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the purcell papers-2-第11节

小说: the purcell papers-2 字数: 每页4000字

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the debt; upon one conditionthat when

I am in possession of this farm; which you

can lease to me on what terms you think

suitable; he will convey over his property

to me; reserving what life…interest may

appear fair; I engaging at the same time

to marry his daughter; and make such

settlements upon her as shall be thought

fittinghe is not a foolthe man will

close with the offer。'

O'Mara turned shortly upon Dwyer;

and gazed upon him for a moment with

an expression of almost unmixed resentment。

'How;' said he at length; 'YOU contract

to marry Ellen Heathcote? the poor;

innocent; confiding; light…hearted girl。

No; no; Edward Dwyer; I know you too

well for thatyour services; be they what

they will; must not; shall not go unrewarded

your avarice shall be appeased

but not with a human sacrifice! Dwyer;

I speak to you without disguise; you

know me to be acquainted with your

history; and what's more; with your

character。 Now tell me frankly; were I

to do as you desire me; in cool blood;

should I not prove myself a more

uncompromising and unfeeling villain than

humanity even in its most monstrous

shapes has ever yet given birth


Dwyer met this impetuous language

with the unmoved and impenetrable calmness

which always marked him when

excitement would have appeared in

others; he even smiled as he replied:

(and Dwyer's smile; for I have seen it;

was characteristically of that unfortunate

kind which implies; as regards the

emotions of others; not sympathy but


'This eloquence goes to prove Ellen

Heathcote something nearer to your heart

than your great indifference would have

led me to suppose。'

There was something in the tone;

perhaps in the truth of the insinuation; which

at once kindled the quick pride and the

anger of O'Mara; and he instantly replied:

'Be silent; sir; this is insolent


Whether it was that Dwyer was more

keenly interested in the success of his suit;

or more deeply disappointed at its failure

than he cared to express; or that he was in

a less complacent mood than was his wont;

it is certain that his countenance expressed

more emotion at this direct insult than it

had ever exhibited before under similar

circumstances; for his eyes gleamed for an

instant with savage and undisguised ferocity

upon the young man; and a dark glow

crossed his brow; and for the moment he

looked about to spring at the throat of his

insolent patron; but the impulse whatever

it might be; was quickly suppressed; and

before O'Mara had time to detect the

scowl; it had vanished。

'Nay; sir;' said Dwyer; 'I meant no

offence; and I will take none; at your

hands at least。 I will confess I care not;

in love and soforth; a single bean for the

girl; she was the mere channel through

which her father's wealth; if such a pittance

deserves the name; was to have flowed into

my possession'twas in respect of your

family finances the most economical

provision for myself which I could devisea

matter in which you; not I; are interested。

As for women; they are all pretty much

alike to me。 I am too old myself to make

nice distinctions; and too ugly to succeed by

Cupid's arts; and when a man despairs of

success; he soon ceases to care for it。 So;

if you know me; as you profess to do; rest

satisfied 〃caeteris paribus;〃 the money part

of the transaction being equally advantageous;

I should regret the loss of Ellen

Heathcote just as little as I should the

escape of a minnow from my landing…net。'

They walked on for a few minutes in

silence; which was not broken till Dwyer;

who had climbed a stile in order to pass a

low stone wall which lay in their way;


'By the rood; she's herehow like a

philosopher you look。〃

The conscious blood mounted to O'Mara's

cheek; he crossed the stile; and; separated

from him only by a slight fence and a gate;

stood the subject of their recent and somewhat

angry discussion。

'God save you; Miss Heathcote;' cried

Dwyer; approaching the gate。

The salutation was cheerfully returned;

and before anything more could pass;

O'Mara had joined the party。

My friend; that you may understand the

strength and depth of those impetuous

passions; that you may account for the

fatal infatuation which led to the catastrophe

which I have to relate; I must tell

you; that though I have seen the beauties

of cities and of courts; with all the splendour

of studied ornament about them to

enhance their graces; possessing charms

which had made them known almost

throughout the world; and worshipped with

the incense of a thousand votaries; yet

never; nowhere did I behold a being of

such exquisite and touching beauty; as

that possessed by the creature of whom I

have just spoken。 At the moment of

which I write; she was standing near the

gate; close to which several brown…armed;

rosy…cheeked damsels were engaged in

milking the peaceful cows; who stood

picturesquely grouped together。 She had

just thrown back the hood which is the

graceful characteristic of the Irish girl's

attire; so that her small and classic head was

quite uncovered; save only by the dark…

brown hair; which with graceful simplicity

was parted above her forehead。 There

was nothing to shade the clearness of her

beautiful complexion; the delicately…formed

features; so exquisite when taken singly; so

indescribable when combined; so purely

artless; yet so meet for all expression。 She

was a thing so very beautiful; you could

not look on her without feeling your heart

touched as by sweet music。 Whose

lightest action was a gracewhose lightest

word a spellno limner's art; though ne'er

so perfect; could shadow forth her beauty;

and do I dare with feeble words try to

make you see it?'1' Providence is indeed

no respecter of persons; its blessings and

its inflictions are apportioned with an

undistinguishing hand; and until the race is

over; and life be done; none can know

whether those perfections; which seemed

its goodliest gifts; many not prove its most

fatal; but enough of this。

'1' Father Purcell seems to have had an admiration

for the beauties of nature; particularly as developed in

the fair sex; a habit of mind which has been rather

improved upon than discontinued by his successors

from Maynooth。ED;

Dwyer strolled carelessly onward by

the banks of the stream; leaving his

young companion leaning over the gate

in close and interesting parlance with

Ellen Heathcote; as he moved on; he

half thought; half uttered words to this


'Insolent young spawn of ingratitude

and guilt; how long must I submit to be

trod upon thus; and yet why should I

murmurhis day is even now declining

and if I live a year; I shall see the

darkness cover him and his for ever。 Scarce

half his broad estates shall save himbut

I must waitI am but a pauper nowa

beggar's accusation is always a libelthey

must reward me soonand were I

independent once; I'd make them feel my

power; and feel it SO; that I should die the

richest or the best avenged servant of a

great man that has ever been heard of

yes; I must waitI must make sure of

something at leastI must be able to

stand by myselfand thenand then'

He clutched his fingers together; as if in

the act of strangling the object of his

hatred。 'But one thing shall save him

but one thing onlyhe shall pay me my

own priceand if he acts liberally; as no

doubt he will do; upon compulsion; why

he saves his reputationperhaps his neck

the insolent young whelp yonder would

speak in an humbler key if he but knew

his father's jeopardybut all in good


He now stood upon the long; steep;

narrow bridge; which crossed the river

close to Carrigvarah; the family mansion

of the O'Maras; he looked back in the

direction in which he had left his

companion; and leaning upon the battlement;

he ruminated long and moodily。 At

length he raised himself and said:

'He loves the girl; and WILL love her

moreI have an opportunity of winning

favour; of doing service; which shall bind

him to me; yes; he shall have the girl; if

I have art to compass the matter。 I must

think upon it。'

He entered the avenue and was soon

lost in the distance。

Days and weeks passed on; and young

O'Mara daily took his rod and net; and

rambled up the river; and scarce twelve

hours elapsed in which some of those

accidents; which invariably bring lovers

together; did not secure him a meeting of

longer or shorter duration; with the

beautiful girl whom he so fatally


One evening; after a long interview with

her; in which he had been almost irresistibly

prompted to declare his love; and

had all but yielded himself up to the

passionate impulse; upon his arrival at

home he found a letter on th

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