three dialogues-第3节
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to have a moderate degree of heat or warmth in them; and those;
upon whose application we feel a like degree of cold; must be
thought to have cold in them。
。 They must。
。 Can any doctrine be true that necessarily leads a
man into an absurdity?
。 Without doubt it cannot。
。 Is it not an absurdity to think that the same thing
should be at the same time both cold and warm?
。 It is。
。 Suppose now one of your hands hot; and the other
cold; and that they are both at once put into the same vessel of
{179} water; in an intermediate state; will not the water seem
cold to one hand; and warm to the other?
。 It will。
。 Ought we not therefore; by your principles; to
conclude it is really both cold and warm at the same time; that
is; according to your own concession; to believe an absurdity?
。 I confess it seems so。
。 Consequently; the principles themselves are false;
since you have granted that no true principle leads to an
。 But; after all; can anything be more absurd than to
say; ?
。 To make the point still clearer; tell me whether; in
two cases exactly alike; we ought not to make the same judgment?
。。 We ought。
。 When a pin pricks your finger; doth it not rend and
divide the fibres of your flesh?
。 It doth。
。 And when a coal burns your finger; doth it any more?
。 It doth not。
。 Since; therefore; you neither judge the sensation
itself occasioned by the pin; nor anything like it to be in the
pin; you should not; conformably to what you have now granted;
judge the sensation occasioned by the fire; or anything like it;
to be in the fire。
。 Well; since it must be so; I am content to yield this
point; and acknowledge that heat and cold are only sensations
existing in our minds。 But there still remain qualities enough to
secure the reality of external things。
。 But what will you say; Hylas; if it shall appear
that the case is the same with regard to all other sensible
qualities; and that they can no more be supposed to exist without
the mind; than heat and cold?
。 Then indeed you will have done something to the
purpose; but that is what I despair of seeing proved。
。 Let us examine them in order。 What think you of
; do they exist without the mind; or no?
。 Can any man in his senses doubt whether sugar is
sweet; or wormwood bitter?
。 Inform me; Hylas。 Is a sweet taste a particular kind
of pleasure or pleasant sensation; or is it not? {180}
。 It is。
。 And is not bitterness some kind of uneasiness or
。 I grant it。
。 If therefore sugar and wormwood are unthinking
corporeal substances existing without the mind; how can sweetness
and bitterness; that is; Pleasure and pain; agree to them?
。 Hold; Philonous; I now see what it was delude time。
You asked whether heat and cold; sweetness at were not particular
sorts of pleasure and pain; to which simply; that they were。
Whereas I should have thus distinguished: those qualities; as
perceived by us; are pleasures or pair existing in the external
objects。 We must not therefore conclude absolutely; that there is
no heat in the fire; or sweetness in the sugar; but only that
heat or sweetness; as perceived by us; are not in the fire or
sugar。 What say you to this?
。 I say it is nothing to the purpose。 Our discourse
proceeded altogether concerning sensible things; which you
defined to be; 。 Whatever other qualities; therefore; you speak of as
distinct from these; I know nothing of them; neither do they at
all belong to the point in dispute。 You may; indeed; pretend to
have discovered certain qualities which you do not perceive; and
assert those insensible qualities exist in fire and sugar。 But
what use can be made of this to your present purpose; I am at a
loss to conceive。 Tell me then once more; do you acknowledge that
heat and cold; sweetness and bitterness (meaning those qualities
which are perceived by the senses); do not exist without the
。 I see it is to no purpose to hold out; so I give up
the cause as to those mentioned qualities。 Though I profess it
sounds oddly; to say that sugar is not sweet。
。 But; for your farther satisfaction; take this along
with you: that which at other times seems sweet; shall; to a
distempered palate; appear bitter。 And; nothing can be plainer
than that divers persons perceive different tastes in the same
food; since that which one man delights in; another abhors。 And
how could this be; if the taste was something really inherent in
the food?
。 I acknowledge I know not how。
。 In the next place; are to be considered。
And; with regard to these; I would fain know whether what hath
{181} been said of tastes doth not exactly agree to them? Are
they not so many pleasing or displeasing sensations?
。 They are。
。 Can you then conceive it possible that they should
exist in an unperceiving thing?
。 I cannot。
。 Or; can you imagine that filth and ordure affect
those brute animals that feed on them out of choice; with the
same smells which we perceive in them?
。 By no means。
。 May we not therefore conclude of smells; as of the
other forementioned qualities; that they cannot exist in any but
a perceiving substance or mind?
。 I think so。
。 Then as to ; what must we think of them: are
they accidents really inherent in external bodies; or not?
。 That they inhere not in the sonorous bodies is plain
from hence: because a bell struck in the exhausted receiver of an
air…pump sends forth no sound。 The air; therefore; must be
thought the subject of sound。
。 What reason is there for that; Hylas?
。 Because; when any motion is raised in the air; we
perceive a sound greater or lesser; according to the air's
motion; but without some motion in the air; we never hear any
sound at all。
。 And granting that we never hear a sound but when
some motion is produced in the air; yet I do not see how you can
infer from thence; that the sound itself is in the air。
。 It is this very motion in the external air that
produces in the mind the sensation of 。 For; striking on
the drum of the ear; it causeth a vibration; which by the
auditory nerves being communicated to the brain; the soul is
thereupon affected with the sensation called 。
。 What! is sound then a sensation?
。 I tell you; as perceived by us; it is a particular
sensation in the mind。
。 And can any sensation exist without the mind?
。 No; certainly。
。 How then can sound; being a sensation; exist in the
air; if by the you mean a senseless substance existing
without the mind?
。 You must distinguish; Philonous; between sound as it
is {182} perceived by us; and as it is in itself; or (which is
the same thing) between the sound we immediately perceive; and
that which exists without us。 The former; indeed; is a particular
kind of sensation; but the latter is merely a vibrative or
undulatory motion the air。
。 I thought I had already obviated that distinction;
by answer I gave when you were applying it in a like case before。
But; to say no more of that; are you sure then that sound is
really nothing but motion?
。 I am。
。 Whatever therefore agrees to real sound; may with
truth be attributed to motion?
。 It may。
。 It is then good sense to speak of as of a
thing that is ; ; ; 。
。 see you are resolved not to understand me。 Is it
not evident those accidents or modes belong only to sensible
sound; or the common acceptation of the word; but not
to in the real and philosophic sense; which; as I just
now told you; is nothing but a certain motion of the air?
。 It seems then there are two sorts of sound the
one vulgar; or that which is heard; the other philosophical and
。 Even so。
。 And the latter consists in motion?
。 I told you so before。
。 Tell me; Hylas; to which of the senses; think you;
the idea of motion belongs? to the hearing?
。 No; certainly; but to the sight and touch。
。 It should follow then; that; according to you; real
sounds may possibly be ; but never 。
。 Look you; Philonous; you may; if you please; make a
jest of my opinion; but that will not alter the truth of things。
I own; indeed; the inferences you draw me into sound something
oddly; but common language; you know; is framed by; and for the
use of the vulgar: we must not therefore wonder if expressions