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autobiography and selected essays-第6节

小说: autobiography and selected essays 字数: 每页4000字

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1。 From any given essay; group together sentences which are long;

short; loose; periodic; balanced; simple; compound; note those

peculiar; for any reason; to Huxley。

2。 Stevenson says; 〃The one rule is to be infinitely various; to

interest; to disappoint; to surprise and still to gratify; to be

ever changing; as it were; the stitch; and yet still to give the

effect of ingenious neatness。〃

Do Huxley's sentences conform to Stevenson's rule?  Compare

Huxley's sentences with Stevenson's for variety in form。  Is there

any reason for the difference between the form of the two writers?

3。 Does this quotation from Pater's essay on Style describe

Huxley's sentences?  〃The blithe; crisp sentence; decisive as a

child's expression of its needs; may alternate with the long…

contending; victoriously intricate sentence; the sentence; born

with the integrity of a single word; relieving the sort of sentence

in which; if you look closely; you can see contrivance; much

adjustment; to bring a highly qualified matter into compass at one


4。 How do Huxley's sentences compare with those of Ruskin; or with

those of any author recently studied?

5。 Are Huxley's sentences musical?  How does an author make his

sentences musical?

C。 Questions on words。

1。 Do you find evidence of exactness; a quality which Huxley said

he labored for?

2。 Are the words general or specific in character?

3。 How does Huxley make his subject…matter attractive?

4。 From what sources does Huxley derive his words?  Are they every…

day words; or more scholarly in character?

5。 Do you find any figures?  Are these mainly ornamental or do they

re…enforce the thought?

8。 Are there many allusions and quotations?  Can you easily

recognize the source?

7。 Pater says in his essay on Style that the literary artist

〃begets a vocabulary faithful to the colouring of his own spirit;

and in the strictest sense original。〃  Do you find that Huxley's

vocabulary suggests the man?

8。 Does Huxley seem to search for 〃the smooth; or winsome; or

forcible word; as such; or quite simply and honestly; for the

word's adjustment to its meaning〃?

9。 Make out a list of the words and proper names in any given essay

which are not familiar to you; write out the explanation of these

in the form of notes giving any information which is interesting

and relevant。

D。 General questions on style。

1。 How is Huxley's style adapted to the subject…matter?

2。 Can you explain the difference in style of the different essays

by the difference in purpose?

3。 Compare Huxley's way of saying things with some other author's

way of saying things。

4。 Huxley says of his essays to workingmen; 〃I only wish I had had

the sense to anticipate the run these have had here and abroad; and

I would have revised them properly。  As they stand they are

terribily in the rough; from a literary point of view。〃

Do you find evidences of roughness?



And when I consider; in one view; the many things 。 。 。 which I

have upon my hands; I feel the burlesque of being employed in this

manner at my time of life。  But; in another view; and taking in all

circumstances; these things; as trifling as they may appear; no

less than things of greater importance; seem to be put upon me to

do。Bishop Butler to the Duchess of Somerset。

The 〃many things〃 to which the Duchess's correspondent here refers

are the repairs and improvements of the episcopal seat at Auckland。

I doubt if the great apologist; greater in nothing than in the

simple dignity of his character; would have considered the writing

an account of himself as a thing which could be put upon him to do

whatever circumstances might be taken in。  But the good bishop

lived in an age when a man might write books and yet be permitted

to keep his private existence to himself; in the pre…Boswellian '2'

epoch; when the germ of the photographer lay concealed in the

distant future; and the interviewer who pervades our age was an

unforeseen; indeed unimaginable; birth of time。

At present; the most convinced believer in the aphorism 〃Bene qui

latuit; bene vixit;〃'3' is not always able to act up to it。  An

importunate person informs him that his portrait is about to be

published and will be accompanied by a biography which the

importunate person proposes to write。  The sufferer knows what that

means; either he undertakes to revise the 〃biography〃 or he does

not。  In the former case; he makes himself responsible; in the

latter; he allows the publication of a mass of more or less fulsome

inaccuracies for which he will be held responsible by those who are

familiar with the prevalent art of self…advertisement。  On the

whole; it may be better to get over the 〃burlesque of being

employed in this manner〃 and do the thing himself。

It was by reflections of this kind that; some years ago; I was led

to write and permit the publication of the subjoined sketch。

I was born about eight o'clock in the morning on the 4th of May;

1825; at Ealing; which was; at that time; as quiet a little country

village as could be found within a half…a…dozen miles of Hyde Park

Corner。  Now it is a suburb of London with; I believe; 30;000

inhabitants。  My father was one of the masters in a large semi…

public school which at one time had a high reputation。  I am not

aware that any portents preceded my arrival in this world; but; in

my childhood; I remember hearing a traditional account of the

manner in which I lost the chance of an endowment of great

practical value。  The windows of my mother's room were open; in

consequence of the unusual warmth of the weather。  For the same

reason; probably; a neighbouring beehive had swarmed; and the new

colony; pitching on the window…sill; was making its way into the

room when the horrified nurse shut down the sash。  If that well…

meaning woman had only abstained from her ill…timed interference;

the swarm might have settled on my lips; and I should have been

endowed with that mellifluous eloquence which; in this country;

leads far more surely than worth; capacity; or honest work; to the

highest places in Church and State。  But the opportunity was lost;

and I have been obliged to content myself through life with saying

what I mean in the plainest of plain language; than which; I

suppose; there is no habit more ruinous to a man's prospects of


Why I was christened Thomas Henry I do not know; but it is a

curious chance that my parents should have fixed for my usual

denomination upon the name of that particular Apostle with whom I

have always felt most sympathy。  Physically and mentally I am the

son of my mother so completelyeven down to peculiar movements of

the hands; which made their appearance in me as I reached the age

she had when I noticed themthat I can hardly find any trace of my

father in myself; except an inborn faculty for drawing; which

unfortunately; in my case; has never been cultivated; a hot temper;

and that amount of tenacity of purpose which unfriendly observers

sometimes call obstinacy。

My mother was a slender brunette; of an emotional and energetic

temperament; and possessed of the most piercing black eyes I ever

saw in a woman's head。  With no more education than other women of

the middle classes in her day; she had an excellent mental

capacity。  Her most distinguishing characteristic; however; was

rapidity of thought。  If one ventured to suggest she had not taken

much time to arrive at any conclusion; she would say; 〃I cannot

help it; things flash across me。〃  That peculiarity has been passed

on to me in full strength; it has often stood me in good stead; it

has sometimes played me sad tricks; and it has always been a

danger。  But; after all; if my time were to come over again; there

is nothing I would less willingly part with than my inheritance of

mother wit。

I have next to nothing to say about my childhood。  In later years

my mother; looking at me almost reproachfully; would sometimes say;

〃Ah! you were such a pretty boy!〃 whence I had no difficulty in

concluding that I had not fulfilled my early promise in the matter

of looks。  In fact; I have a distinct recollection of certain curls

of which I was vain; and of a conviction that I closely resembled

that handsome; courtly gentleman; Sir Herbert Oakley; who was vicar

of our parish; and who was as a god to us country folk; because he

was occasionally visited by the then Prince George of Cambridge。 '4'

I remember turning my pinafore wrong side forwards in order to

represent a surplice; and preaching to my mother's maids in the

kitchen as nearly as possible in Sir Herbert's manner one Sunday

morning when the rest of the family were at church。  That is the

earliest indication I can call to mind of the strong clerical

affinities wh

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