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autobiography and selected essays-第25节

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complicated activities of man are comprehensible under three

categories。  Either they are immediately directed towards the

maintenance and development of the body; or they effect transitory

changes in the relative positions of parts of the body; or they

tend towards the continuance of the species。  Even those

manifestations of intellect; of feeling; and of will; which we

rightly name the higher faculties; are not excluded from this

classification; inasmuch as to every one but the subject of them;

they are known only as transitory changes in the relative positions

of parts of the body。  Speech; gesture; and every other form of

human action are; in the long run; resolvable into muscular

contraction; and muscular contraction is but a transitory change in

the relative positions of the parts of a muscle。  But the scheme

which is large enough to embrace the activities of the highest form

of life; covers all those of the lower creatures。  The lowest

plant; or animalcule; feeds; grows; and reproduces its kind。  In

addition; all animals manifest those transitory changes of form

which we class under irritability and contractility; and; it is

more than probable; that when the vegetable world is thoroughly

explored; we shall find all plants in possession of the same

powers; at one time or other of their existence。

I am not now alluding to such phaenomena; at once rare and

conspicuous; as those exhibited by the leaflets of the sensitive

plants; or the stamens of the barberry; but to much more widely

spread; and at the same time; more subtle and hidden;

manifestations of vegetable contractility。  You are doubtless aware

that the common nettle owes its stinging property to the

innumerable stiff and needle…like; though exquisitely delicate;

hairs which cover its surface。  Each stinging…needle tapers from a

broad base to a slender summit; which; though rounded at the end;

is of such microscopic fineness that it readily penetrates; and

breaks off in; the skin。  The whole hair consists of a very

delicate outer case of wood; closely applied to the inner surface

of which is a layer of semi…fluid matter; full of innumerable

granules of extreme minuteness。  This semi…fluid lining is

protoplasm; which thus constitutes a kind of bag; full of a limpid

liquid; and roughly corresponding in form with the interior of the

hair which it fills。  When viewed with a sufficiently high

magnifying power; the protoplasmic layer of the nettle hair is seen

to be in a condition of unceasing activity。  Local contractions of

the whole thickness of its substance pass slowly and gradually from

point to point; and give rise to the appearance of progressive

waves; just as the bending of successive stalks of corn by a breeze

produces the apparent billows of a cornfield。

But; in addition to these movements; and independently of them; the

granules are driven; in relatively rapid streams; through channels

in the protoplasm which seem to have a considerable amount of

persistence。  Most commonly; the currents in adjacent parts of the

protoplasm take similar directions; and; thus; there is a general

stream up one side of the hair and down the other。  But this does

not prevent the existence of partial currents which take different

routes; and sometimes trains of granules may be seen coursing

swiftly in opposite directions within a twenty…thousandth of an

inch of one another; while; occasionally; opposite streams come

into direct collision; and; after a longer or shorter struggle; one

predominates。  The cause of these currents seems to lie in

contractions of the protoplasm which bounds the channels in which

they flow; but which are so minute that the best microscopes show

only their effects; and not themselves。

The spectacle afforded by the wonderful energies prisoned within

the compass of the microscopic hair of a plant; which we commonly

regard as a merely passive organism; is not easily forgotten by one

who has watched its display; continued hour after hour; without

pause or sign of weakening。  The possible complexity of many other

organic forms; seemingly as simple as the protoplasm of the nettle;

dawns upon one; and the comparison of such a protoplasm to a body

with an internal circulation; which has been put forward by an

eminent physiologist; loses much of its startling character。

Currents similar to those of the hairs of the nettle have been

observed in a great multitude of very different plants; and weighty

authorities have suggested that they probably occur; in more or

less perfection; in all young vegetable cells。  If such be the

case; the wonderful noonday silence of a tropical forest is; after

all; due only to the dulness of our hearing; and could our ears

catch the murmur of these tiny Maelstroms; '96' as they whirl in the

innumerable myriads of living cells which constitute each tree; we

should be stunned; as with the roar of a great city。

Among the lower plants; it is the rule rather than the exception;

that contractility should be still more openly manifested at some

periods of their existence。  The protoplasm of Algae and Fungi

becomes; under many circumstances; partially; or completely; freed

from its woody case; and exhibits movements of its whole mass; or

is propelled by the contractility of one; or more; hair…like

prolongations of its body; which are called vibratile cilia。  And;

so far as the conditions of the manifestation of the phaenomena of

contractility have yet been studied; they are the same for the

plant as for the animal。  Heat and electric shocks influence both;

and in the same way; though it may be in different degrees。  It is

by no means my intention to suggest that there is no difference in

faculty between the lowest plant and the highest; or between plants

and animals。  But the difference between the powers of the lowest

plant; or animal; and those of the highest; is one of degree; not

of kind; and depends; as Milne…Edwards '97' long ago so well pointed

out; upon the extent to which the principle of the division of

labour is carried out in the living economy。  In the lowest

organism all parts are competent to perform all functions; and one

and the same portion of protoplasm may successfully take on the

function of feeding; moving; or reproducing apparatus。  In the

highest; on the contrary; a great number of parts combine to

perform each function; each part doing its allotted share of the

work with great accuracy and efficiency; but being useless for any

other purpose。

On the other hand; notwithstanding all the fundamental resemblances

which exist between the powers of the protoplasm in plants and in

animals; they present a striking difference (to which I shall

advert more at length presently); in the fact that plants can

manufacture fresh protoplasm out of mineral compounds; whereas

animals are obliged to procure it ready made; and hence; in the

long run; depend upon plants。  Upon what condition this difference

in the powers of the two great divisions of the world of life

depends; nothing is at present known。

With such qualifications as arises '98' out of the last…mentioned

fact; it may be truly said that the acts of all living things are

fundamentally one。  Is any such unity predicable of their forms?

Let us seek in easily verified facts for a reply to this question。

If a drop of blood be drawn by pricking one's finger; and viewed

with proper precautions; and under a sufficiently high microscopic

power; there will be seen; among the innumerable multitude of

little; circular; discoidal bodies; or corpuscles; which float in

it and give it its colour; a comparatively small number of

colourless corpuscles; of somewhat larger size and very irregular

shape。  If the drop of blood be kept at the temperature of the

body; these colourless corpuscles will be seen to exhibit a

marvellous activity; changing their forms with great rapidity;

drawing in and thrusting out prolongations of their substance; and

creeping about as if they were independent organisms。

The substance which is thus active is a mass of protoplasm; and its

activity differs in detail; rather than in principle; from that of

the protoplasm of the nettle。  Under sundry circumstances the

corpuscle dies and becomes distended into a round mass; in the

midst of which is seen a smaller spherical body; which existed; but

was more or less hidden; in the living corpuscle; and is called its

nucleus。  Corpuscles of essentially similar structure are to be

found in the skin; in the lining of the mouth; and scattered

through the whole framework of the body。  Nay; more; in the

earliest condition of the human organism; in that state in which it

has but just become distinguishable from the egg in which it

arises; it is nothing but an aggregation of such corpuscles; and

every organ of the body was; once; no more than such an


Thus a nucleated mass of protoplasm tur

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