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the enchanted island of yew-第8节

小说: the enchanted island of yew 字数: 每页4000字

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〃Will you allow me to object to being killed?〃 asked the prince。

〃Certainly;〃 answered the king; courteously。  〃I expect you to object。 It is natural。  But it will do you no good。〃

Then Terribus turned to an attendant and commanded:

〃Send hither the Fool…Killer。〃

At this Prince Marvel laughed outright。

〃The Fool…Killer!〃 he cried; 〃surely your Majesty does me little credit。  Am I; then; a fool?〃

〃You entered my kingdom uninvited;〃 retorted the king; 〃and you tell me to my face I am ugly。  Moreover; you laugh when I condemn you to death。  From this I conclude the Fool…Killer is the proper one to execute you。  Behold!〃

Marvel turned quickly; to find a tall; stalwart man standing behind him。  His features were strong but very grave; and the prince caught a look of compassion in his eye as their gaze met。  His skin was fair and without blemish; a robe of silver cloth fell from his shoulders; and in his right hand he bore a gleaming sword。

〃Well met!〃 cried Marvel; heartily; as he bowed to the Fool…Killer。 〃I have often heard your name mentioned; but 'tis said in the world that you are a laggard in your duty。〃

〃Had I my way;〃 answered the Fool…Killer; 〃my blade would always drip。 It is my master; yonder; who thwarts my duty。〃  And he nodded toward King Terribus。

〃Then you should exercise your right on him; and cleave the ugly head from his shoulders;〃 declared the prince。

〃Nay; unless I interfered with the Fool…Killer;〃 said the king; 〃I should soon have no subjects left to rule; for at one time or another they all deserve the blade。〃

〃Why; that may be true enough;〃 replied Prince Marvel。  〃But I think; under such circumstances; your Fool…Killer is a needless servant。  So I will rid you of him in a few moments。〃

With that he whipped out his sword and stood calmly confronting the Fool…Killer; whose grave face never changed in expression as he advanced menacingly upon his intended victim。  The blades clashed together; and that of the Fool…Killer broke short off at the hilt。  He took a step backward; stumbled and fell prone upon the rocky floor; while Prince Marvel sprang forward and pressed the point of his sword against his opponent's breast。

〃Hold!〃 cried the king; starting to his feet。  〃Would you slay my Fool…Killer?  Think of the harm you would do the world!〃

〃But he is laggard and unfaithful to his calling!〃 answered the prince; sternly。

〃Nevertheless; if he remove but one fool a year he is a benefit to mankind;〃 declared the king。  〃Release him; I pray you!〃

Then the victor withdrew his sword and stood aside; while the Fool…Killer slowly got upon his feet and bowed humbly before the king。

〃Go!〃 shouted Terribus; his eye flashing angrily。  〃You have humiliated me before my enemy。  As an atonement see that you kill me a fool a day for sixty days。〃

Hearing this command; many of the people about the throne began to tremble; but the king paid no attention to their fears; and the Fool…Killer bowed again before his master and withdrew from the chamber。

9。  The Royal Dragon of Spor

〃Now;〃 said Terribus; regarding the prince gloomily; 〃I must dispose of you in another way。〃

For a moment he dropped his scarlet head in thought。  Then he turned fiercely upon his attendants。

〃Let the Wrestler come forward!〃 he shouted; as loudly as his mild voice would carry。

Instantly a tall blackamoor advanced from the throng and cast off his flowing robe; showing a strong figure clad only in a silver loincloth。

〃Crack me this fellow's bones!〃 commanded Terribus。

〃I beg your Majesty will not compel me to touch him;〃 said Prince Marvel; with a slight shudder; 〃for his skin is greasy; and will soil my hands。  Here; Nerle!〃 he continued; turning to his esquire; 〃dispose of this black man; and save me the trouble。〃

Nerle laughed pleasantly。  The black was a powerfully built man; and compared with Nerle and the prince; who had but the stature of boys; he towered like a very giant in size。  Nevertheless; Nerle did not hesitate to spring upon the Wrestler; who with a quick movement sent the boy crashing against the stone pavement。

Nerle was much bruised by the fall; and as he painfully raised himself to his feet a great lump was swelling behind his left ear; where his head had struck the floor; and he was so dizzy that the room seemed swimming around him in a circle。  But he gave a happy little laugh; and said to the prince; gratefully:

