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the queen of hearts-第3节

小说: the queen of hearts 字数: 每页4000字

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the mistress of the school fancied she saw a light under the door
of the bedroom occupied by Jessie and three other girls。 It was
then close on midnight; and; fearing that some case of sudden
illness might have happened; she hastened into the room。 On
opening the door; she discovered; to her horror and amazement;
that all four girls were out of bedwere dressed in
brilliantly…fantastic costumes; representing the four grotesque
〃Queens〃 of Hearts; Diamonds; Spades; and Clubs; familiar to us
all on the pack of cardsand were dancing a quadrille; in which
Jessie sustained the character of The Queen of Hearts。 The next
morning's investigation disclosed that Miss Yelverton had
smuggled the dresses into the school; and had amused herself by
giving an impromptu fancy ball to her companions; in imitation of
an entertainment of the same kind at which she had figured in a
〃court…card〃 quadrille at her aunt's country house。

The dresses were instantly confiscated and the necessary
punishment promptly administered; but the remembrance of Jessie's
extraordinary outrage on bedroom discipline lasted long enough to
become one of the traditions of the school; and she and her
sister…culprits were thenceforth hailed as the 〃queens〃 of the
four 〃suites〃 by their class…companions whenever the mistress's
back was turned; Whatever might have become of the nicknames thus
employed in relation to the other three girls; such a mock title
as The Queen of Hearts was too appropriately descriptive of the
natural charm of Jessie's character; as well as of the adventure
in which she had taken the lead; not to rise naturally to the
lips of every one who knew her。 It followed her to her aunt's
houseit came to be as habitually and familiarly connected with
her; among her friends of all ages; as if it had been formally
inscribed on her baptismal register; and it has stolen its way
into these pages because it falls from my pen naturally and
inevitably; exactly as it often falls from my lips in real life。

When Jessie left school the first difficulty presented itselfin
other words; the necessity arose of fulfilling the conditions of
the will。 At that time I was already settled at The Glen Tower;
and her living six weeks in our dismal solitude and our humdrum
society was; as she herself frankly wrote me word; quite out of
the question。 Fortunately; she had always got on well with her
uncle and his family; so she exerted her liberty of choice; and;
much to her own relief and to mine also; passed her regular six
weeks of probation; year after year; under Mr。 Richard
Yelverton's roof。

During this period I heard of her regularly; sometimes from my
fellow…guardian; sometimes from my son George; who; whenever his
military duties allowed him the opportunity; contrived to see
her; now at her aunt's house; and now at Mr。 Yelverton's。 The
particulars of her character and conduct; which I gleaned in this
way; more than sufficed to convince me that the poor major's plan
for the careful training of his daughter's disposition; though
plausible enough in theory; was little better than a total
failure in practice。 Miss Jessie; to use the expressive common
phrase; took after her aunt。 She was as generous; as impulsive;
as light…hearted; as fond of change; and gayety; and fine
clothesin short; as complete and genuine a woman as Lady
Westwick herself。 It was impossible to reform the 〃Queen of
Hearts;〃 and equally impossible not to love her。 Such; in few
words; was my fellow…guardian's report of his experience of our
handsome young ward。

So the time passed till the year came of which I am now
writingthe ever…memorable year; to England; of the Russian war。
It happened that I had heard less than usual at this period; and
indeed for many months before it; of Jessie and her proceedings。
My son had been ordered out with his regiment to the Crimea in
1854; and had other work in hand now than recording the sayings
and doings of a young lady。 Mr。 Richard Yelverton; who had been
hitherto used to write to me with tolerable regularity; seemed
now; for some reason that I could not conjecture; to have
forgotten my existence。 Ultimately I was reminded of my ward by
one of George's own letters; in which he asked for news of her;
and I wrote at once to Mr。 Yelverton。 The answer that reached me
was written by his wife: he was dangerously ill。 The next letter
that came informed me of his death。 This happened early in the
spring of the year 1855。

