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the night-born-第23节

小说: the night-born 字数: 每页4000字

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into the roan as to force a surprised groan from the animal as

it leaped forward。 At the comer of the barn he saw the

intruder; a mere boy of nineteen or twenty for all of his

uniform jump back to escape being run down。 At the same moment

the roan swerved and its rider caught a glimpse of the aroused

men by the house。 Some were springing from their horses; and he

could see the rifles going to their shoulders。 He passed the

kitchen door and the dried corpses swinging in the shade;

compelling his foes to run around the front of the house。 A

rifle cracked; and a second; but he was going fast; leaning

forward; low in the saddle; one hand clutching the shirt of

apples; the other guiding the horse。

The top bar of the fence was four feet high; but he knew his

roan and leaped it at full career to the accompaniment of

several scattered shots。 Eight hundred yards straight away were

the woods; and the roan was covering the distance with mighty

strides。 Every man was now firing。 pumping their guns so

rapidly that he no longer heard individual shots。 A bullet went

through his hat; but he was unaware; though he did know when

another tore through the apples on the pommel。 And he winced

and ducked even lower when a third bullet; fired low; struck a

stone between his horse's legs and ricochetted off through the

air; buzzing and humming like some incredible insect。

The shots died down as the magazines were emptied; until;

quickly; there was no more shooting。 The young man was elated。

Through that astonishing fusillade he had come unscathed。 He

glanced back。 Yes; they had emptied their magazines。 He could

see several reloading。 Others were running back behind the

house for their horses。 As he looked; two already mounted; came

back into view around the comer; riding hard。 And at the same

moment; he saw the man with the unmistakable ginger beard kneel

down on the ground; level his gun; and coolly take his time for

the long shot。

The young man threw his spurs into the horse; crouched very

low; and swerved in his flight in order to distract the other's

aim。 And still the shot did not come。 With each jump of the

horse; the woods sprang nearer。 They were only two hundred

yards away and still the shot was delayed。

And then he heard it; the last thing he was to hear; for he was

dead ere he hit the ground in the long crashing fall from the

saddle。 And they; watching at the house; saw him fall; saw his

body bounce when it struck the earth; and saw the burst of

red…cheeked apples that rolled about him。 They laughed at the

unexpected eruption of apples; and clapped their hands in

applause of the long shot by the man with the ginger beard。


〃CAN any mana gentleman; I meancall a woman a pig?〃

The little man flung this challenge forth to the whole group;

then leaned back in his deck chair; sipping lemonade with an

air commingled of certitude and watchful belligerence。 Nobody

made answer。 They were used to the little man and his sudden

passions and high elevations。

〃I repeat; it was in my presence that he said a certain lady;

