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sartor resartus-第48节

小说: sartor resartus 字数: 每页4000字

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But; like a generous; creative enthusiast; he fearlessly makes his Idea an Action; shows himself in peculiar guise to mankind; walks forth; a witness and living Martyr to the eternal worth of Clothes。  We called him a Poet: is not his body the (stuffed) parchment…skin whereon he writes; with cunning Huddersfield dyes; a Sonnet to his mistress' eyebrow?  Say; rather; an Epos; and _Clotha Virumque cano_; to the whole world; in Macaronic verses; which he that runs may read。  Nay; if you grant; what seems to be admissible; that the Dandy has a Thinking…principle in him; and some notions of Time and Space; is there not in this life…devotedness to Cloth; in this so willing sacrifice of the Immortal to the Perishable; something (though in reverse order) of that blending and identification of Eternity with Time; which; as we have seen; constitutes the Prophetic character?

And now; for all this perennial Martyrdom; and Poesy; and even Prophecy; what is it that the Dandy asks in return?  Solely; we may say; that you would recognize his existence; would admit him to be a living object; or even failing this; a visual object; or thing that will reflect rays of light。  Your silver or your gold (beyond what the niggardly Law has already secured him) he solicits not; simply the glance of your eyes。  Understand his mystic significance; or altogether miss and misinterpret it; do but look at him; and he is contented。  May we not well cry shame on an ungrateful world; which refuses even this poor boon; which will waste its optic faculty on dried Crocodiles; and Siamese Twins; and over the domestic wonderful wonder of wonders; a live Dandy; glance with hasty indifference; and a scarcely concealed contempt!  Him no Zoologist classes among the Mammalia; no Anatomist dissects with care:  when did we see any injected Preparation of the Dandy in our Museums; any specimen of him preserved in spirits!  Lord Herringbone may dress himself in a snuff…brown suit; with snuff…brown shirt and shoes:  it skills not; the undiscerning public; occupied with grosser wants; passes by regardless on the other side。

The age of Curiosity; like that of Chivalry; is indeed; properly speaking; gone。  Yet perhaps only gone to sleep:  for here arises the Clothes…Philosophy to resuscitate; strangely enough; both the one and the other!  Should sound views of this Science come to prevail; the essential nature of the British Dandy; and the mystic significance that lies in him; cannot always remain hidden under laughable and lamentable hallucination。 The following long Extract from Professor Teufelsdrockh may set the matter; if not in its true light; yet in the way towards such。  It is to be regretted; however; that here; as so often elsewhere; the Professor's keen philosophic perspicacity is somewhat marred by a certain mixture of almost owlish purblindness; or else of some perverse; ineffectual; ironic tendency; our readers shall judge which:

〃In these distracted times;〃 writes he; 〃when the Religious Principle; driven out of most Churches; either lies unseen in the hearts of good men; looking and longing and silently working there towards some new Revelation; or else wanders homeless over the world; like a disembodied soul seeking its terrestrial organization;into how many strange shapes; of Superstition and Fanaticism; does it not tentatively and errantly cast itself!  The higher Enthusiasm of man's nature is for the while without Exponent; yet does it continue indestructible; unweariedly active; and work blindly in the great chaotic deep:  thus Sect after Sect; and Church after Church; bodies itself forth; and melts again into new metamorphosis。

〃Chiefly is this observable in England; which; as the wealthiest and worst…instructed of European nations; offers precisely the elements (of Heat; namely; and of Darkness); in which such moon…calves and monstrosities are best generated。  Among the newer Sects of that country; one of the most notable; and closely connected with our present subject; is that of the _Dandies_; concerning which; what little information I have been able to procure may fitly stand here。