I am ashamed to confess it; but the change in my own position was
the first idea that crossed my mind when I read the news of Mr。
Yelverton's death。 I was now left sole guardian; and Jessie
Yelverton wanted a year still of coming of age。

By the next day's post I wrote to her about the altered state of
the relations between us。 She was then on the Continent with her
aunt; having gone abroad at the very beginning of the year。
Consequently; so far as eighteen hundred and fifty…five was
concerned; the condition exacted by the will yet remained to be
performed。 She had still six weeks to passher last six weeks;
seeing that she was now twenty years oldunder the roof of one
of her guardians; and I was now the only guardian left。

In due course of time I received my answer; written on
rose…colored paper; and expressed throughout in a tone of light;
easy; feminine banter; which amused me in spite of myself。 Miss
Jessie; according to her own account; was hesitating; on receipt
of my letter; between two alternativesthe one; of allowing
herself to be buried six weeks in The Glen Tower; the other; of
breaking the condition; giving up the money; and remaining
magnanimously contented with nothing but a life…interest in her
father's property。 At present she inclined decidedly toward
giving up the money and escaping the clutches of 〃the three
horrid old men;〃 but she would let me know again if she happened
to change her mind。 And so; with best love; she would beg to
remain always affectionately mine; as long as she was well out of
my reach。

The summer passed; the autumn came; and I never heard from her
again。 Under ordinary circumstances; this long silence might have
made me feel a little uneasy。 But news reached me about this time
from the Crimea that my son was woundednot dangerously; thank
God; but still severely enough to be  la id upand all my
anxieties were now centered in that direction。 By the beginning
of September; however; I got better accounts of him; and my mind
was made easy enough to let me think of Jessie again。 Just as I
was considering the necessity of writing once more to my
refractory ward; a second letter arrived from her。 She had
returned at last from abroad; had suddenly changed her mind;
suddenly grown sick of society; suddenly become enamored of the
pleasures of retirement; and suddenly found out that the three
horrid old men were three dear old men; and that six weeks'
solitude at The Glen Tower was the luxury; of all others; that
she languished for most。 As a necessary result of this altered
state of things; she would therefore now propose to spend her
allotted six weeks with her guardian。 We might certainly expect
her on the twentieth of September; and she would take the
greatest care to fit herself for our society by arriving in the
lowest possible spirits; and bringing her own sackcloth and ashes
along with her。

The first ordeal to which this alarming letter forced me to
submit was the breaking of the news it contained to my two
brothers。 The disclosure affected them very differently。 Poor
dear Owen merely turned pale; lifted his weak; thin hands in a
panic…stricken manner; and then sat staring at me in speechless
and motionless bewilderment。 Morgan stood up straight before me;
plunged both his hands into his pockets; burst suddenly into the
harshest laugh I ever heard from his lips; and told me; with an
air of triumph; that it was exactly what he expected。

〃What you expected?〃 I repeated; in astonishment。

〃Yes;〃 returned Morgan; with his bitterest emphasis。 〃It doesn't
surprise me in the least。 It's the way things go in this
worldit's the regular moral see…saw of good and evilthe old
story with the old end to it。 They were too happy in the garden
of Edendown comes the serpent and turns them out。 Solomon was
too wisedown comes the Queen of Sheba; and makes a fool of him。
We've been too comfortable at The Glen Towerdown comes a woman;
and sets us all three by the ears together。 All I wonder at is
that it hasn't happened before。〃 With those words Morgan
resignedly took out his pipe; put on his old felt hat and turned
to the door。

〃You're not going away before she comes?〃 exclaimed Owen;
piteously。 〃Don't leave usplease don't leave us!〃

〃Going!〃 cried Morgan; with great contempt。 〃What should I gain
by that? When destiny has found a man out; and heated his
gridiron for him; he has nothing left to do; that I know of; but
to get up and sit on it。〃

I opened my lips to protest against the implied comparison
between a young lady and a hot gridiron; but; before I could
speak; Morgan was gone。

〃Well;〃 I said to Owen; 〃we must make the best of it。 We must
brush up our manners; and set the house tid

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