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autobiography and selected essays-第4节

小说: autobiography and selected essays 字数: 每页4000字

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art。  Huxley believed strongly in the arts as a refining and

helpful influence in education。  He keenly enjoyed good music。

Professor Hewes writes of him that one breaking in upon him in the

afternoon at South Kensington would not infrequently be met 〃with a

snatch of some melody of Bach's fugue。〃  He also liked good

pictures; and always had among his friends well…known artists; as

Alma…Tadema; Sir Frederick Leighton; and Burne…Jones。  He read

poetry widely; and strongly advocated the teaching of poetry in

English schools。  As to poetry; his own preferences are

interesting。  Wordsworth he considered too discursive; Shelley was

too diffuse; Keats; he liked for pure beauty; Browning for

strength; and Tennyson for his understanding of modern science; but

most frequently of all he read Milton and Shakespeare。

As to Huxley's appearance; and as to the impression which his

personality made upon others; the description of a friend; Mr。 G。

W。 Smalley; presents him with striking force。  〃The square

forehead; the square jaw; the tense lines of the mouth; the deep

flashing dark eyes; the impression of something more than strength

he gave you; an impression of sincerity; of solid force; of

immovability; yet with the gentleness arising from the serene

consciousness of his strengthall this belonged to Huxley and to

him alone。  The first glance magnetized his audience。  The eyes

were those of one accustomed to command; of one having authority;

and not fearing on occasion to use it。  The hair swept carelessly

away from the broad forehead and grew rather long behind; yet the

length did not suggest; as it often does; effeminacy。  He was

masculine in everythinglook; gesture; speech。  Sparing of

gesture; sparing of emphasis; careless of mere rhetorical or

oratorical art; he had nevertheless the secret of the highest art

of all; whether in oratory or whatever elsehe had simplicity。〃

Simplicity; directness; sincerity;all these qualities describe

Huxley; but the one attribute which distinguishes him above all

others is love of truth。  A love of truth; as the phrase

characterizes Huxley; would necessarily produce a scholarly habit

of mind。  It was the zealous search for truth which determined his

method of work。  In science; Huxley would 〃take at second hand

nothing for which he vouched in teaching。〃  Some one reproached him

for wasting time verifying what another had already done。  〃If that

is his practice;〃 he commented; 〃his work will never live。〃  The

same motive made him a master of languages。  To be able to read at

first hand the writings of other nations; he learned German;

French; Italian; and Greek。  One of the chief reasons for learning

to read Greek was to see for himself if Aristotle really did say

that the heart had only three chambersan error; he discovered;

not of Aristotle; but of the translator。  It was; moreover; the

scholar in Huxley which made him impatient of narrow; half…formed;

foggy conclusions。  His own work has all the breadth and freedom

and universality of the scholar; but it has; also; a quality

equally distinctive of the scholar; namely; an infinite precision

in the matter of detail。

If love of truth made Huxley a scholar; it made him; also; a

courageous fighter。  Man's first duty; as he saw it; was to seek

the truth; his second was to teach it to others; and; if necessary;

to contend valiantly for it。  To fail to teach what you honestly

know to be true; because it may harm your reputation; or even

because it may give pain to others; is cowardice。  〃I am not

greatly concerned about any reputation;〃 Huxley writes to his wife;

〃except that of being entirely honest and straightforward。〃

Regardless of warnings that the publication of Man's Place in

Nature would ruin his career; Huxley passed on to others what

nature had revealed to him。  He was regardless; also; of the

confusion and pain which his view would necessarily bring to those

who had been nourished in old traditions。  To stand with a man or

two and to do battle with the world on the score of its old

beliefs; has never been an easy task since the world began。

Certainly it required fearlessness and determination to wrestle

with the prejudices against science in the middle of the nineteenth

centuryhow much may be gathered from the reading of Darwin's Life

and Letters。  The attitude of the times toward science has already

been indicated。  One may he allowed to give one more example from

the reported address of a clergyman。  〃O ye men of science; ye men

of science; leave us our ancestors in paradise; and you may have

yours in Zoological gardens。〃  The war was; for the most part;

between the clergy and the men of science; but it is necessary to

remember that Huxley fought not against Christianity; but against

dogma; that he fought not against the past;he had great reverence

for the accomplishment of the past;but against unwillingness to

accept the new truth of the present。

A scholar of the highest type and a fearless defender of true and

honest thinking; Huxley certainly was: but the quality which gives

meaning to his work; which makes it live; is a certain human

quality due to the fact that Huxley was always keenly alive to the

relation of science to the problems of life。  For this reason; he

was not content with the mere acquirement of knowledge; and for

this reason; also; he could not quietly wait until the world should

come to his way of thinking。  Much of the time; therefore; which he

would otherwise naturally have spent in research; he spent in

contending for and in endeavoring to popularize the facts of

science。  It was this desire to make his ideas prevail that led

Huxley to work for a mastery of the technique of speaking and

writing。  He hated both; but taught himself to do both well。  The

end of all his infinite pains about his writing was not because

style for its own sake is worth while; but because he saw that the

only way to win men to a consideration of his message was to make

it perfectly clear and attractive to them。  Huxley's message to the

people was that happiness; usefulness; and even material prosperity

depend upon an understanding of the laws of nature。  He also taught

that a knowledge of the facts of science is the soundest basis for

moral law; that a clear sense of the penalties which Nature

inflicts for disobedience of her laws must eventually be the

greatest force for the purification of life。  If he was to be

remembered; therefore; he desired that he should be remembered

primarily as one who had helped the people 〃to think truly and to

live rightly。〃  Huxley's writing is; then; something more than a

scholarly exposition of abstruse matter; for it has been further

devoted to the increasing of man's capacity for usefulness; and to

the betterment of his life here on earth。



From the point of view of subject…matter; structure; and style;

Huxley's essays are admirably adapted to the uses of the student in

English。  The themes of the essays are two; education and science。

In these two subjects Huxley earnestly sought to arouse interest

and to impart knowledge; because he believed that intelligence in

these matters is essential for the advancement of the race in

strength and morality。  Both subjects; therefore; should be

valuable to the student。  In education; certainly; he should be

interested; since it is his main occupation; if not his chief

concern。  Essays like A Liberal Education and The Principal

Subjects of Education may suggest to him the meaning of all his

work; and may suggest; also; the things which it would be well for

him to know; and; even more; a consideration of these subjects may

arouse him to a greater interest and responsibility than he usually

assumes toward his own mental equipment。  Of greater interest

probably will be the subjects which deal with nature; for the ways

of nature are more nearly within the range of his real concerns

than are the wherefores of study。  The story of the formation of a

piece of chalk; the substance which lies at the basis of all life;

the habits of sea animals; are all subjects the nature of which is

akin to his own eager interest in the world。

Undoubtedly the subjects about which Huxley writes will 〃appeal〃 to

the student; but it is in analysis that the real discipline lies。

For analysis Huxley's essays are excellent。  They illustrate 〃the

clear power of exposition;〃 and such power is; as Huxley wrote to

Tyndall; the one quality the people want;exposition 〃so clear

that they may think they understand even if they don't。〃  Huxley

obtains that perfect clearness in his own work by simple

definition; by keeping steadily before his audience his intention;

and by making plain throughout his lecture a well…defined organic

structure。  No X…ray machine is needful to make the skeleton

visible; it stands forth with the parts all nic

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