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the fortunes of oliver horn-第28节

小说: the fortunes of oliver horn 字数: 每页4000字

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 bold; bad adventurer。 At least; that had been Cockburn's account of it when he came upstairs。

But it was at dinner that same nightfor Oliver at Fred's pressing invitation had come back to dinner that the full galaxy of guests and regulars burst upon our hero。 Then came not only Miss Euphemia Teetum in a costume especially selected for Oliver's capture; but a person still more startling and imposing so imposing; in fact; that when she entered the room one…half of the gentlemen present made little backward movements with the legs of their chairs; as if intending to rise to their feet in honor of her presence。

This prominent figure in fashionable life; who had now settled herself on the right of Miss Annthe post of honor at the tableand who was smiling in so gracious and condescending a manner as her eye lighted on the several recipients of her favor; was none other than the distinguished Mrs。 Schuyler Van Tassell; of Tarrytown; another bird of passage; who had left her country…seat on the Hudson to spend the winter months in what she called the delights of  〃upper…tandem。〃 She belonged to an ancient familyor; at least; her husband didhe was under the sod; poor soul; and therefore at peaceand; having inherited his estatea considerable onewas to be treated with every distinction。

These several personages of low and high degree interested our young gentleman quite as much as our young gentleman interested them。 He made friends with them allespecially with the ladies; who all agreed that he was a most charming and accomplished  youth。 This good opinion became permanent when Oliver had paid each in turn the compliment of rising from his seat when any one of them entered the room; as much a habit with the young fellow as the taking off of his hat when he came into a house; but which was so rare a courtesy at Miss Teetum's that each recipient appropriated the compliment as personal to herself。

These sentiments of admiration were shared; and to an alarming degree; by Miss Euphemia herself; who; on learning later that Oliver had decided to occupy half of Fred's room through the winter; had at once determined to remain during the week; the better to lay siege to his heart。 This resolution;  it is fair to Oliver to say; she abandoned before dinner was over; when her experienced eye detected a certain amused if not derisive smile playing around the corners of Oliver's mouth; a discovery which so impressed the young woman that she left him severely  alone ever after。

And so it was that Oliver unpacked his trunkthe same old hair trunk; studded with brass nails; that had held his father's wardrobe at collegespread out and tacked up the various knick…knacks which his mother and Sue and Miss Clendenning had given him when he had left the old home; and began to make himself comfortable on the top floor of Miss Teetum's boarding…house on Union Square。



Our hero had been installed at Miss Teetum's for a month or more; when one night at dinner a tiny envelope about the size of a visiting…card was brought in by the middle…aged waitress and laid beside Simmons's  plate。 The envelope contained six orchestra seats at the Winter Garden and was accompanied by a note which read as follows: 〃Bring some of the boys; the piece drags。〃

The musician studied the note carefully and a broad smile broke over his face。 As one of the first violins at the Winter Garden; with a wide acquaintance  among desirable patrons of the theatre; he had peculiar facilities for obtaining free private boxes and orchestra chairs not only at his own theatre; but often at Wallack's in Broome Street and the old Bowery。  Simmons was almost always sure to have tickets when the new piece needed booming; or when an old play failed to amuse and the audiences had begun to shrink。 Indeed; the mystery of Mrs。 Schuyler Van Tassell's frequent appearance in the left…hand proscenium box at the Winter Garden on Friday nightsa mystery unexplained among the immediate friends in Tarrytown; who knew how she husbanded her resources despite her accredited wealthwas no mystery at all to the guests at Miss Teetum's table; who were in the habit of seeing just such tiny envelopes handed to Simmons during soup; and duly passed by him to that distinguished leader of society。 Should more than two tickets be enclosed; Mrs。 Van T。 would; perhaps; invite。 Mr。 Ruffle…shirt Tomlins; or some other properly attired person; to accompany hernever Miss Ann or the little hunchback; who dearly loved the play; but who could seldom afford to gonever anybody; in fact; who wore plain clothes or looked a compromising acquaintance。

On this night; however; Pussy Me…ow Simmons; ignoring Mrs。 Van Tassell; turned to Oliver。

