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autobiography and selected essays-第24节

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asleep as when you are awake。

Well; now; you cannot at the moment answer that kind of reasoning。

You feel that your worthy friend has you somewhat at a

disadvantage。  You will feel perfectly convinced in your own mind;

however; that you are quite right; and you say to him; 〃My good

friend; I can only be guided by the natural probabilities of the

case; and if you will be kind enough to stand aside and permit me

to pass; I will go and fetch the police。〃  Well; we will suppose

that your journey is successful; and that by good luck you meet

with a policeman; that eventually the burglar is found with your

property on his person; and the marks correspond to his hand and to

his boots。  Probably any jury would consider those facts a very

good experimental verification of your hypothesis; touching the

cause of the abnormal phenomena observed in your parlor; and would

act accordingly。

Now; in this supposititious case; I have taken phenomena of a very

common kind; in order that you might see what are the different

steps in an ordinary process of reasoning; if you will only take

the trouble to analyse it carefully。  All the operations I have

described; you will see; are involved in the mind of any man of

sense in leading him to a conclusion as to the course he should

take in order to make good a robbery and punish the offender。  I

say that you are led; in that case; to your conclusion by exactly

the same train of reasoning as that which a man of science pursues

when he is endeavouring to discover the origin and laws of the most

occult phenomena。  The process is; and always must be; the same;

and precisely the same mode of reasoning was employed by Newton '90'

and Laplace '91' in their endeavours to discover and define the causes

of the movements of the heavenly bodies; as you; with your own common

sense; would employ to detect a burglar。  The only difference is;

that the nature of the inquiry being more abstruse; every step has

to be most carefully watched; so that there may not be a single

crack or flaw in your hypothesis。  A flaw or crack in many of the

hypotheses of daily life may be of little or no moment as affecting

the general correctness of the conclusions at which we may arrive;

but; in a scientific inquiry; a fallacy; great or small; is always

of importance; and is sure to be in the long run constantly

productive of mischievous if not fatal results。

Do not allow yourselves to be misled by the common notion that an

hypothesis is untrustworthy simply because it is an hypothesis。  It

is often urged; in respect to some scientific conclusion; that;

after all; it is only an hypothesis。  But what more have we to

guide us in nine…tenths of the most important affairs of daily life

than hypotheses; and often very ill…based ones?  So that in

science; where the evidence of an hypothesis is subjected to the

most rigid examination; we may rightly pursue the same course。  You

may have hypotheses; and hypotheses。  A man may say; if he likes;

that the moon is made of green cheese: that is an hypothesis。  But

another man; who has devoted a great deal of time and attention to

the subject; and availed himself of the most powerful telescopes

and the results of the observations of others; declares that in his

opinion it is probably composed of materials very similar to those

of which our own earth is made up: and that is also only an

hypothesis。  But I need not tell you that there is an enormous

difference in the value of the two hypotheses。  That one which is

based on sound scientific knowledge is sure to have a corresponding

value; and that which is a mere hasty random guess is likely to

have but little value。  Every great step in our progress in

discovering causes has been made in exactly the same way as that

which I have detailed to you。  A person observing the occurrence of

certain facts and phenomena asks; naturally enough; what process;

what kind of operation known to occur in Nature applied to the

particular case; will unravel and explain the mystery?  Hence you

have the scientific hypothesis; and its value will be proportionate

to the care and completeness with which its basis had been tested

and verified。  It is in these matters as in the commonest affairs

of practical life: the guess of the fool will be folly; while the

guess of the wise man will contain wisdom。  In all cases; you see

that the value of the result depends on the patience and

faithfulness with which the investigator applies to his hypothesis

every possible kind of verification。


In order to make the title of this discourse generally

intelligible; I have translated the term 〃Protoplasm;〃 which is the

scientific name of the substance of which I am about to speak; by

the words 〃the physical basis of life。〃  I suppose that; to many;

the idea that there is such a thing as a physical basis; or matter;

of life may be novelso widely spread is the conception of life as

a something which works through matter; but is independent of it;

and even those who are aware that matter and life are inseparably

connected; may not be prepared for the conclusion plainly suggested

by the phrase; 〃THE physical basis or matter of life;〃 that there

is some one kind of matter which is common to all living beings;

and that their endless diversities are bound together by a

physical; as well as an ideal; unity。  In fact; when first

apprehended; such a doctrine as this appears almost shocking to

common sense。

What; truly; can seem to be more obviously different from one

another; in faculty; in form; and in substance; than the various

kinds of living beings?  What community of faculty can there be

between the bright…coloured lichen; which so nearly resembles a

mere mineral incrustation of the bare rock on which it grows; and

the painter; to whom it is instinct with beauty; or the botanist;

whom it feeds with knowledge?

Again; think of the microscopic fungusa mere infinitesimal ovoid

particle; which finds space and duration enough to multiply into

countless millions in the body of a living fly; and then of the

wealth of foliage; the luxuriance of flower and fruit; which lies

between this bald sketch of a plant and the giant pine of

California; towering to the dimensions of a cathedral spire; or the

Indian fig; which covers acres with its profound shadow; and

endures while nations and empires come and go around its vast

circumference。  Or; turning to the other half of the world of life;

picture to yourselves the great Finner whale;'93' hugest of beasts

that live; or have lived; disporting his eighty or ninety feet of bone;

muscle and blubber; with easy roll; among waves in which the

stoutest ship that ever left dockyard would flounder hopelessly;

and contrast him with the invisible animalculesmere gelatinous

specks; multitudes of which could; in fact; dance upon the point of

a needle with the same ease as the angels of the Schoolmen could;

in imagination。  With these images before your minds; you may well

ask; what community of form; or structure; is there between the

animalcule and the whale; or between the fungus and the fig…tree?

And; a fortiori;'94' between all four?

Finally; if we regard substance; or material composition; what

hidden bond can connect the flower which a girl wears in her hair

and the blood which courses through her youthful veins; or; what is

there in common between the dense and resisting mass of the oak; or

the strong fabric of the tortoise; and those broad disks of glassy

jelly which may be seen pulsating through the waters of a calm sea;

but which drain away to mere films in the hand which raises them

out of their element?

Such objections as these must; I think; arise in the mind of every

one who ponders; for the first time; upon the conception of a

single physical basis of life underlying all the diversities of

vital existence; but I propose to demonstrate to you that;

notwithstanding these apparent difficulties; a threefold unity

namely; a unity of power or faculty; a unity of form; and a unity

of substantial compositiondoes pervade the whole living world。

No very abstruse argumentation is needed; in the first place to

prove that the powers; or faculties; of all kinds of living matter;

diverse as they may be in degree; are substantially similar in


Goethe has condensed a survey of all powers of mankind into the

well…known epigram:'95'

〃Warum treibt sich das Volk so und schreit?  Es will sich ernahren

Kinder zeugen; und die nahren so gut es vermag。

。    。    。    。    。    。    。    。    。    。    。    。    。

Weiter bringt es kein Mensch; stell' er sich wie er auch will。〃

In physiological language this means; that all the multifarious and

complicated activities of man are comprehensible under three

categories。  Either they are immediately directed towards the


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