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sartor resartus-第47节

小说: sartor resartus 字数: 每页4000字

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Shadow。  Thus; like some wild…flaming; wild…thundering train of Heaven's Artillery; does this mysterious MANKIND thunder and flame; in long…drawn; quick…succeeding grandeur; through the unknown Deep。  Thus; like a God…created; fire…breathing Spirit…host; we emerge from the Inane; haste stormfully across the astonished Earth; then plunge again into the Inane。  Earth's mountains are levelled; and her seas filled up; in our passage:  can the Earth; which is but dead and a vision; resist Spirits which have reality and are alive?  On the hardest adamant some footprint of us is stamped in; the last Rear of the host will read traces of the earliest Van。  But whence?O Heaven whither?  Sense knows not; Faith knows not; only that it is through Mystery to Mystery; from God and to God。

                        'We _are such stuff_      As Dreams are made of; and our little Life      Is rounded with a sleep!'〃


Here; then; arises the so momentous question:  Have many British Readers actually arrived with us at the new promised country; is the Philosophy of Clothes now at last opening around them?  Long and adventurous has the journey been:  from those outmost vulgar; palpable Woollen Hulls of Man; through his wondrous Flesh…Garments; and his wondrous Social Garnitures; inwards to the Garments of his very Soul's Soul; to Time and Space themselves!  And now does the spiritual; eternal Essence of Man; and of Mankind; bared of such wrappages; begin in any measure to reveal itself? Can many readers discern; as through a glass darkly; in huge wavering outlines; some primeval rudiments of Man's Being; what is changeable divided from what is unchangeable?  Does that Earth…Spirit's speech in _Faust_;

     〃'Tis thus at the roaring Loom of Time I ply;      And weave for God the Garment thou seest Him by; 〃

or that other thousand…times repeated speech of the Magician; Shakespeare;

     〃And like the baseless fabric of this vision;      The cloud…capt Towers; the gorgeous Palaces;      The solemn Temples; the great Globe itself;      And all which it inherit; shall dissolve;      And like this unsubstantial pageant faded;      Leave not a wrack behind;〃

begin to have some meaning for us?  In a word; do we at length stand safe in the far region of Poetic Creation and Palingenesia; where that Phoenix Death…Birth of Human Society; and of all Human Things; appears possible; is seen to be inevitable?

Along this most insufficient; unheard…of Bridge; which the Editor; by Heaven's blessing; has now seen himself enabled to conclude if not complete; it cannot be his sober calculation; but only his fond hope; that many have travelled without accident。  No firm arch; overspanning the Impassable with paved highway; could the Editor construct; only; as was said; some zigzag series of rafts floating tumultuously thereon。  Alas; and the leaps from raft to raft were too often of a breakneck character; the darkness; the nature of the element; all was against us!

Nevertheless; may not here and there one of a thousand; provided with a discursiveness of intellect rare in our day; have cleared the passage; in spite of all?  Happy few! little band of Friends! be welcome; be of courage。  By degrees; the eye grows accustomed to its new Whereabout; the hand can stretch itself forth to work there:  it is in this grand and indeed highest work of Palingenesia that ye shall labor; each according to ability。  New laborers will arrive; new Bridges will be built; nay; may not our own poor rope…and…raft Bridge; in your passings and repassings; be mended in many a point; till it grow quite firm; passable even for the halt?

Meanwhile; of the innumerable multitude that started with us; joyous and full of hope; where now is the innumerable remainder; whom we see no longer by our side?  The most have recoiled; and stand gazing afar off; in unsympathetic astonishment; at our career:  not a few; pressing forward with more courage; have missed footing; or leaped short; and now swim weltering in the Chaos…flood; some towards this shore; some towards that。 To these also a helping hand should be held out; at least some word of encouragement be said。

Or; to speak without metaphor; with which mode of utterance Teufelsdrockh unhappily has somewhat infected us; can it be hidden from the Editor that many a British Reader sits reading quite bewildered in head; and afflicted rather than instructed by the present Work?  Yes; long ago has many a British Reader been; as now; demanding with something like a snarl: Whereto does all this lead; or what use is in it?

