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the purcell papers-2-第9节

小说: the purcell papers-2 字数: 每页4000字

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made; and held my breath in momentary

expectation of the execration in which he

would vent his surprise and disappointment。

I closed my eyesthere was a

pause; but it was a short one。 I heard

two dull blows; given in rapid succession:

a quivering sigh; and the long…drawn;

heavy breathing of the sleeper was for

ever suspended。 I unclosed my eyes; and

saw the murderer fling the quilt across the

head of his victim: he then; with the

instrument of death still in his hand;

proceeded to the lobby…door; upon which he

tapped sharply twice or thrice。 A quick

step was then heard approaching; and a

voice whispered something from without。

Edward answered; with a kind of chuckle;

'Her ladyship is past complaining; unlock

the door; in the devil's name; unless you're

afraid to come in; and help me to lift the

body out of the window。'

The key was turned in the lockthe

door openedand my uncle entered the


I have told you already that I had

placed myself under the shade of a

projection of the wall; close to the door。 I had

instinctively shrunk down; cowering

towards the ground on the entrance of

Edward through the window。 When my

uncle entered the room he and his son

both stood so very close to me that his

hand was every moment upon the point of

touching my face。 I held my breath; and

remained motionless as death。

'You had no interruption from the next

room?' said my uncle。

'No;' was the brief reply。

'Secure the jewels; Ned; the French

harpy must not lay her claws upon them。

You're a steady hand; by G! not

much bloodeh?'

'Not twenty drops;' replied his son;

'and those on the quilt。'

'I'm glad it's over;' whispered my uncle

again。 'We must lift thethe THING

through the window; and lay the rubbish

over it。'

They then turned to the bedside; and;

winding the bed…clothes round the body;

carried it between them slowly to the

window; and; exchanging a few brief words

with some one below; they shoved it over

the window…sill; and I heard it fall heavily

on the ground underneath。

'I'll take the jewels;' said my uncle;

'there are two caskets in the lower


He proceeded; with an accuracy which;

had I been more at ease; would have

furnished me with matter of astonishment; to

lay his hand upon the very spot where my

jewels lay; and having possessed himself

of them; he called to his son:

'Is the rope made fast above?'

'I'm not a foolto be sure it is;'

replied he。

They then lowered themselves from the

window。 I now rose lightly and cautiously;

scarcely daring to breathe; from my place

of concealment; and was creeping towards

the door; when I heard my cousin's voice;

in a sharp whisper; exclaim: 'Scramble up

again! Gd dn you; you've forgot to

lock the room…door!' and I perceived; by

the straining of the rope which hung from

above; that the mandate was instantly


Not a second was to be lost。 I passed

through the door; which was only closed;

and moved as rapidly as I could; consistently

with stillness; along the lobby。

Before I had gone many yards; I heard

the door through which I had just passed

double…locked on the inside。 I glided

down the stairs in terror; lest; at every

corner; I should meet the murderer or one

of his accomplices。

I reached the hall; and listened for a

moment to ascertain whether all was silent

around; no sound was audible。 The parlour

windows opened on the park; and through

one of them I might; I thought; easily

effect my escape。 Accordingly; I hastily

entered; but; to my consternation; a

candle was burning in the room; and by

its light I saw a figure seated at the

dinner…table; upon which lay glasses;

bottles; and the other accompaniments of

a drinking…party。 Two or three chairs

were placed about the table irregularly; as

if hastily abandoned by their occupants。

A single glance satisfied me that the

figure was that of my French attendant。

She was fast asleep; having probably

drank deeply。 There was something

malignant and ghastly in the calmness of

this bad woman's features; dimly illuminated

as they were by the flickering blaze

of the candle。 A knife lay upon the table;

and the terrible thought struck me

'Should I kill this sleeping accomplice in

the guilt of the murderer; and thus secure

my retreat?'

Nothing could be easierit was but to

draw the blade across her throatthe

work of a second。 An instant's pause;

however; corrected me。 'No;' thought I;

'the God who has conducted me thus far

through the valley of the shadow of death;

will not abandon me now。 I will fall into

their hands; or I will escape hence; but it

shall be free from the stain of blood。 His

will be done。'

I felt a confidence arising from this

reflection; an assurance of protection which

I cannot describe。 There was no other

means of escape; so I advanced; with a

firm step and collected mind; to the

window。 I noiselessly withdrew the bars

and unclosed the shuttersI pushed open

the casement; and; without waiting to look

behind me; I ran with my utmost speed;

scarcely feeling the ground under me; down

the avenue; taking care to keep upon the

grass which bordered it。

I did not for a moment slack my speed;

and I had now gained the centre point

between the park…gate and the mansion…

house。 Here the avenue made a wider

circuit; and in order to avoid delay; I

directed my way across the smooth sward

round which the pathway wound; intending;

at the opposite side of the flat; at a

point which I distinguished by a group of

old birch…trees; to enter again upon the

beaten track; which was from thence

tolerably direct to the gate。

I had; with my utmost speed; got about

half way across this broad flat; when the

rapid treading of a horse's hoofs struck

upon my ear。 My heart swelled in my

bosom as though I would smother。 The

clattering of galloping hoofs approached

I was pursuedthey were now upon the

sward on which I was runningthere was

not a bush or a bramble to shelter me

and; as if to render escape altogether

desperate; the moon; which had hitherto

been obscured; at this moment shone forth

with a broad clear light; which made every

object distinctly visible。

The sounds were now close behind me。

I felt my knees bending under me; with

the sensation which torments one in

dreams。 I reeledI stumbledI fell

and at the same instant the cause of my

alarm wheeled past me at full gallop。 It

was one of the young fillies which

pastured loose about the park; whose

frolics had thus all but maddened me

with terror。 I scrambled to my feet; and

rushed on with weak but rapid steps; my

sportive companion still galloping round

and round me with many a frisk and fling;

until; at length; more dead than alive; I

reached the avenue…gate and crossed the

stile; I scarce knew how。

I ran through the village; in which all was

silent as the grave; until my progress was

arrested by the hoarse voice of a sentinel;

who cried: 'Who goes there?' I felt that

I was now safe。 I turned in the direction

of the voice; and fell fainting at the

soldier's feet。 When I came to myself; I

was sitting in a miserable hovel;

surrounded by strange faces; all bespeaking

curiosity and compassion。

Many soldiers were in it also: indeed;

as I afterwards found; it was employed as

a guard…room by a detachment of troops

quartered for that night in the town。 In

a few words I informed their officer of the

circumstances which had occurred; describing

also the appearance of the persons

engaged in the murder; and he; without

loss of time; proceeded to the mansion…

house of Carrickleigh; taking with him a

party of his men。 But the villains had

discovered their mistake; and had effected

their escape before the arrival of the


The Frenchwoman was; however;

arrested in the neighbourhood upon the next

day。 She was tried and condemned upon

the ensuing assizes; and previous to her

execution; confessed that 'SHE HAD A


had been a housekeeper in the castle at

the time; and a kind of chere amie of my

uncle's。 She was; in reality; able to speak

English like a native; but had exclusively

used the French language; I suppose to

facilitate her disguise。 She died the same

hardened wretch which she had lived;

confessing her crimes only; as she alleged; that

her doing so might involve Sir Arthur

Tn; the great author of her guilt and

misery; and whom she now regarded with

unmitigated detestation。

With the particulars of Sir Arthur's and

his son's escape; as far as they are known;

you are acquainted。 You are also in

possession of their after fatethe terrible; the

tremendous retribution which; after long

delays of many years; finally overtook and


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