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the queen of hearts-第43节

小说: the queen of hearts 字数: 每页4000字

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his pocket would not buy him a bed at Doncaster in the race…week。

To a young fellow of Arthur's temperament; the novelty of being
turned away into the street like a penniless vagabond; at every
house where he asked for a lodging; presented itself in the light
of a new and highly amusing piece of experience。 He went on with
his carpet…bag in his hand; applying for a bed at every place of
entertainment for travelers that he could find in Doncaster;
until he wandered into the outskirts of the town。

By this time the last glimmer of twilight had faded out; the moon
was rising dimly in a mist; the wind was getting cold; the clouds
were gathering heavily; and there was every prospect that it was
soon going to rain!

The look of the night had rather a lowering effect on young
Holliday's spirits。 He began to contemplate the houseless
situation in which he was placed from the serious rather than the
humorous point of view; and he looked about him for another
public house to inquire at with something very like downright
anxiety in his mind on the subject of a lodging for the night。
The suburban part of the town toward which he had now strayed was
hardly lighted at all; and he could see nothing of the houses as
he passed them; except that they got progressively smaller and
dirtier the further he went。 Down the winding road before him
shone the dull gleam of an oil lamp; the one faint lonely light
that struggled ineffectually with the foggy darkness all round
him。 He resolved to go on as far as this lamp; and then; if it
showed him nothing in the shape of an inn; to return to the
central part of the town; and to try if he could not at least
secure a chair to sit down on through the night at one of the
principal hotels。

As he got near the lamp he heard voices; and; walking close under
it; found that it lighted the entrance to a narrow court; on the
wall of which was painted a long hand in faded flesh…color;
pointing; with a lean forefinger; to this inscription:


Arthur turned into the court without hesitation to see what The
Two Robins could do for him。 Four or five men were standing
together round the door of the house; which was at the bottom of
the court; facing the entrance from the street。 The men were all
listening to one other man; better dressed than the rest; who was
telling his audience something; in a low voice; in which they
were apparently very much interested。

On entering the passage; Arthur was passed by a stranger with a
knapsack in his hand; who was evidently leaving the house。

〃No;〃 said the traveler with the knapsack; turning round and
addressing himself cheerfully to a fat; sly…looking; bald…headed
man; with a dirty white apron on; who had followed him down the
passage; 〃no; Mr。 Landlord; I am not easily scared by trifles;
but I don't mind confessing that I can't quite stand _that_。〃

It occurred to young Holliday; the moment he heard these words;
that the stranger had been asked an exorbitant price for a bed at
The Two Robins; and that he was unable or unwilling to pay it。
The moment his back was turned; Arthur; comfortably conscious of
his own well…filled pockets; addressed himself in a great hurry;
for fear any other benighted traveler should slip in and
forestall him; to the sly…looking landlord with the dirty apron
and the bald head。

〃If you have got a bed to let;〃 he said; 〃and if that gentleman
who has just gone out won't pay your price for it; I will。〃

The sly landlord looked hard at Arthur。 〃Will you; sir?〃 he
asked; in a meditative; doubtful way。

〃Name your price;〃 said young Holliday; thinking that the
landlord's hesitation sprang from some boorish distrust of him。
〃Name your price; and I'll give you the money at once; if you

〃Are you game for five shillings?〃 inquired the landlord; rubbing
his stubby double chin and looking up thoughtfully at the ceiling
above him。

Arthur nearly laughed in the man's face; but; thinking it prudent
to control himself; offered the five shillings as seriously as he
could。 The sly landlord held out his hand; then suddenly drew it
back again。

〃You're acting all fair and aboveboard by me;〃 he said; 〃and;
before I take your money; I'll do the same by you。 Look here;
this is how it stands。 You can have a bed all to yourself for
five shillings; but you can't have more than a half share of the
room it stands in。 Do you see what I mean; young gentleman?〃

〃Of course I do;〃 returned Arthur; a little irritably。 〃You mean
that it is a double…bedded room; and that one of the beds is

The land lord nodded his head; and rubbed his double chin harder
than ever。 Arthur hesitated; and mechanically moved back a step
or two toward the door。 The idea of sleeping in the same room
with a total stranger did not present an attractive prospect to
him。 He felt more than half inclined to drop his five shillings
into his pocket and to go out into the street once more。

