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sally dows-第9节

小说: sally dows 字数: 每页4000字

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It was over twenty years ago。  I shall not imperil the effect of
that lovely vision by recalling to the eye of to…day a fashion of
yesterday。  Enough; that it enabled her to set her sweet face and
vapory golden hair in a horseshoe frame of delicate flowers; and to
lift her oval chin out of a bewildering mist of tulle。  Nor did a
certain light polonaise conceal the outlines of her charming
figure。  Even those who were constrained to whisper to each other
that 〃Miss Sally〃 must 〃be now going on twenty…five;〃 did so
because she still carried the slender graces of seventeen。  The
organ swelled as if to welcome her; as she took her seat a ray of
sunlight; that would have been cruel and searching to any other
complexion; drifted across the faint pink of her cheeks; and
nestling in her nebulous hair became itself transfigured。  A few
stained…glass Virtues on the windows did not come out of this
effulgence as triumphantly; and it was small wonder that the
devotional eyes of the worshipers wandered from them to the face
of Sally Dows。

When the service was over; as the congregation filed slowly into
the aisle; Courtland slipped mutely behind her。  As she reached the
porch he said in an undertone:

〃I brought my horse and buggy。  I thought you might possibly allow
me to drive〃  But he was stopped by a distressful knitting of her
golden brows。  〃No;〃 she said quickly; but firmly; 〃you must not
it won't do。〃  As Courtland hesitated in momentary perplexity; she
smiled sweetly: 〃We'll walk round by the cemetery; if you like; it
will take about as long as a drive。〃  Courtland vanished; gave
hurried instructions and a dollar to a lounging negro; and rejoined
Miss Sally as the delighted and proud freedman drove out of the
gate。  Miss Sally heaved a slight sigh as the gallant equipage
passed。  〃It was a mighty pooty turnout; co'nnle; and I'd have just
admired to go; but it would have been rather hard on the other
folks。  There's the Reeds and Maxwells and Robertsons that are too
pooah to keep blood horses; and too proud to ride behind anything
else。  It wouldn't be the right thing for us to go whirling by;
scattering our dust over them。〃  There was something so subtly
pleasant in this implied partnership of responsibility; that
Courtland forgot the abrupt refusal and thought only of the tact
that prompted it。  Nevertheless; here a spell seemed to fall upon
his usually ready speech。  Now that they were together for the
first time in a distinctly social fashion; he found himself
vacantly; meaninglessly silent; content to walk beside this
charming; summery presence; brushed by its delicate draperies;
and inhaling its freshness。  Presently it spoke。

〃It would take more than a thousand feet of lumber to patch up the
cowsheds beyond the Moseley pasture; and an entirely new building
with an improved dairy would require only about two thousand more。
All the old material would come in good for fencing; and could be
used with the new post and rails。  Don't yo' think it would be
better to have an out…and…out new building?〃

〃Yes; certainly;〃 returned Courtland a little confusedly。  He had
not calculated upon this practical conversation; and was the more
disconcerted as they were passing some of the other couples; who
had purposely lingered to overhear them。

〃And;〃 continued the young girl brightly; 〃the freight question is
getting to be a pretty serious one。  Aunt Miranda holds some shares
in the Briggsville branch line; and thinks something could be done
with the directors for a new tariff of charges if she put a
pressure on them; Tyler says that there was some talk of their
reducing it one sixteenth per cent。 before we move this year's

Courtland glanced quickly at his companion's face。  It was grave;
but there was the faintest wrinkling of the corner of the eyelid
nearest him。  〃Had we not better leave these serious questions
until to…morrow?〃 he said; smiling。

Miss Sally opened her eyes demurely。  〃Why; yo' seemed SO quiet; I
reckoned yo' must be full of business this morning; but if yo'
prefer company talk; we'll change the subject。  They say that yo'
and Miss Reed didn't have much trouble to find one last Sunday。
She don't usually talk much; but she keeps up a power of thinking。
I should reckon;〃 she added; suddenly eying him critically; 〃that
yo' and she might have a heap o' things to say to each other。
She's a good deal in yo' fashion; co'nnle; she don't forget; but〃
more slowly〃I don't know that THAT'S altogether the best thing
for YO'!〃

