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the enchanted island of yew-第10节

小说: the enchanted island of yew 字数: 每页4000字

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ismissed the dwarfs; who were glad to rush from the room and escape。

Nerle wiped the tears from his eyes; for he was sorely disappointed at having again escaped all pain and discomfort; but Prince Marvel seated himself quietly upon a stool and looked at the scowling face of King Terribus with real amusement。

The monarch of Spor had never before been so foiled and scorned by any living creature。  Defeated and humbled before his own people; he bowed his crimson head on his hands and sullenly regarded his foe with his top eye。  Then it was that the idea came to him that no ordinary mortal could have thwarted him so easily; and he began to fear he was dealingperhaps unawareswith some great magician or sorcerer。  That a fairy should have assumed a mortal form he never once considered; for such a thing was until then unheard of in the Enchanted Island of Yew。  But with the knowledge that he had met his master; whoever he might prove to be; and that further attempts upon the stranger's life might lead to his own undoing; King Terribus decided to adopt a new line of conduct; hoping to accomplish by stratagem what he could not do by force。  To be sure; there remained his regiment of Giants; the pride of his kingdom; but Terribus dreaded to meet with another defeat; and he was not at all sure; after what had happened; that the giants would succeed in conquering or destroying the strangers。

〃After all;〃 he thought; 〃my only object in killing them was to prevent their carrying news of my monstrous appearance to the outside world; so if I can but manage to keep them forever in my kingdom it will answer my purpose equally well。〃

As the result of this thought he presently raised his head and spoke to Prince Marvel in a quiet and even cheerful voice。

〃Enough of these rude and boisterous games;〃 said he; with a smile that showed his white teeth in a repulsive manner。  〃They may have seemed to my people an ill welcome to my good friend; Prince Marvel; yet they were only designed to show the powers of the mighty magician who has become my guest。  Nay; do not deny it; Prince; from the first I guessed your secret; and to prove myself right I called my servants to oppose you; being sure they could not do you an injury。  But no more of such fooling;and pray forgive my merry game at your expense。 Henceforth we shall be friends; and you are heartily welcome to the best my kingdom affords。〃

With this speech Terribus stepped down from his throne and approached Prince Marvel with outstretched hand。  The prince was not at all deceived; but he was pleased to see how cunningly the king excused his attempts to kill him。  So he laughed and touched the hand Terribus extended; for this fairy prince seemed to have no anger against any mortal who ventured to oppose him。

The strangers were now conducted; with every mark of respect; to a beautiful suite of apartments in the castle; wherein were soft beds with velvet spreads; marble baths with perfumed waters; and a variety of silken and brocaded costumes from which they might select a change of raiment。

No sooner had they bathed and adorned themselves fittingly than they were summoned to the king's banquet hall; being escorted thither by twelve young maidens bearing torches with lavender…colored flames。

The night had fallen upon the mountains outside; but the great banquet hall was brilliant with the glow of a thousand candles; and seated at the head of the long table was King Terribus。

Yet here; as in the throne…room; the ruler of Spor was dressed in simplest garments; and his seat was a rough block of stone。  All about him were lords and ladies in gorgeous array; the walls were hung with rare embroideries; the table was weighted with gold platters and richly carved goblets filled with sweet nectars。  But the king himself; with his horrid; ugly head; was like a great blot on a fair parchment; and even Prince Marvel could not repress a shudder as he gazed upon him。

Terribus placed his guest upon his right hand and loaded him with honors。  Nerle stood behind the prince's chair and served him faithfully; as an esquire should。  But the other servants treated Nerle with much deference; noting in him an air of breeding that marked him the unusual servant of an unusual master。

Indeed; most curious were the looks cast on these marvelous men who had calmly walked into the castle of mighty Terribus and successfully defied his anger; for in spite of his youthful appearance and smiling face every attendant at the banquet feared Prince Marvel even more than they feared their own fierce king。