whom none of you knows; was a pig。 He did not say swine。 He

grossly said that she was a pig。 And I hold that no man who is

a man could possibly make such a remark about any woman。〃

Dr。 Dawson puffed stolidly at his black pipe。 Matthews; with

knees hunched up and clasped by his arms; was absorbed in the

flight of a gunie。 Sweet; finishing his Scotch and soda; was

questing about with his eyes for a deck steward。

〃I ask you; Mr。 Treloar; can any man call any woman a pig?〃

Treloar; who happened to be sitting next to him; was startled

by the abruptness of the attack; and wondered what grounds he

had ever given the little man to believe that he could call a

woman a pig。

〃I should say;〃 he began his hesitant answer; 〃that

iterdepends on theerthe lady。〃

The little man was aghast。

〃You mean 。 。 。?〃 he quavered。

〃That I have seen female humans who were as bad as pigsand


There was a long pained silence。 The little man seemed withered

by the coarse brutality of the reply。 In his face was

unutterable hurt and woe。

〃You have told of a man who made a not nice remark and you have

classified him;〃 Treloar said in cold; even tones。 〃I shall now

tell you about a womanI beg your pardona lady; and when I

have finished I shall ask you to classify her。 Miss Caruthers I

shall call her; principally for the reason that it is not her

name。 It was on a P。 & 0。 boat; and it occurred neither more

nor less than several years ago。

〃Miss Caruthers was charming。 No; that is not the word。 She was

amazing。 She was a young woman; and a lady。 Her father was a

certain high official whose name; if I mentioned it; would be

immediately recognized by all of you。 She was with her mother

and two maids at the time; going out to join the old gentleman

wherever you like to wish in the East。

〃She; and pardon me for repeating; was amazing。 It is the one

adequate word。 Even the most minor adjectives applicable to her

are bound to be sheer superlatives。 There was nothing she could

not do better than any woman and than most men。 Sing;

playbah!as some rhetorician once said of old Nap;

competition fled from her。 Swim! She could have made a fortune

and a name as a public performer。 She was one of those rare

women who can strip off all the frills of dress; and in simple

swimming suit be more satisfying beautiful。 Dress! She was an


〃But her swimming。 Physically; she was the perfect womanyou

know what I mean; not in the gross; muscular way of acrobats;

but in all the delicacy of line and fragility of frame and

texture。 And combined with this; strength。 How she could do it

was the marvel。 You know the wonder of a woman's armthe fore

arm; I mean; the sweet fading away from rounded biceps and hint

of muscle; down through small elbow and firm soft swell to the

wrist; small; unthinkably small and round and strong。 This was

hers。 And yet; to see her swimming the sharp quick English

overhand stroke; and getting somewhere with it; too; waswell;

I understand anatomy and athletics and such things; and yet it

was a mystery to me how she could do it。

〃She could stay under water for two minutes。 I have timed her。

No man on board; except Dennitson; could capture as many coins

as she with a single dive。 On the forward main…deck was a big

canvas tank with six feet of sea…water。 We used to toss small

coins into it。 I have seen her dive from the bridge deckno

mean feat in itselfinto that six…feet of water; and fetch up

no less than forty…seven coins; scattered willy…nilly over the

whole bottom of the tank。 Dennitson; a quiet young Englishman;

never exceeded her in this; though he made it a point always to

tie her score。

〃She was a sea…woman; true。 But she was a land…woman; a

horsewomanashe was the universal woman。 To see her; all

softness of soft dress; surrounded by half a dozen eager men;

languidly careless of them all or flashing brightness and wit

on them and at them and through them; one would fancy she was

good for nothing else in the world。 At such moments I have

compelled myself to remember her score of forty…seven coins

from the bottom of the swimming tank。 But that was she; the

everlasting; wonder of a woman who did all things well。

〃She fascinated every betrousered human around her。 She had

meand I don't mind confessing itshe bad me to heel along

with the rest。 Young puppies and old gray dogs who ought to

have known betteroh; they all came up and crawled around her

skirts and whined and fawned when she whistled。 They were all

guilty; from young Ardmore; a pink cherub of nineteen outward

bound for some clerkship in the Consular Service; to old

Captain Bentley; grizzled and sea…worn; and as emotional; to

look at; as a Chinese joss。 There was a nice middle…aged chap;

Perkins; I believe; who forgot his wife was on board until Miss

Caruthers sent him to the right about and back where he


〃Men were wax in her hands。 She melted them; or softly molded

them; or incinerated them; as she pleased。 There wasn't a

steward; even; grand and remote as she was; who; at her

bidding; would have hesitated to souse the Old Man himself with

a plate of soup。 You have all seen such womena sort of

world's desire to all men。 As a man…conqueror she was supreme。

She was a whip…lash; a sting and a flame; an electric spark。

Oh; believe me; at times there were flashes of will that

scorched through her beauty and seduction and smote a victim

into blank and shivering idiocy and fear。

〃And don't fail to mark; in the light of what is to come; that

she was a prideful woman。 Pride of race; pride of caste; pride

of sex; pride of powershe had it all; a pride strange and

wilful and terrible。

〃She ran the ship; she ran the voyage; she ran everyt

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