〃It is true; certain of the English Journalists; men generally without sense for the Religious Principle; or judgment for its manifestations; speak; in their brief enigmatic notices; as if this were perhaps rather a Secular Sect; and not a Religious one; nevertheless; to the psychologic eye its devotional and even sacrificial character plainly enough reveals itself。  Whether it belongs to the class of Fetish…worships; or of Hero…worships or Polytheisms; or to what other class; may in the present state of our intelligence remain undecided (_schweben_)。  A certain touch of Manicheism; not indeed in the Gnostic shape; is discernible enough; also (for human Error walks in a cycle; and reappears at intervals) a not…inconsiderable resemblance to that Superstition of the Athos Monks; who by fasting from all nourishment; and looking intensely for a length of time into their own navels; came to discern therein the true Apocalypse of Nature; and Heaven Unveiled。  To my own surmise; it appears as if this Dandiacal Sect were but a new modification; adapted to the new time; of that primeval Superstition; _Self…worship_; which Zerdusht; Quangfoutchee; Mahomet; and others; strove rather to subordinate and restrain than to eradicate; and which only in the purer forms of Religion has been altogether rejected。  Wherefore; if any one chooses to name it revived Ahrimanism; or a new figure of Demon…Worship; I have; so far as is yet visible; no objection。

〃For the rest; these people; animated with the zeal of a new Sect; display courage and perseverance; and what force there is in man's nature; though never so enslaved。  They affect great purity and separatism; distinguish themselves by a particular costume (whereof some notices were given in the earlier part of this Volume); likewise; so far as possible; by a particular speech (apparently some broken _Lingua…franca_; or English…French); and; on the whole; strive to maintain a true Nazarene deportment; and keep themselves unspotted from the world。

〃They have their Temples; whereof the chief; as the Jewish Temple did; stands in their metropolis; and is named _Almack's_; a word of uncertain etymology。  They worship principally by night; and have their High…priests and High…priestesses; who; however; do not continue for life。  The rites; by some supposed to be of the Menadic sort; or perhaps with an Eleusinian or Cabiric character; are held strictly secret。  Nor are Sacred Books wanting to the Sect; these they call _Fashionable Novels_:  however; the Canon is not completed; and some are canonical and others not。

〃Of such Sacred Books I; not without expense; procured myself some samples; and in hope of true insight; and with the zeal which beseems an Inquirer into Clothes; set to interpret and study them。  But wholly to no purpose: that tough faculty of reading; for which the world will not refuse me credit; was here for the first time foiled and set at naught。  In vain that I summoned my whole energies (_mich weidlich anstrengte_); and did my very utmost; at the end of some short space; I was uniformly seized with not so much what I can call a drumming in my ears; as a kind of infinite; unsufferable; Jew's…harping and scrannel…piping there; to which the frightfullest species of Magnetic Sleep soon supervened。  And if I strove to shake this away; and absolutely would not yield; there came a hitherto unfelt sensation; as of _Delirium Tremens_; and a melting into total deliquium:  till at last; by order of the Doctor; dreading ruin to my whole intellectual and bodily faculties; and a general breaking up of the constitution; I reluctantly but determinedly forbore。  Was there some miracle at work here; like those Fire…balls; and supernal and infernal prodigies; which; in the case of the Jewish Mysteries; have also more than once scared back the Alien?  Be this as it may; such failure on my part; after best efforts; must excuse the imperfection of this sketch; altogether incomplete; yet the completest I could give of a Sect too singular to be omitted。

〃Loving my own life and senses as I do; no power shall induce me; as a private individual; to open another _Fashionable Novel_。  But luckily; in this dilemma; comes a hand from the clouds; whereby if not victory; deliverance is held out to me。  Round one of those Book…packages; which the _Stillschweigen'sche Buchhandlung_ is in the habit of importing from England; come; as is usual; various waste printed…sheets (_Maculatur…blatter_); by way of interior wrappage:  into these the Clothes…Philosopher; with a certain Mahometan reverence even for waste…paper; where curious knowledge will sometimes hover; disdains not to cast his eye。  Readers may judge of his astonishment when on such a defaced stray…sheet; probably the outcast fraction of some English Periodical; such as they name _Magazine_; appears something like a Dissertation on this very subject of _Fashionable Novels_!  It sets out; indeed; chiefly from a Secular point of view; directing itself; not without asperity; against some to me unknown individual named _Pelham_; who seems to be a Mystagogue; and leading Teacher and Preacher of the

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