〃Thank you very much; my master!  The fall is hurting me delightfully。 I almost feel as if I could cry; and that would be joy indeed!〃

〃Well;〃 answered the prince; with a sigh; 〃I see I must get my hands greased after all〃for the black's body had really been greased to enable him to elude the grasp of his opponents。

But Marvel made a quick leap and seized the Wrestler firmly around the waist。  The next moment; to the astonishment of all; the black man flew swiftly into the air; plunged through one of the open windows high up in the wall; and disappeared from view。  When the king and his people again turned their wondering eyes upon the prince he was wiping his hands carefully upon a silk handkerchief。

At this sight a pretty young girl; who stood near the throne; laughed aloud; and the sound of her laughter made King Terribus very angry。

〃Come here!〃 he commanded; sternly。  The girl stepped forward; her face now pale and frightened; while tear…drops trembled upon the lashes that fringed her downcast eyes。  〃You have dared to laugh at the humiliation of your king;〃 said Terribus; his horrid face more crimson than ever; 〃and as atonement I command that you drink of the poisoned cup。〃

Instantly a dwarf came near; bearing a beautiful golden goblet in his crooked hands。

〃Drink!〃 he said; an evil leer upon his face。

The girl well knew this goblet contained a vile poison; one drop of which on her tongue would cause death; so she hesitated; trembling and shrinking from the ordeal。

Prince Marvel looked into her sweet face with pitying eyes; and stepping quickly to her side; took her hand in his。

〃Now drink!〃 he said; smiling upon her; 〃the poison will not hurt you。〃

She drank obediently; while the dwarf chuckled with awful glee and the king looked on eagerly; expecting her to fall dead at his feet。  But instead the girl stood upright and pressed Marvel's hand; looking gratefully into his face。

〃You are a fairy!〃 she whispered; so low that no one else heard her voice。  〃I knew that you would save me。〃

〃Keep my secret;〃 whispered the prince in return; and still holding her hand he led her back to her former place。

King Terribus was almost wild with rage and disappointment; and his elephant nose twisted and squirmed horribly。

〃So you dare to thwart my commands; do you!〃 he cried; excitedly。 〃Well; we shall soon see which of us is the more powerful。  I have decreed your deathand die you shall!〃

For a moment his eye roved around the chamber uncertainly。  Then he shouted; suddenly:

〃Ho; there!  Keepers of the royal menagerieappear!〃

Three men entered the room and bowed before the king。  They were of the Gray Men of the mountains; who had followed Prince Marvel and Nerle through the rocky passes。

〃Bring hither the Royal Dragon;〃 cried the king; 〃and let him consume these strangers before my very eyes!〃

The men withdrew; and presently was heard a distant shouting; followed by a low rumbling sound; with groans; snorts; roars and a hissing like steam from the spout of a teakettle。

The noise and shouting drew nearer; while the people huddled together like frightened sheep; and then suddenly the doors flew open and the Royal Dragon advanced to the center of the room。

This creature was at once the pride and terror of the Kingdom of Spor。 It was more than thirty feet in length and covered everywhere with large green scales set with diamonds; making the dragon; when it moved; a very glittering spectacle。  Its eyes were as big as pie…plates; and its mouthwhen wide openedfully as large as a bath…tub。  Its tail was very long and ended in a golden ball; such as you see on the top of flagstaffs。  Its legs; which were as thick as those of an elephant; had scales which were set with rubies and emeralds。  It had two monstrous; big ears and two horns of carved ivory; and its teeth were also carved into various fantastic shapessuch as castles; horses' heads; chinamen and griffinsso that if any of them broke it would make an excellent umbrella handle。

The Royal Dragon of Spor came crawling into the throne…room rather clumsily; groaning and moaning with every step and waving its ears like two blankets flying from a clothesline。

The king looked on it and frowned。

〃Why are you not breathing fire and brimstone?〃 he demanded; angrily。

〃Why; I was caught out in a gale the other night;〃 returned the Dragon; rubbing the back of its ear with its left front paw; as it paused and looked at the king; 〃and the wind put out my fire。〃

〃Then why didn't you light it again?〃 asked Terribus; turning on the keepers。

〃Wewe were out of matches; your Majesty!〃 stammered the trembling Gray Men。

〃Soho!〃 yelled the king; and was about to order the keepers beheaded; but just then Nerle pulled out his match…box; lit one of the 

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