Courtland lifted his eyes with affected consternation。  〃If this is
in the light of another mysterious warning; Miss Dows; I warn you
that my intellect is already tottering with them。  Last Sunday Miss
Reed thrilled me for an hour with superstition and Cassandra…like
prophecy。  Don't things ever happen accidentally here; and without

〃I mean;〃 returned the young lady with her usual practical
directness; 〃that Tave Reed remembers a good many horrid things
about the wah that she ought to forget; but don't。  But;〃 she
continued; looking at him curiously; 〃she allows she was mighty cut
up by her cousin's manner to yo'。〃

〃I am afraid that Miss Reed was more annoyed than I was;〃 said
Courtland。  〃I should be very sorry if she attached any importance
to it;〃 he added earnestly。

〃And YO' don't?〃 continued Miss Sally。

〃No。  Why should I?〃  She noticed; however; that he had slightly
drawn himself up a little more erect; and she smiled as he
continued; 〃I dare say I should feel as he does if I were in his

〃But YO' wouldn't do anything underhanded;〃 she said quietly。  As
he glanced at her quickly she added dryly: 〃Don't trust too much to
people always acting in yo' fashion; co'nnle。  And don't think too
much nor too little of what yo' hear here。  Yo' 're just the kind
of man to make a good many silly enemies; and as many foolish
friends。  And I don't know which will give yo' the most trouble。
Only don't yo' underrate EITHER; or hold yo' head so high; yo'
don't see what's crawlin' around yo'。  That's why; in a copperhead
swamp; a horse is bitten oftener than a hog。〃

She smiled; yet with knitted brows and such a pretty affectation of
concern for her companion that he suddenly took heart。

〃I wish I had ONE friend I could call my own;〃 he said boldly;
looking straight into her eyes。  〃I'd care little for other
friends; and fear no enemies。〃

〃Yo' 're right; co'nnle;〃 she said; ostentatiously slanting her
parasol in a marvelous simulation of hiding a purely imaginative
blush on a cheek that was perfectly infantine in its unchanged
pink; 〃company talk is much pootier than what we've been saying。
Andmeaning mefor I reckon yo' wouldn't say that of any other
girl but the one yo' 're walking withwhat's the matter with me?〃

He could not help smiling; though he hesitated。  〃Nothing! but
others have been disappointed。〃

〃And that bothers YO'?〃

〃I mean I have as yet had no right to put your feelings to any
test; while〃

〃Poor Chet had; yo' were going to say!  Well; here we are at the
cemetery!  I reckoned yo' were bound to get back to the dead again
before we'd gone far; and that's why I thought we might take the
cemetery on our way。  It may put me in a more proper frame of mind
to please yo'。〃

As he raised his eyes he could not repress a slight start。  He had
not noticed before that they had passed through a small gateway on
diverging from the road; and was quite unprepared to find himself
on the edge of a gentle slope leading to a beautiful valley; and
before him a long vista of tombs; white head…stones and low
crosses; edged by drooping cypress and trailing feathery vines。
Some vines had fallen and been caught in long loops from bough to
bough; like funeral garlands; and here and there the tops of
isolated palmettos lifted a cluster of hearse…like plumes。  Yet in
spite of this dominance of sombre but graceful shadow; the drooping
delicacy of dark…tasseled foliage and leafy fringes; and the waving
mourning veils of gray; translucent moss; a glorious vivifying
Southern sun smiled and glittered everywhere as through tears。  The
balm of bay; southernwood; pine; and syringa breathed through the
long alleys; the stimulating scent of roses moved with every
zephyr; and the closer odors of jessamine; honeysuckle; and orange
flowers hung heavily in the hollows。  It seemed to Courtland like
the mourning of beautiful and youthful widowhood; seductive even in
its dissembling trappings; provocative in the contrast of its own
still strong virility。  Everywhere the grass grew thick and
luxuriant; the quick earth was teeming with the germination of the
dead below。

They moved slowly along side by side; speaking only of the beauty
of the spot and the glory of that summer day; which seemed to have
completed its perfection here。  Perhaps from the heat; the
overpowering perfume; or some unsuspected sentiment; the young lady
became presently as silent and preoccupied as her companion。  She
began to linger and loiter behind; hovering like a butterfly over
some flowering shrub or clustered sheaf of lilies; until;
encountered suddenly in her floating draperies; 

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