11。  The Cunning of King Terribus

The days that followed were pleasant ones for Prince Marvel and Nerle; who were treated as honored guests by both the king and his courtiers。 But the prince seemed to be the favorite; for at all games of skill and trials at arms he was invariably the victor; while in the evenings; when the grand ball…room was lighted up and the musicians played sweet music; none was so graceful in the dance as the fairy prince。

Nerle soon tired of the games and dancing; for he had been accustomed to them at his father's castle; and moreover he was shy in the society of ladies; so before many weeks had passed he began to mope and show a discontented face。

One day the prince noticed his esquire's dismal expression of countenance; and asked the cause of it。

〃Why;〃 said Nerle; 〃here I have left my home to seek worries and troubles; and have found but the same humdrum life that existed at my father's castle。  Here our days are made smooth and pleasant; and there is no excitement or grief; whatever。  You have become a carpet…knight; Prince Marvel; and think more of bright eyes than of daring deeds。  So; if you will release me from your service I will seek further adventures。〃

〃Nay;〃 returned the prince; 〃we will go together; for I; too; am tired of this life of pleasure。〃

So next morning Marvel sought the presence of King Terribus and said:

〃I have come to bid your Majesty adieu; for my esquire and I are about to leave your dominions。〃

At first the king laughed; and his long nose began to sway from side to side。  Then; seeing the prince was in earnest; his Majesty frowned and grew disturbed。  Finally he said:

〃I must implore you to remain my guests a short time longer。  No one has ever before visited me in my mountain home; and I do not wish to lose the pleasure of your society so soon。〃

〃Nevertheless; we must go;〃 answered the prince; briefly。

〃Are you not contented?〃 asked Terribus。  〃Ask whatever you may desire; and it shall be granted you。〃

〃We desire adventures amid new scenes;〃 said Marvel; 〃and these you can not give us except by permission to depart。〃

Seeing his guest was obstinate the king ceased further argument and said:

〃Very well; go if you wish。  But I shall hope to see you return to us this evening。〃

The prince paid no heed to this peculiar speech; but left the hall and hurried to the courtyard of the castle; where Nerle was holding the horses in readiness for their journey。

Standing around were many rows and files of the Gray Men; and when they reached the marble roadway they found it lined with motionless forms of the huge giants。  But no one interfered with them in any way; although both Prince Marvel and Nerle knew that every eye followed them as they rode forward。

Curiously enough; they had both forgotten from what direction they had approached the castle; for; whereas they had at that time noticed but one marble roadway leading to the entrance; they now saw that there were several of these; each one connecting with a path through the mountains。

〃It really doesn't matter which way we go; so long as we get away from the Kingdom of Spor;〃 said Prince Marvel; so he selected a path by chance; and soon they were riding through a mountain pass。

The pleased; expectant look on Nerle's face had gradually turned to one of gloom。

〃I hoped we should have a fight to get away;〃 he said; sadly; 〃and in that case I might have suffered considerable injury and pain。  But no one has injured us in any way; and perhaps King Terribus is really glad to be rid of us。〃

〃With good reason; too; if such is the case;〃 laughed Marvel; 〃for; mark you; Nerle; the king has discovered we are more powerful than he is; and had he continued to oppose us; we might have destroyed his entire army。〃

On they rode through the rough hill paths; winding this way and that; until they lost all sense of the direction in which they were going。

〃Never mind;〃 said the prince; 〃so long as we get farther and farther away from the ugly Terribus I shall be satisfied。〃

〃Perhaps we are getting into more serious danger than ever;〃 answered Nerle; brightening; 〃one of the giants told me the other day that near the foot of these mountains is the Kingdom of the High Ki of Twi。〃

〃Who is the High Ki of Twi?〃 asked Prince Marvel。

〃No one knows;〃 answered Nerle。

〃And what is the Kingdom of Twi like?〃

〃No one knows that;〃 answered Nerle。

〃Then;〃 returned the prince; with a smile; 〃if by chance we visit the place we shall know more than any one else。〃

At noon they ate luncheon by the wayside; Nerle having filled his pouch by stealth at the breakfast tabl

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