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confessio amantis-第3节

小说: confessio amantis 字数: 每页4000字

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He blameth that is noght to blame
And preiseth that is noght to preise:
Thus whan he schal the thinges peise;   540
Ther is deceipte in his balance;
And al is that the variance
Of ous; that scholde ous betre avise;
For after that we falle and rise;
The world arist and falth withal;
So that the man is overal
His oghne cause of wel and wo。
That we fortune clepe so
Out of the man himself it groweth;
And who that other wise troweth;   550
Behold the poeple of Irael:
For evere whil thei deden wel;
Fortune was hem debonaire;
And whan thei deden the contraire;
Fortune was contrariende。
So that it proeveth wel at ende
Why that the world is wonderfull
And may no while stonde full;
Though that it seme wel besein;
For every worldes thing is vein;   560
And evere goth the whiel aboute;
And evere stant a man in doute;
Fortune stant no while stille;
So hath ther noman al his wille。
Als fer as evere a man may knowe;
Ther lasteth nothing bot a throwe;
The world stant evere upon debat;
So may be seker non astat;
Now hier now ther; now to now fro;
Now up now down; this world goth so;   570
And evere hath don and evere schal:
Wherof I finde in special
A tale writen in the Bible;
Which moste nedes be credible;
And that as in conclusioun
Seith that upon divisioun
Stant; why no worldes thing mai laste;
Til it be drive to the laste。
And fro the ferste regne of alle
Into this day; hou so befalle;   580
Of that the regnes be muable
The man himself hath be coupable;
Which of his propre governance
Fortuneth al the worldes chance。
The hyhe almyhti pourveance;
In whos eterne remembrance
Fro ferst was every thing present;
He hath his prophecie sent;
In such a wise as thou schalt hiere;
To Daniel of this matiere;   590
Hou that this world schal torne and wende;
Till it be falle to his ende;
Wherof the tale telle I schal;
In which it is betokned al。
As Nabugodonosor slepte;
A swevene him tok; the which he kepte
Til on the morwe he was arise;
For he therof was sore agrise。
To Daniel his drem he tolde;
And preide him faire that he wolde   600
Arede what it tokne may;
And seide: 〃Abedde wher I lay;
Me thoghte I syh upon a Stage
Wher stod a wonder strange ymage。
His hed with al the necke also
Thei were of fin gold bothe tuo;
His brest; his schuldres and his armes
Were al of selver; bot the tharmes;
The wombe and al doun to the kne;
Of bras thei were upon to se;   610
The legges were al mad of Stiel;
So were his feet also somdiel;
And somdiel part to hem was take
Of Erthe which men Pottes make;
The fieble meynd was with the stronge;
So myhte it wel noght stonde longe。
And tho me thoghte that I sih
A gret ston from an hull on hyh
Fel doun of sodein aventure
Upon the feet of this figure;   620
With which Ston al tobroke was
Gold; Selver; Erthe; Stiel and Bras;
That al was in to pouldre broght;
And so forth torned into noght。〃
This was the swevene which he hadde;
That Daniel anon aradde;
And seide him that figure strange
Betokneth how the world schal change
And waxe lasse worth and lasse;
Til it to noght al overpasse。   630
The necke and hed; that weren golde;
He seide how that betokne scholde
A worthi world; a noble; a riche;
To which non after schal be liche。
Of Selver that was overforth
Schal ben a world of lasse worth;
And after that the wombe of Bras
Tokne of a werse world it was。
The Stiel which he syh afterward
A world betokneth more hard:   640
Bot yet the werste of everydel
Is last; whan that of Erthe and Stiel
He syh the feet departed so;
For that betokneth mochel wo。
Whan that the world divided is;
It moste algate fare amis;
For Erthe which is meynd with Stiel
Togedre may noght laste wiel;
Bot if that on that other waste;
So mot it nedes faile in haste。   650
The Ston; which fro the hully Stage
He syh doun falle on that ymage;
And hath it into pouldre broke;
That swevene hath Daniel unloke;
And seide how that is goddes myht;
Which whan men wene most upryht
To stonde; schal hem overcaste。
And that is of this world the laste;
And thanne a newe schal beginne;
Fro which a man schal nevere twinne;   660
Or al to peine or al to pes
That world schal lasten endeles。
Lo thus expondeth Daniel
The kynges swevene faire and wel
In Babiloyne the Cite;
Wher that the wiseste of Caldee
Ne cowthen wite what it mente;
Bot he tolde al the hol entente;
As in partie it is befalle。
Of gold the ferste regne of alle   670
Was in that kinges time tho;
And laste manye daies so;
Therwhiles that the Monarchie
Of al the world in that partie