〃Is it yes or no?〃 asked the landlord。 〃Settle it as quick as you
can; because there's lots of people wanting a bed at Doncaster
to…night besides you。〃

Arthur looked toward the court and heard the rain falling heavily
in the street outside。 He thought he would ask a question or two
before he rashly decided on leaving the shelter of The Two

〃What sort of man is it who has got the other bed?〃 he inquired。
〃Is he a gentleman? I mean; is he a quiet; well…behaved person?〃

〃The quietest man I ever came across;〃 said the landlord; rubbing
his fat hands stealthily one over the other。 〃As sober as a
judge; and as regular as clock…work in his habits。 It hasn't
struck nine; not ten minutes ago; and he's in his bed already。 I
don't know whether that comes up to your notion of a quiet man:
it goes a long way ahead of mine; I can tell you。〃

〃Is he asleep; do you think?〃 asked Arthur。

〃I know he's asleep;〃 returned the landlord; 〃and; what's more;
he's gone off so fast that I'll warrant you don't wake him。 This
way; sir;〃 said the landlord; speaking over young Holliday's
shoulder; as if he was addressing some new guest who was
approaching the house。

〃Here you are;〃 said Arthur; determined to be beforehand with the
stranger; whoever he might be。 〃I'll take the bed。〃 And he handed
the five shillings to the landlord; who nodded; dropped the money
carelessly into his waistcoat pocket; and lighted a candle。

〃Come up and see the room;〃 said the host of The Two Robins;
leading the way to the staircase quite briskly; considering how
fat he was。

They mounted to the second floor of the house。 The landlord half
opened a door fronting the landing; then stopped; and turned
round to Arthur。

〃It's a fair bargain; mind; on my side as well as on yours;〃 he
said。 〃You give me five shillings; and I give you in return a
clean; comfortable bed; and I warrant; beforehand; that you won't
be interfered with; or annoyed in anyway; by the man who sleeps
in the same room with you。〃 Saying those words; he looked hard;
for a moment; in young Holliday's face; and then led the way into
the room。

It was larger and cleaner than Arthur had expected it would be。
The two beds stood parallel with each other; a space of about six
feet intervening between them。 They were both of the same medium
size; and both had the same plain white curtains; made to draw;
if necessary; all round them。

The occupied bed was the bed nearest the window。 The curtains
were all drawn round it except the half curtain at the bottom; on
the side of the bed furthest from the window。 Arthur saw the feet
of the sleeping man raising the scanty clothes into a sharp
little eminence; as if he was lying flat on his back。 He took the
candle; and advanced softly to draw the curtainstopped half
way; and listened for a momentthen turned to the landlord。

〃He is a very quiet sleeper;〃 said Arthur。 〃Yes;〃 said the
landlord; 〃very quiet。〃 Young Holliday advanced with the candle;
and looked in at the man cautiously。

〃How pale he is;〃 said Arthur。

〃Yes;〃 returned the landlord; 〃pale enough; isn't he?〃

Arthur looked closer at the man。 The bedclothes were drawn up to
his chin; and they lay perfectly still over the region of his
chest。 Surprised and vaguely startled as he noticed this; Arthur
stooped down closer over the stranger; looked at his ashy; parted
lips; listened breathlessly for an instant; looked again at the
strangely still face; and the motionless lips and chest; and
turned round suddenly on the landlord with his own cheeks as pale
for the moment as the hollow cheeks of the man on the bed。

〃Come here;〃 he whispered; under his breath。 〃Come here; for
God's sake! The man's not asleephe is dead。〃

〃You have found that out sooner than I thought you would;〃 said
the landlord; composedly。 〃Yes; he's dead; sure enough。 He died
at five o'clock to…day。〃

〃How did he die? Who is he?〃 asked Arthur; staggered for the
moment by the audacious coolness of the answer。

〃As to who is he;〃 rejoined the landlord; 〃I know no more about
him than you do。 There are his books; and letters; and things all
sealed up in that brown paper parcel for the coroner's inquest to
open to…morrow or next day。 He's b

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