nature in its fullest development。  And the constituents of this

great character are only to be built up by

Ceaseless practice。

What was Christ doing in the carpenter's shop拭 Practising。  Though

perfect察we read that he LEARNED obedience察and grew in wisdom

and in favor with God。  Do not quarrel察therefore察with your lot

in life。  Do not complain of its never´ceasing cares察its petty

environment察the vexations you have to stand察the small and sordid

souls you have to live and work with。  Above all察do not resent

temptation察do not be perplexed because it seems to thicken round

you more and more察and ceases neither for effort nor for agony nor

prayer。  That is your practice。  That is the practice which god

appoints you察and it is having its work in making you patient察and

humble察and generous察and unselfish察and kind察and courteous。  Do

not grudge the hand that is moulding the still too shapeless image

within you。  It is growing more beautiful察though you see it not

and every touch of temptation may add to its perfection。  Therefore

keep in the midst of life。  Do not isolate yourself。  Be among

men and among things察and among troubles察and difficulties察and

obstacles。  You remember Goethe's words此  Talent develops itself

in solitude察character in the stream of life。;  Talent develops

itself in solitudethe talent of prayer察of faith察of meditation

of seeing the unseen察character grows in the stream of the world's

life。  That chiefly is where men are to learn love。

How拭 Now察how拭 To make it easier察I have named a few of the

elements of love。  But these are only elements。  Love itself can

never be defined。  Light is a something more than the sum of its

ingredientsa glowing察dazzling察tremulous ether。  And love is

something more than all its elementsa palpitating察quivering

sensitive察living thing。  By synthesis of all the colors察men can

make whiteness察they cannot make light。  By synthesis of all the

virtues察men can make virtue察they cannot make love。  How then are

we to have this transcendent living whole conveyed into our souls

We brace our wills to secure it。  We try to copy those who have

it。  We lay down rules about it。  We watch。  We pray。  But these

things alone will not bring love into our nature。  Love is an EFFECT。

And only as we fulfill the right condition can we have the effect

produced。  Shall I tell you what the CAUSE is

If you turn to the Revised Version of the First Epistle of John

you find these words此  We love because He first loved us。;  ;We

love察─not ;We love HIM。;  That is the way the old version has

it察and it is quite wrong。  ;WE LOVEbecause He first loved us。;

Look at that word ;because。;  It is the CAUSE of which I have

spoken。  ;BECAUSE He first loved us察─the effect follows that we

love察we love Him察we love all men。  We cannot help it。  Because He

loved us察we love察we love everybody。  Our heart is slowly changed。

contemplate the love of Christ察and you will love。  Stand before

that mirror察reflect Christ's character察and you will be changed

into the same image from tenderness to tenderness。  There is no

other way。  You cannot love to order。  You can only look at the

lovely object察and fall in love with it察and grow into likeness to

it。  And so look at this Perfect Character察this Perfect Life。  Look


The great sacrifice

as He laid down Himself察all through life察and upon the Cross of

Calvary察and you must love Him。  And loving Him察you must become

like Him。  Love begets love。  It is a process of induction。  Put

a piece of Iron in the presence of an electrified body察and that

piece of iron for a time becomes electrified。  It is changed into

a temporary magnet in the mere presence of a permanent magnet察and

as long as you leave the two side by side察they are both magnets

alike。  Remain side by side with Him who loved us察and

Gave himself for us

and you察too察will become a permanent magnet察a permanently attractive

force察and like Him you will draw all men unto you察like Him you

will be drawn unto all men。  that is the inevitable effect of Love。

Any man who fulfills that cause must have that effect produced in


Try to give up the idea that religion comes to us by chance察or

by mystery察or by caprice。  It comes to us by natural law察or by

supernatural law察for all law is Divine。

Edward Irving went to see a dying boy once察and when he entered

the room he just put his hand on the sufferer's head察and said

;My boy察God loves you察─and went away。  The boy started from his

bed察and called out to the people in the house

;God loves me  God loves me 

One word  It changed that boy。  The sense that God loved

him overpowered him察melted him down察and began the creating of a

new heart in him。  And that is how the love of God melts down the

unlovely heart in man察and begets in him the new creature察who is

patient and humble and gentle and unselfish。  And there is no other

way to get it。  There is no mystery about it。  We love others察we

love everybody察we love our enemies察BECAUSE HE FIRST LOVED US。

III。  The Defence。

Now I have a closing sentence or two to add about Paul's reason

for singling out love as the supreme possession。

It is a very remarkable reason。  In a single word it is this此 IT

LASTS。  ;Love察─urges Paul察 never faileth。;  Then he begins again

one of his marvelous lists of the great things of the day察and

exposes them one by one。  He runs over the things that men thought

were going to last察and shows that they are all fleeting察temporary

passing away。

;Whether there be PROPHECIES察they shall be done away。;  It was the

mother's ambition for her boy in those days that he should become

a prophet。  For hundreds of years God had never spoken by means

of any prophet察and at that time the prophet was greater than the

king。  Men waited wistfully for another messenger to come察and hung

upon his lips when he appeared察as upon the very voice of God。  Paul

says察 Whether there be prophecies察they shall fail。;  The Bible

is full of prophecies。  One by one they have ;failed;察that is

having been fulfilled察their work is finished察they have nothing

more to do now in the world except to feed a devout man's faith。

Then Paul talks about TONGUES。  That was another thing that was

greatly coveted。  ;Whether there be tongues察they shall cease。;

As we all know察many察many centuries have passed since tongues

have been known in this world。  They have ceased。  Take it in any

sense you like。  Take it察for illustration merely察as languages in

generala sense which was not in Paul's mind at all察and which

though it cannot give us the specific lesson察will point the

general truth。  Consider the words in which these chapters were

writtenGreek。  It has gone。  Take the Latinthe other great tongue

of those days。  It ceased long ago。  Look at the Indian language。

It is ceasing。  The language of Wales察of Ireland察of the Scottish

Highlands is dying before our eyes。  The most popular book in the

English tongue at the present time察except the bible察is one of

Dickens' works察his ;Pickwick Papers。;  It is largely written in

the language of London street´life察and experts assure us that in

fifty years it will be unintelligible to the average English reader。

Then Paul goes farther察and with even greater boldness adds

;Whether there by KNOWLEDGE察it shall be done away。;  The wisdom of

the ancients察where is it拭 It is wholly gone。  A schoolboy to´day

knows more than Sir Isaac Newton knew察his knowledge has vanished

away。  You put ye

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