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Christ察perhaps all that can be done is to help him to step on

to it by still plainer analogies from common life。  How do I know

Shakespere or Dante拭 By communing with their words and thoughts。

Many men know Dante better than their own fathers。  Many men know

Dante better than their own fathers。  He influences them more。  As

a spiritual presence he is more near to them察as a spiritual force

more real。  Is there any reason why a greater than Shakspere or

Dante察who also walked this earth察who left great words behind Him

who has greater works everywhere in the world now察should not also

instruct察inspire and mould the characters of men拭 I do not limit

Christ's influence to this此 it is this察and it is more。  But Christ

so far from resenting or discouraging this relation of Friendship

Himself proposed it。  ;Abide in me; was almost His last word to

the world。  And He partly met the difficulty of those who feel its

intangibleness by adding the practical clause察 If ye abide in Me


Begin with His words。  Words can scarcely ever be long impersonal。

Christ himself was a Word察a word made Flesh。  Make His words flesh

do them察live them察and you must live Christ。  ;HE THAT KEEPETH

MY COMMANDMENTS察he it is that loveth Me。;  Obey Him and you must

love Him。  Abide in Him察and you must obey Him。  CULTIVATE His

Friendship。  Live after Christ察in His Spirit察as in His Presence

and it is difficult to think what more you can do。  Take this at

least as a first lesson察as introduction。

If you cannot at once and always feel the play of His life upon

yours察watch for it also indirectly。  ;The whole earth is full of

the character of the Lord。;  Christ is the Light of the world察and

much of his Light is reflected from things in the worldeven from

clouds。  Sunlight is stored in every leaf察from leaf through coal

and it comforts us thence when days are dark and we cannot see the

sun。  Christ shines through men察through books察through history

through nature察music察art。  Look for Him there。  ;Every day one

should either look at a beautiful picture察or hear beautiful music

or read a beautiful poem。;  The real danger of mysticism is not

making it broad enough。

Do not think that nothing is happening because you do not see

yourself grow察or hear the whir of the machinery。  All great things

grow noiselessly。  You can see a mushroom grow察but never a child。

Paul said for the comforting of all slowly perfecting souls that

they grew ;from character to character。;  ;The inward man察─he

says elsewhere察 is renewed from day to day。;  All thorough work

is slow察all true development by minute察slight and insensible

metamorphoses。  The higher the structure察moreover察the slower the

progress。  As the biologist runs his eye over the long Ascent of

Life察he sees the lowest forms of animals develop in an hour察the

next above these reach maturity in a day察those higher still take

weeks or months to perfect察but the few at the top demand the long

experiment of years。  If a child and an ape are born on the same

day察the last will be in full possession of its faculties and doing

the active work of life before the child has left its cradle。  Life

is the cradle of eternity。  As the man is to the animal in the

slowness of his evolution察so is the spiritual man to the natural

man。  Foundations which have to bear the weight of an eternal life

must be surely laid。  Character is to wear forever察who will wonder

or grudge that it cannot be developed in a day

To await the growing of a soul察nevertheless察is an almost Divine

act of faith。  How pardonable察surely察the impatience of deformity

with itself察of a consciously despicable character standing before

Christ察wondering察yearning察hungering to be like that  Yet must

one trust the process fearlessly and without misgiving。  ;The Lord

the Spirit; will do His part。  The tempting expedient is察in haste

for abrupt or visible progress察to try some method less spiritual

or to defeat the end by watching for effects instead of keeping

the eye on the Cause。  A photograph prints from the negative only

while exposed to the sun。  While the artist is looking to see

how it is getting on he simply stops the getting on。  Whatever of

wise supervision the soul may need察it is certain it can never be

over´exposed察or that察being exposed察anything else in the world

can improve the result or quicken it。  The creation of a new heart

the renewing of a right spirit察is an omnipotent work of God。

Leave it to the Creator。  ;He which hath begun a good work in you

will perfect it unto that day。;

No man察nevertheless察who feels the worth and solemnity of what is

at stake will be careless as to his progress。  To become

Like Christ

is the only thing in the world worth caring for察the thing before

which every ambition of man is folly察and all lower achievement


Those only who make this quest the supreme desire and passion of

their lives can ever begin to hope to reach it。  If察therefore察it

has seemed up to this point as if all depended on passivity察let

me now assert察with conviction more intense察that all depends on

activity。  A religion of effortless adoration may be a religion

for an angel察but never for a man。  No in the contemplative察but

in the active察lies true hope察not in rapture察but in reality察lies

true life察not in the realm of ideals察but among tangible things

is man's sanctification wrought。  Resolution察effort察pain

self´crucifixion察agonyall the things already dismissed as

futile in themselves察must now be restored to office察and a tenfold

responsibility laid upon them。  For what is their office拭 Nothing

less than to move the vast inertia of the soul察and place it察and

keep it where the spiritual forces will act upon it。  It is to rally

the forces of the will察and keep the surface of the mirror bright

and ever in position。  It is to uncover the face which is to look

at Christ察and draw down the veil when unhallowed sights are near。

You have察perhaps察gone with an astronomer to watch him photograph

the spectrum of a star。  As you enter the dark vault of the

observatory you saw him being by lighting a candle。  To see the

star with拭 No察but to adjust the instrument to see the star with。

It was the star that was going to take the photograph察it was

also察the astronomer。  For a long time he worked in the dimness

screwing tubes and polishing lenses and adjusting reflectors察and

only after much labor the finely focused instrument was brought

to bear。  Then he blew out the light察and left the start to do its

work upon the plate alone。

The day's task for the Christian is to bring his instrument to bear。

Having done that he may blow out his candle。  All the evidences of

Christianity which have brought him there察all aids to Faith察all

acts of worship察all the leverages of the Church察all Prayer and

Meditation察all girding of the Willthese lesser processes察these

candle´light activities for that supreme hour察may be set aside。

But察remember察it is but for an hour。  The wise man will be he who

quickest lights his candle察the wisest he who never lets it out。

Tomorrow察the next moment察he察a poor察darkened察blurred soul察may

need it again to focus the Image better察to take a mote off the

lens察to clear the mirror from a breath with which the world has

dulled it。

No readjustment is ever required on behalf of the Star。  That is

one great fixed point in this shifting universe。  But THE WORLD

MOVES。  And each day察each hour察demands a further motion and

readjustment for the soul。  A telescope in an observatory follows

a star by clockwork察but the clockwork of the soul is called THE

WILL。  Hence察while the soul in passivity reflects the Image of

the Lord察the Will in intense activity holds the mirror in position

lest the drifting motion of the world bear it beyond the line of

vision。  To ;follow Christ; is largely to keep the soul in such

position as will allow for the motion of the earth。  And this

calculated counteracting of the movements of the world察this holding

of the mirror exactly opposite to the Mirrored察this steadying of

the faculties unerringly through cloud and earthquake察fire and

sword察is the stupendous co´operating labor of the Will。  It is

all man's work。  It is all Christ's work。  In practice it is both

in theory it is both。  But the wise man will say in practice察 It

depends upon myself。;

In the Gallerie des Beaux Arts in Paris there stands a famous

statue。  It was the last work of a great genius察who察like many a

genius察was very poor and lived in a garret察which served as a studio

and sleeping´room alike。  When the statue was all but finished察one

midnight a sudden frost fell upon Paris。  The sculptor lay awake

in the fireless room and thought of the still moist clay察thought

how the water would freeze in the pores and destroy in an hour th

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