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elizabeth and her german garden-第3节

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t I had not enough and that nobody had any to sell me; only six have got their pansies; the others being sown with dwarf mignonette。 Two of the eleven are filled with Marie van Houtte roses; two with Viscountess Folkestone; two with Laurette Messimy; one with Souvenir de la Malmaison; one with Adam and Devoniensis; two with Persian Yellow and Bicolor; and one big bed behind the sun…dial with three sorts of red roses (seventy…two in all); Duke of Teck; Cheshunt Scarlet; and Prefet de Limburg。  This bed is; I am sure; a mistake; and several of the others are; I think; but of course I must wait and see; being such an ignorant person。 Then I have had two long beds made in the grass on either side of the semicircle; each sown with mignonette; and one filled with Marie van Houtte; and the other with Jules Finger and the Bride; and in a warm corner under the drawing…room windows is a bed of Madame Lambard; Madame de Watteville; and Comtesse Riza du Parc; while farther down the garden; sheltered on the north and west by a group of beeches and lilacs; is another large bed; containing Rubens; Madame Joseph Schwartz; and the Hen。  Edith Gifford。 All these roses are dwarf; I have only two standards in the whole garden; two Madame George Bruants; and they look like broomsticks。 How I long for the day when the tea…roses open their buds! Never did I look forward so intensely to anything; and every day I go the rounds; admiring what the dear little things have achieved in the twentyfour hours in the way of new leaf or increase of lovely red shoot。

The hollyhocks and lilies (now flourishing) are still under the south windows in a narrow border on the top of a grass slope; at the foot of which I have sown two long borders of sweetpeas facing the rose beds; so that my roses may have something almost as sweet as themselves to look at until the autumn; when everything is to make place for more tea…roses。 The path leading away from this semicircle down the garden is bordered with China roses; white and pink; with here and there a Persian Yellow。 I wish now I had put tea…roses there; and I have misgivings as to the effect of the Persian Yellows among the Chinas; for the Chinas are such wee little baby things; and the Persian Yellows look as though they intended to be big bushes。

There is not a creature in all this part of the world who could in the least understand with what heart…beatings I am looking forward to the flowering of these roses; and not a German gardening book that does not relegate all tea…roses to hot…houses; imprisoning them for life; and depriving them for ever of the breath of God。 It was no doubt because I was so ignorant that I rushed in where Teutonic angels fear to tread and made my tea…roses face a northern winter; but they did face it under fir branches and leaves; and not one has suffered; and they are looking to…day as happy and as determined to enjoy themselves as any roses; I am sure; in Europe。

May 14th。To…day I am writing on the verandah with the three babies; more persistent than mosquitoes; raging round me; and already several of the thirty fingers have been in the ink…pot and the owners consoled when duty pointed to rebukes。 But who can rebuke such penitent and drooping sunbonnets? I can see nothing but sunbonnets and pinafores and nimble black legs。

These three; their patient nurse; myself; the gardener; and the gardener's assistant; are the only people who ever go into my garden; but then neither are we ever out of it。 The gardener has been here a year and has given me notice regularly on the first of every month; but up to now has been induced to stay on。  On the first of this month he came as usual; and with determination written on every feature told me he intended to go in June; and that nothing should alter his decision。  I don't think he knows much about gardening; but he can at least dig and water; and some of the things he sows come up; and some of the plants he plants grow; besides which he is the most unflaggingly industrious person I ever saw; and has the great merit of never appearing to take the faintest interest in what we do in the garden。 So I have tried to keep him on; not knowing what the next one may be like; and when I asked him what he had to complain of and he replied 〃Nothing;〃 I could only conclude that he has a personal objection to me because of my eccentric preference for plants in groups rather than plants in lines。 Perhaps; too; he does not like the extracts from gardening books I read to him sometimes when he is planting or sowing something new。 Being so helpless myself; I thought it simpler; instead of explaining; to take the book itself out to him and let him have wisdom at its very source; administering it in doses while he worked。 I quite recognise that this must be annoying; and only my anxiety not to lose a whole year through some stupid mistake has given me the courage to do it。  I laugh sometimes behind the book at his disgusted face; and wish we could be photographed; so that I may be reminded in twenty years' time; when the garden is a bower of loveliness and I learned in all its ways; of my first happy struggles and failures。

All through April he was putting the perennials we had sown in the autumn into their permanent places; and all through April he went about with a long piece of string making parallel lines down the borders of beautiful exactitude and arranging the poor plants like soldiers at a review。 Two long borders were done during my absence one day; and when I explained that I should like the third to have plants in groups and not in lines; and that what I wanted was a natural effect with no bare spaces of earth to be seen; he looked even more gloomily hopeless than usual; and on my going out later on to see the result; I found he had planted two long borders down the sides of a straight walk with little lines of five plants in a rowfirst five pinks; and next to them five rockets; and behind the rockets five pinks; and behind the pinks five rockets; and so on with different plants of every sort and size down to the end。 When I protested; he said he had only carried out my orders and had known it would not look well; so I gave in; and the remaining borders were done after the pattern of the first two; and I will have patience and see how they look this summer; before digging them up again; for it becomes beginners to be humble。

If I could only dig and plant myself!  How much easier; besides being so fascinating; to make your own holes exactly where you want them and put in your plants exactly as you choose instead of giving orders that can only be half understood from the moment you depart from the lines laid down by that long piece of string! In the first ecstasy of having a garden all my own; and in my burning impatience to make the waste places blossom like a rose; I did one warm Sunday in last year's April during the servants' dinner hour; doubly secure from the gardener by the day and the dinner; slink out with a spade and a rake and feverishly dig a little piece of ground and break it up and sow surreptitious ipomaea; and run back very hot and guilty into the house; and get into a chair and behind a book and look languid just in time to save my reputation。 And why not?  It is not graceful; and it makes one hot; but it is a blessed sort of work; and if Eve had had a spade in Paradise and known what to do with it; we should not have had all that sad business of the apple。

What a happy woman I am living in a garden; with books; babies; birds; and flowers; and plenty of leisure to enjoy them! Yet my town acquaintances look upon it as imprisonment; and burying; and I don't know what besides; and would rend the air with their shrieks if condemned to such a life。  Sometimes I feel as if I were blest above all my fellows in being able to find my happiness so easily。 I believe I should always be good if the sun always shone; and could enjoy myself very well in Siberia on a fine day。 And what can life in town offer in the way of pleasure to equal the delight of any one of the calm evenings I have had this month sitting alone at the foot of the verandah steps; with the perfume of young larches all about; and the May moon hanging low over the beeches; and the beautiful silence made only more profound in its peace by the croaking of distant frogs and hooting of owls? A cockchafer darting by close to my ear with a loud hum sends a shiver through me; partly of pleasure at the reminder of past summers; and partly of fear lest he should get caught in my hair。 The Man of Wrath says they are pernicious creatures and should be killed。 I would rather get the killing done at the end of the summer and not crush them out of such a pretty world at the very beginning of all the fun。

This has been quite an eventful afternoon。 My eldest baby; born in April; is five years old; and the youngest; born in June; is three; so that the discerning will at once be able to guess the age of the remaining middle or May baby。 While I was stooping over a group of hollyhocks planted on the top of the only thing in the shape of a hill the garden possesses; the April baby; who had been sitting pensive on a tree stump close by; got up suddenly and began to run aimlessly about; shrieking and 

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