In the way of replenishing thy purse; or otherwise aiding thy digestive faculty; O British Reader; it leads to nothing; and there is no use in it; but rather the reverse; for it costs thee somewhat。  Nevertheless; if through this unpromising Horn…gate; Teufelsdrockh; and we by means of him; have led thee into the true Land of Dreams; and through the Clothes…Screen; as through a magical _Pierre…Pertuis_; thou lookest; even for moments; into the region of the Wonderful; and seest and feelest that thy daily life is girt with Wonder; and based on Wonder; and thy very blankets and breeches are Miracles; then art thou profited beyond money's worth; and hast a thankfulness towards our Professor; nay; perhaps in many a literary Tea…circle wilt open thy kind lips; and audibly express that same。

Nay farther; art not thou too perhaps by this time made aware that all Symbols are properly Clothes; that all Forms whereby Spirit manifests itself to sense; whether outwardly or in the imagination; are Clothes; and thus not only the parchment Magna Charta; which a Tailor was nigh cutting into measures; but the Pomp and Authority of Law; the sacredness of Majesty; and all inferior Worships (Worth…ships) are properly a Vesture and Raiment; and the Thirty…nine Articles themselves are articles of wearing…apparel (for the Religious Idea)?  In which case; must it not also be admitted that this Science of Clothes is a high one; and may with infinitely deeper study on thy part yield richer fruit:  that it takes scientific rank beside Codification; and Political Economy; and the Theory of the British Constitution; nay rather; from its prophetic height looks down on all these; as on so many weaving…shops and spinning…mills; where the Vestures which _it_ has to fashion; and consecrate; and distribute; are; too often by haggard hungry operatives who see no farther than their nose; mechanically woven and spun?

But omitting all this; much more all that concerns Natural Supernaturalism; and indeed whatever has reference to the Ulterior or Transcendental portion of the Science; or bears never so remotely on that promised Volume of the _Palingenesie der menschlichen Gesellschaft_ (Newbirth of Society);we humbly suggest that no province of Clothes…Philosophy; even the lowest; is without its direct value; but that innumerable inferences of a practical nature may be drawn therefrom。  To say nothing of those pregnant considerations; ethical; political; symbolical; which crowd on the Clothes…Philosopher from the very threshold of his Science; nothing even of those 〃architectural ideas;〃 which; as we have seen; lurk at the bottom of all Modes; and will one day; better unfolding themselves; lead to important revolutions;let us glance for a moment; and with the faintest light of Clothes…Philosophy; on what may be called the Habilatory Class of our fellow…men。  Here too overlooking; where so much were to be looked on; the million spinners; weavers; fullers; dyers; washers; and wringers; that puddle and muddle in their dark recesses; to make us Clothes; and die that we may live;let us but turn the reader's attention upon two small divisions of mankind; who; like moths; may be regarded as Cloth…animals; creatures that live; move and have their being in Cloth:  we mean; Dandies and Tailors。

In regard to both which small divisions it may be asserted without scruple; that the public feeling; unenlightened by Philosophy; is at fault; and even that the dictates of humanity are violated。  As will perhaps abundantly appear to readers of the two following Chapters。


First; touching Dandies; let us consider; with some scientific strictness; what a Dandy specially is。  A Dandy is a Clothes…wearing Man; a Man whose trade; office and existence consists in the wearing of Clothes。  Every faculty of his soul; spirit; purse and person is heroically consecrated to this one object; the wearing of Clothes wisely and well:  so that as others dress to live; he lives to dress。  The all…importance of Clothes; which a German Professor; of unequalled learning and acumen; writes his enormous Volume to demonstrate; has sprung up in the intellect of the Dandy without effort; like an instinct of genius; he is inspired with Cloth; a Poet of Cloth。  What Teufelsdrockh would call a 〃Divine Idea of Cloth〃 is born with him; and this; like other such Ideas; will express itself outwardly; or wring his heart asunder with unutterable throes。

But; like a generous; creative enthusiast; he fearlessly makes his Idea an Action; shows himself in peculiar guise to mankind; walks forth; a witness and living Martyr to the eternal worth of

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