〃Ollie;〃 he whisperedthe formalities had ceased between the members of the Skylarks〃got anything  to do to…night?〃

〃No; why?〃

And then; Simmons; with various imaginary poundings of imaginary canes on the threadbare carpet  beneath his chair; and with sundry half…smothered  bursts of real laughter in which Fred and Oliver joined; unfolded his programme for the eveninga programme which was agreed to so rapturously that the trio before dinner was over excused themselves to their immediate neighbors and bounded upstairs; three steps at a time。 There they pulled the Walrus out of his bed and woke up McFudd; who had gone to sleep before dinner; and whom nobody had called。 Then having sent my Lord Cockburn to find Ruffle… shirt Tomlins; who by this time was paying court to Miss Euphemia in the front parlor; and having pinned a ticket to Mr。 Fog…horn Cranch's door; with instructions  to meet them in the lobby the moment he returned;  they all slipped on their overcoats; picked up their canes; and started for the theatre。

Six young fellows; all with red blood in their veins; steel springs under their toes and laughter in their hearts! Six comrades; pals; good…fellows; skipping down the avenue as gay as colts and happy as boys no thought for to…day and no care for to…morrow! Each man with a free ticket in his pocket and a show ahead of him。 No wonder the bluecoats looked after them and smiled; no wonder the old fellow with the shaky legs; waiting at the corner for one of the squad to help him over; gave a sigh as he watched McFudd; with cane in air; drilling his recruits; all five abreast。 No wonder the tired shop…girls glanced at them enviously as they swung into Broadway chanting  the 〃Dead Man's Chorus;〃 with Oliver's voice sounding clear as a bell above the din of the streets。

The play was a melodrama of the old; old school。 There was a young heroine in white; and a handsome lover in top…boots and white trousers; and a cruel uncle who wanted her property。 And there was a particularly brutal villain with leery eyes; ugly mouth; with one tooth gone; and an iron jaw like a hull…dog's。 He was attired in a fur cap; brown corduroy  jacket; with a blood…red handkerchief twisted about his throat; and he carried a bludgeon。 When the double…dyed villain proceeded in the third act to pound the head of the lovely maiden to a jelly at the instigation of the base uncle; concealed behind a painted tree…trunk; and the lover rushed in and tried to save her; every pair of hands except Oliver's came together in raptures of applause; assisted by a vigorous  hammering of canes on the floor。

〃Pound away; Ollie;〃 whispered Simmons; 〃that's what we came for; you are spoiling all our fun。 The manager is watching us。 Pound away; I tell you。 There he is inside that box。〃

〃I won't;〃 said Oliver; in a tone of voice strangely in contrast with the joyousness of an hour before。

〃Then you won't get any more free tickets;〃 muttered Simmons in surprise。

〃I don't want them。 I don't believe in murdering people on the stage; or anywhere else。 That man's face is horrible; I'm sorry I came。〃

Simmons laughed; and; shielding his mouth with his hand; repeated Oliver's outburst to Waller; who; having first sent news of it down the line; reached over and shook Oliver's hand gravely; while he wiped a theatrical tear from his eye; while my Lord Cockburn;  with feet and hands still busy; returned word to Oliver by Tomlins; 〃not to make a colossal ass of himself。〃 Oliver bore their ridicule good…naturedly; but without receding from his opinion in any way; a fact which ultimately raised him in the estimation of the group。 Only when the villain was thrown over the pasteboard cliff into a canvas sea by the gentleman  in top…boots; to be devoured by sharks or cut up by pirates; or otherwise disposed of as befitted so blood…thirsty and cruel a monster; did Oliver join in the applause。

The play over; and Simmons having duly reported to the managerwho was delighted with the activity of the feet; but who advised that next time the sticks be left at homethe happy party sailed up Broadway;  this time by threes and twos; swinging their canes as before; and threading their way in and out of the throngs that filled the street。

The first stop was made at the corner of Thirteenth Street by McFudd; who turned his troop abruptly to the right and marched them down a flight of steps into a cellar; where they immediately attacked a huge wash…tub filled with steamed clams; and covered with a whi

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