To Babiloyne was soubgit;
And hield him stille in such a plit;
Til that the world began diverse:
And that was whan the king of Perse;
Which Cirus hyhte; ayein the pes
Forth with his Sone Cambises   680
Of Babiloine al that Empire;
Ryht as thei wolde hemself desire;
Put under in subjeccioun
And tok it in possessioun;
And slayn was Baltazar the king;
Which loste his regne and al his thing。
And thus whan thei it hadde wonne;
The world of Selver was begonne
And that of gold was passed oute:
And in this wise it goth aboute   690
In to the Regne of Darius;
And thanne it fell to Perse thus;
That Alisaundre put hem under;
Which wroghte of armes many a wonder;
So that the Monarchie lefte
With Grecs; and here astat uplefte;
And Persiens gon under fote;
So soffre thei that nedes mote。
And tho the world began of Bras;
And that of selver ended was;   700
Bot for the time thus it laste;
Til it befell that ate laste
This king; whan that his day was come;
With strengthe of deth was overcome。
And natheles yet er he dyde;
He schop his Regnes to divide
To knyhtes whiche him hadde served;
And after that thei have deserved
Yaf the conquestes that he wan;
Wherof gret werre tho began   710
Among hem that the Regnes hadde;
Thurgh proud Envie which hem ladde;
Til it befell ayein hem thus:
The noble Cesar Julius;
Which tho was king of Rome lond;
With gret bataille and with strong hond
Al Grece; Perse and ek Caldee
Wan and put under; so that he
Noght al only of thorient
Bot al the Marche of thoccident   720
Governeth under his empire;
As he that was hol lord and Sire;
And hield thurgh his chivalerie
Of al this world the Monarchie;
And was the ferste of that honour
Which tok the name of Emperour。
Wher Rome thanne wolde assaille;
Ther myhte nothing contrevaille;
Bot every contre moste obeie:
Tho goth the Regne of Bras aweie;   730
And comen is the world of Stiel;
And stod above upon the whiel。
As Stiel is hardest in his kynde
Above alle othre that men finde
Of Metals; such was Rome tho
The myhtieste; and laste so
Long time amonges the Romeins
Til thei become so vileins;
That the fals Emperour Leo
With Constantin his Sone also   740
The patrimoine and the richesse;
Which to Silvestre in pure almesse
The ferste Constantinus lefte;
Fro holy cherche thei berefte。
Bot Adrian; which Pope was;
And syh the meschief of this cas;
Goth in to France forto pleigne;
And preith the grete Charlemeine;
For Cristes sake and Soule hele
That he wol take the querele   750
Of holy cherche in his defence。
And Charles for the reverence
Of god the cause hath undertake;
And with his host the weie take
Over the Montz of Lombardie;
Of Rome and al the tirandie
With blodi swerd he overcom;
And the Cite with strengthe nom;
In such a wise and there he wroghte;
That holy cherche ayein he broghte   760
Into franchise; and doth restore
The Popes lost; and yaf him more:
And thus whan he his god hath served;
He tok; as he wel hath deserved;
The Diademe and was coroned。
Of Rome and thus was abandoned
Thempire; which cam nevere ayein
Into the hond of no Romein;
Bot a long time it stod so stille
Under the Frensche kynges wille;   770
Til that fortune hir whiel so ladde;
That afterward Lombardz it hadde;
Noght be the swerd; bot be soffrance
Of him that tho was kyng of France;
Which Karle Calvus cleped was;
And he resigneth in this cas
Thempire of Rome unto Lowis
His Cousin; which a Lombard is。
And so hit laste into the yeer
Of Albert and of Berenger;   780
Bot thanne upon dissencioun
Thei felle; and in divisioun
Among hemself that were grete;
So that thei loste the beyete
Of worschipe and of worldes pes。
Bot in proverbe natheles
Men sein; ful selden is that welthe
Can soffre his oghne astat in helthe;
And that was on the Lombardz sene;
Such comun strif was hem betwene   790
Thurgh coveitise and thurgh Envie;
That every man drowh his partie;
Which myhte leden eny route;
Withinne Burgh and ek withoute:
The comun ryht hath no felawe;
So that the governance of lawe
Was lost; and for necessite;
Of that thei stode in such degre
Al only thurgh divisioun;
Hem nedeth in conclusioun   800
Of strange londes help beside。
And thus for thei hemself divide
And stonden out of reule unevene;
Of Alemaine Princes sevene
Thei chose in this condicioun;
That upon here eleccioun
Thempire of Rome scholde stonde。
And thus thei lefte it out of honde
For lacke of grace; and it forsoke;
That Alemans upon hem toke:   810
And to confermen here astat;
Of that thei founden in debat
Thei token the possessioun
After the composicioun
Among hemself; and therupon
Thei made an Emperour anon;

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