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autobiography and selected essays-第7节

小说: autobiography and selected essays 字数: 每页4000字

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earliest indication I can call to mind of the strong clerical

affinities which my friend Mr。 Herbert Spencer '5' has always

ascribed to me; though I fancy they have for the most part remained

in a latent state。

My regular school training was of the briefest; perhaps

fortunately; for though my way of life has made me acquainted with

all sorts and conditions of men; from the highest to the lowest; I

deliberately affirm that the society I fell into at school was the

worst I have ever known。  We boys were average lads; with much the

same inherent capacity for good and evil as any others; but the

people who were set over us cared about as much for our

intellectual and moral welfare as if they were baby…farmers。  We

were left to the operation of the struggle for existence among

ourselves; and bullying was the least of the ill practices current

among us。  Almost the only cheerful reminiscence in connection with

the place which arises in my mind is that of a battle I had with

one of my classmates; who had bullied me until I could stand it no

longer。  I was a very slight lad; but there was a wild…cat element

in me which; when roused; made up for lack of weight; and I licked

my adversary effectually。  However; one of my first experiences of

the extremely rough…and…ready nature of justice; as exhibited by

the course of things in general; arose out of the fact that Ithe

victorhad a black eye; while hethe vanquishedhad none; so

that I got into disgrace and he did not。  We made it up; and

thereafter I was unmolested。  One of the greatest shocks I ever

received in my life was to be told a dozen years afterwards by the

groom who brought me my horse in a stable…yard in Sydney that he

was my quondam antagonist。  He had a long story of family

misfortune to account for his position; but at that time it was

necessary to deal very cautiously with mysterious strangers in New

South Wales; and on inquiry I found that the unfortunate young man

had not only been 〃sent out;〃 but had undergone more than one

colonial conviction。

As I grew older; my great desire was to be a mechanical engineer;

but the fates were against this and; while very young; I commenced

the study of medicine under a medical brother…in…law。  But; though

the Institute of Mechanical Engineers would certainly not own me; I

am not sure that I have not all along been a sort of mechanical

engineer in partibus infidelium。'6'  I am now occasionally horrified

to think how very little I ever knew or cared about medicine as the

art of healing。  The only part of my professional course which

really and deeply interested me was physiology; which is the

mechanical engineering of living machines; and; notwithstanding

that natural science has been my proper business; I am afraid there

is very little of the genuine naturalist in me。  I never collected

anything; and species work was always a burden to me; what I cared

for was the architectural and engineering part of the business; the

working out of the wonderful unity of plan in the thousands and

thousands of diverse living constructions; and the modifications of

similar apparatuses to serve diverse ends。  The extraordinary

attraction I felt towards the study of the intricacies of living

structure nearly proved fatal to me at the outset。  I was a mere

boyI think between thirteen and fourteen years of agewhen I was

taken by some older student friends of mine to the first post…

mortem examination I ever attended。  All my life I have been most

unfortunately sensitive to the disagreeables which attend

anatomical pursuits; but on this occasion my curiosity overpowered

all other feelings; and I spent two or three hours in gratifying

it。  I did not cut myself; and none of the ordinary symptoms of

dissection…poison supervened; but poisoned I was somehow; and I

remember sinking into a strange state of apathy。  By way of a last

chance; I was sent to the care of some good; kind people; friends

of my father's; who lived in a farmhouse in the heart of

Warwickshire。  I remember staggering from my bed to the window on

the bright spring morning after my arrival; and throwing open the

casement。  Life seemed to come back on the wings of the breeze; and

to this day the faint odor of wood…smoke; like that which floated

across the farm…yard in the early morning; is as good to me as the

〃sweet south upon a bed of violets。〃'7'  I soon recovered; but for

years I suffered from occasional paroxysms of internal pain; and

from that time my constant friend; hypochondriacal dyspepsia;

commenced his half century of co…tenancy of my fleshly tabernacle。

Looking back on my 〃Lehrjahre;〃'8' I am sorry to say that I do not

think that any account of my doings as a student would tend to

edification。  In fact; I should distinctly warn ingenuous youth to

avoid imitating my example。  I worked extremely hard when it

pleased me; and when it did notwhich was a very frequent caseI

was extremely idle (unless making caricatures of one's pastors and

masters is to be called a branch of industry); or else wasted my

energies in wrong directions。  I read everything I could lay hands

upon; including novels; and took up all sorts of pursuits to drop

them again quite as speedily。  No doubt it was very largely my own

fault; but the only instruction from which I ever obtained the

proper effect of education was that which I received from Mr。

Wharton Jones; who was the lecturer on physiology at the Charing

Cross School of Medicine。  The extent and precision of his

knowledge impressed me greatly; and the severe exactness of his

method of lecturing was quite to my taste。  I do not know that I

have ever felt so much respect for anybody as a teacher before or

since。  I worked hard to obtain his approbation; and he was

extremely kind and helpful to the youngster who; I am afraid; took

up more of his time than he had any right to do。  It was he who

suggested the publication of my first scientific papera very

little onein the Medical Gazette of 1845; and most kindly

corrected the literary faults which abounded in it; short as it

was; for at that time; and for many years afterwards; I detested

the trouble of writing; and would take no pains over it。

It was in the early spring of 1846; that; having finished my

obligatory medical studies and passed the first M。 D。 examination

at the London University;though I was still too young to qualify

at the College of Surgeons;I was talking to a fellow…student (the

present eminent physician; Sir Joseph Fayrer); and wondering what I

should do to meet the imperative necessity for earning my own

bread; when my friend suggested that I should write to Sir William

Burnett; at that time Director…General for the Medical Service of

the Navy; for an appointment。  I thought this rather a strong thing

to do; as Sir William was personally unknown to me; but my cheery

friend would not listen to my scruples; so I went to my lodgings

and wrote the best letter I could devise。  A few days afterwards I

received the usual official circular acknowledgment; but at the

bottom there was written an instruction to call at Somerset House

on such a day。  I thought that looked like business; so at the

appointed time I called and sent in my card; while I waited in Sir

William's ante…room。  He was a tall; shrewd…looking old gentleman;

with a broad Scotch accentand I think I see him now as he entered

with my card in his hand。  The first thing he did was to return it;

with the frugal reminder that I should probably find it useful on

some other occasion。  The second was to ask whether I was an

Irishman。  I suppose the air of modesty about my appeal must have

struck him。  I satisfied the Director…General that I was English to

the backbone; and he made some inquiries as to my student career;

finally desiring me to hold myself ready for examination。  Having

passed this; I was in Her Majesty's Service; and entered on the

books of Nelson's '9' old ship; the Victory; for duty at Haslar

Hospital; about a couple of months after I made my application。

My official chief at Haslar was a very remarkable person; the late

Sir John Richardson; an excellent naturalist; and far…famed as an

indomitable Arctic traveller。  He was a silent; reserved man;

outside the circle of his family and intimates; and; having a full

share of youthful vanity; I was extremely disgusted to find that

〃Old John;〃 as we irreverent youngsters called him; took not the

slightest notice of my worshipful self either the first time I

attended him; as it was my duty to do; or for some weeks

afterwards。  I am afraid to think of the lengths to which my tongue

may have run on the subject of the churlishness of the chief; who

was; in truth; one of the kindest…hearted and most considerate of

men。  But one day; as I was crossing the hospital square; Sir John

stopped me; and heaped coals of fire on my head by telling me that

he had tried to get me one 

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